On this show we dive into learning about sexual confidence and how to spice up the bedroom life and relationships! I bring on various guests from all walks of sexual life to engage in confident conversations while answer
Join me and my guest Sunshine winner of "Thick House" as we talk about her journey as a natural, thick, and curvylicious black woman in a world full of surgeries and implants. We talk about our insecurities during childhood, life as a thick woman, and Sunshine shares with us her first experience in college being approached by. a man with an "opportunity". Want to learn more about my guest? Follow her on instagram for inspiration and to see how she continuously pushes her own envelopes and embraces who she is. Thick AF and proud! @the_sunshi9e
Want to hear what you are in for with Your Sex Your Rules podcast? You are all in for a real treat. This season will be hitting the ground running and bringing on a versatile group of different guests to help expand your bedroom mind and horizons. This is the podcast that tells it like it is and pushing the envelope.