
Questionable Guide to Life
Questionable Tales of Adventure: Spaghetti Side Story
Season 2, Ep. 9
Clementine is joined by Kwam The Goblin, Neighbor Craig and famed Cat Lawyer Joey Spaghetti in a quick episode that's more like a mental flashbang.
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13. Crapitalism: A Questionable Fake Advertising Show
19:29||Season 2, Ep. 13Finally, the boys bring you the fabled fake ad episode. Buckle up.Find us on Twitter @QGuidePod! Cast Credits Below!Skits written and sound engineered by Landon WhisnantAnathema Written, Produced and Voiced byBill SymonsCast:Fuentes:Jonathan FuentesDon Chipetto (Joey Spaghetti's Client) Richard Flaps, Disapproving Father, Angry Person 1:Jonny SchwentnerBroom, Ford Announcer, Tank Top, Clementine, Oswald, Astronaut, Stan Sigmund, Inspector:Landon WhisnantJoey Spaghetti, the US Government Narrator, Scooter, Hungry Man, Anathema Narrator:Bill Symons12. Democra-Tics: A Questionable News Show
13:10||Season 2, Ep. 12Democra-Tics is a satirical news show centering on the absurd. Tune in to hear from Babe Holdup and Chet Dickins.If you liked this, you can let us know on twitter!Twitter:@QGuidePodor Contact us at QuestionableGuideCast@gmail.com11. Questionable Tales of the Magic Mafia
20:39||Season 2, Ep. 11Clementine stumbles upon a mob boss hamster and his underboss, who, hypothetically, fill him in on how money is laundered through a magical school.These podcast episodes are completely improvised! If you'd like to participate or ask Clementine any questions, see below!Find us on twitter! @QGuidePodorEmail us @ QuestionableGuideCast@Gmail.com10. A Questionable Guide to The Voices In Your Head
52:10||Season 2, Ep. 10Clementine interviews his favorite chef, Cookin Guy, while accompanied by Beggar #3 and one of the creators of the orb. Afterwards, Jonny, Tanner and Landon discuss their methods for finding voices, and the absurdity of the desire to play small characters.Contact us if you have any interest in voice work, or participating in Questionable Tales!QuestionableGuideCast@Gmail.comClick here for our twitter!@QGuidePod8. Questionable Tales of Adventure
24:09||Season 2, Ep. 8In this completely improvised Audio Fiction style Podcast, Clementine the Alchemist interviews a group of dude bro elves, much to the dismay of his roommate, Barbarian Teddy.Find us on Twitter @QGuidePodCast:Dude Bro Elves: Tanner Hopps, Landon Whisnant, Jonny Schwentner, Bill SymonsTeddy: Jonny SchwentnerClementine: Landon WhisnantTorn Bladeskill: Bill SymonsSound Design: Landon Whisnant7. A Questionable Guide to Community
46:46||Season 2, Ep. 7Jonny and Landon call their friends and establish several questionable businesses in the process. Two Daddies makes an appearance.Chase's GoFundMeour twitter!5. A Questionable Guide to Shitting the Tub (With TobinsTalkingShit)
02:38:43||Season 2, Ep. 5On this multi-award winning episode, Paul and Chris Tobin write their entries to the guide by talking to Jonny and Landon about bathtub shits, motivations in podcasting, Clerks III push-up guy, people being dicks, the potential rivalry between podcasts if the episode goes wrong, oh, and fighting cats with grenade launcher turrets.You can find the TobinsTalkingShit Podcast here!TobinsTalking TwitterQGuide TwitterOur Kinguin Link! Get an additional 12% off with product code BLACKFRIDAY12Our Youtube4. A Questionable Guide to Goldfish Villains (With Bill Symons!)
01:53:21||Season 2, Ep. 4The boys are joined by Bill Symons in an episode that is, frankly, quite a lot. We cover catastrophes linked to one Goldfish at one point. Also Jared Leto, Voice Acting, Audio Dramas, Obama's last name, and a cavalcade of other messes that you come here to hear about.Our Youtube:Los Espookys PlaysLos Espookys Plays TwitterAudio Dramas recommended in this episode:SCP ArchivesMargaret's GardenLake ClarityOld Gods of AppalachiaThe Sandman