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WTF! Walk The Floors Podcast- All Things Hospitality Training

Hospitality Inspection Secrets: Deep Dive Back of House

Season 3, Ep. 118

Michele Kline and Stephanie Leger share tips and tricks related to hotel back-of-the-house inspections.

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Michèle Kline

Stephanie Leger

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Michèle Kline

Stephanie Leger

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  • 125. Motherhood in Hospitality - Mother's Day Special

    Step into the world of motherhood with our latest podcast episode, where we explore the beautiful yet complex journey of being a mom. Join Michele Kline and Stephanie Leger as they delve into the challenges faced by women due to societal pressures, workplace demands, and personal expectations within the context of family life. In this episode, they had the pleasure of hosting two incredible guests, Melissa Aarskaug and Lauryn Reynolds, who bring their firsthand experiences and expert insights to the table. Together, they highlight the unique dynamics of balancing motherhood with a career in hospitality—an industry that thrives on personal interactions. We uncover strategies for managing the anxieties and guilt that often accompany this juggling act, especially for new moms. While experts suggest that "having it all" may not be feasible, we believe that with effective organization and a supportive network, women can achieve remarkable success in both realms. It's about making intentional choices and finding our voice amidst the chaos. Together, let's challenge traditional notions of motherhood and embrace the messy, authentic realities that make this journey so profound. GuestsMelissa Aarskaug Reynolds usWebsite https://www.wtfwalkthefloors.comLinkedIn with the hosts on LinkedInMichèle Kline Leger Company LinksMichèle Kline Leger
  • 124. Check it before you wreck it (Hotel Inspection)

    Join Michele Kline & Stephanie Leger for an engaging podcast episode where they delve into the intriguing world of hotel inspections! In this latest episode, they'll take you behind the scenes of a recent inspection, sharing invaluable insights and tools that ensure top-notch guest experiences. From the mantra "Check yourself before u wreck yourself" to the innovative use of technology, meticulous signage, impeccably styled employee uniforms, and more, we explore the key elements that make or break a hotel's reputation. Whether you're a hospitality professional, a curious traveler, or simply interested in the inner workings of the industry, this episode promises eye-opening discussions and practical takeaways. TFollow usWebsite https://www.wtfwalkthefloors.comLinkedIn with the hosts on LinkedInMichèle Kline Leger Company LinksMichèle Kline Leger
  • 123. When a Restaurant Experience Turns Bad (Part II)

    In the realm of hospitality, where every detail contributes to the guest experience, the trifecta of ambiance, communication, and service quality reigns supreme.From the moment guests step through the doors of a restaurant, they expect a seamless journey characterized by attentive service, transparent billing processes, and a dining experience tailored to their needs.However, a misstep in any of these areas can quickly sour the experience, leaving patrons disillusioned and tarnishing the restaurant's reputation. Billing discrepancies, failure to accommodate special requests, inconsistency in service standards, and negative interactions with staff members all have the potential to mar an otherwise delightful dining outing.Therefore, it is imperative for restaurants to prioritize guest satisfaction, swiftly addressing any issues that arise to safeguard their reputation and foster a culture of excellence.Follow usWebsite https://www.wtfwalkthefloors.comLinkedIn with the hosts on LinkedInMichèle Kline Leger Company LinksMichèle Kline Leger
  • 122. Training Back of the House Team Members in Customer Service

    In the bustling world of hospitality, where the success of a business hinges on the seamless orchestration of front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house operations, clear communication channels serve as the lifeblood of efficiency and customer satisfaction.By establishing transparent pathways for dialogue between these two crucial realms, businesses can navigate challenges with finesse and cultivate an environment conducive to exceptional service.Moreover, instilling a profound understanding of the direct impact of their roles on the overall customer experience empowers back-of-the-house staff to elevate their performance beyond the confines of their kitchen or workspace.Through regular training, feedback, and recognition, businesses can nurture a culture of excellence, ensuring that every member of the team is motivated and equipped to deliver nothing short of excellence in customer service.Follow usWebsite https://www.wtfwalkthefloors.comLinkedIn with the hosts on LinkedInMichèle Kline Leger Company LinksMichèle Kline Leger
  • 121. When a Restaurant Experience Turns Bad

    The latest trends show that a restaurant experience can go bad due to poor service, subpar food quality, cleanliness issues, and lackluster ambiance. In our latest episode, Michele Kline and Stephanie Leger delve into the reasons behind these trends and how they can be avoided.Follow usWebsite https://www.wtfwalkthefloors.comLinkedIn with the hosts on LinkedInMichèle Kline Leger Company LinksMichèle Kline Leger
  • 120. Marketing in Hospitality (with Susan Barry at Hive Marketing)

    On this episode, Susan Barry, from Hive Marketing walks co-hosts Michele Kline and Stephanie Leger through an outside of the box way of looking at marketing in the hospitality industry. In which ways are you thinking outside of the box when it comes to marketing solutions? GuestSusan Barry Marketing Floor usWebsite https://www.wtfwalkthefloors.comLinkedIn with the hosts on LinkedInMichèle Kline Leger Company LinksMichèle Kline Leger
  • 119. Train Back of the House Team Member on Hospitality Customer Service

    Training back-of-the-house hospitality professionals on customer service is crucial for the success of any establishment. From kitchen staff to housekeeping, each role plays a vital part in creating a positive guest experience. Tailored training programs that recognize their unique responsibilities are essential. It's important to understand the specific needs and challenges that back-of-the-house staff face regarding customer interactions. By providing them with the necessary tools and skills, we can ensure that they are equipped to deliver exceptional service every time. Follow usWebsite https://www.wtfwalkthefloors.comLinkedIn with the hosts on LinkedInMichèle Kline Leger Company LinksMichèle Kline Leger
  • 117. Rating Hospitality Digital Worthiness (with Khaled Koubaa at At Worthy)

    In this episode, we are joined by Khaled Koubaa, Founder of At Worthy, who uncovered an intriguing new method for rating hotels based on their digital transformation efforts. As we all know, technology is the future and it seems like that future is already here. It's fascinating to see how hotels are embracing digital transformation and utilizing technology to enhance their guest experience. Check out the episode to learn more! GuestKhaled Koubaa Worthy usWebsite https://www.wtfwalkthefloors.comLinkedIn with the hosts on LinkedInMichèle Kline Leger Company LinksMichèle Kline Leger