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Women Inseparable

Follow The Spirit ~ Holy Spirit Q&A Week 3

Season 12, Ep. 47

I pray today's discussion will resonate with you. In short, Prayer is always and only between you and God the Father through the access of the Holy Spirit of God. Intentionally speaking, when we initiate a prayer request to the Father's heart, we are engaging in prayer. And when we allow the Holy Spirit to direct our prayers (praying for the things He brings to our hearts and minds), then we are praying in the Spirit. Our Lord does the work, every time. Remember: We are co-laborers with Christ. May this truth begin in our continuous conversation with our Lord God.

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  • 8. Women Inseparable | United in His Knowledge | Stand in Truth, Ch.8

    33:49||Season 16, Ep. 8
    1 Corinthians 8Here is a breath of renewal and strength, of identity and freedom, of newness and power—which is exactly what Jesus offers to us. It is exactly what Jesus desires to offer to the person beside you—wherever that may be. Therefore, Paul says, couple your knowledge of freedom with love.
  • 58. Follow the Spirit ~ Are You Bewitched?

    17:33||Season 12, Ep. 58
    Do we have the Spirit by works or by hearing with Faith? This is our question upon salvation, and it is our question day after day, moment after moment, growth upon growth. Pay attention to whom you are listening. What is the purpose behind your works -- make sure your heart follows Jesus. It is easy to lead others astray when you are not following the Holy Spirit.
  • 7. Women Inseparable / As You Are, Contentedly / Stand in Truth, Ch.7

    34:06||Season 16, Ep. 7
    1 Corinthians 7Satan’s first presence on earth was with the intent of separating man from God and man from his wife. Why? What is in marriage that is a personal attack on Satan? Why does he hate it so desperately? Because the image of marriage is a beautiful symbolism of our personal relationship with God Almighty through the love displayed by Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary.
  • 57. Follow the Spirit ~ Beauty & You

    20:32||Season 12, Ep. 57
    The Spirit graciously opens our eyes to behold life through the lens of eternity rather than the earthly lens we know all too well. Insert the question of earthly beauty. How are we to behold earthly beauty through the lens of eternity? Scripture answers this questions so sweetly and without judgment. I greatly appreciated how the Lord covered my personal responses with His!
  • 6. Women Inseparable / The Place of Judgment / Stand in Truth, Ch.6

    35:45||Season 16, Ep. 6
    1 Corinthians 6To settle a dispute among yourselves is honorable; and, friend, it is attainable. The presence of Jesus in your heart, the Spirit alive within you, and God on His Throne will help you. May we purpose—each and every day, every moment—to recall these three truths. May we etch them in our minds, write them on our mirrors, post them on our screens. Jesus is here. The Spirit is here. God is here. See it. Feel it. Walk in it. Speak in it. Respond in it. Be the evidence of it. Not because you are faking and trying to but because He is, and you are His. Proceed in His presence day by day, moment by moment, victory by victory, strength by strength; and then breathe.
  • 56. Follow the Spirit ~ Who are you Serving?

    20:17||Season 12, Ep. 56
    Gail shared a personal self evaluation: "Am I serving the Lord or am I serving Women Inseparable?" We had a vulnerable conversation as self evaluation happened, unscripted. If today is the last day you get to serve the Lord as you know it today, then what would your tomorrow look like? Always remember: God will be with you wherever He sends you. A specific ministry isn't the identity of your relationship with God.
  • 5. Women Inseparable / The Time of Judgment / Stand in Truth, Ch.5

    32:48||Season 16, Ep. 5
    1 Corinthians 5When we utilize judgment as a tool of protection toward the body of Christ, we do not apply this in the same manner as casting stones of judgment. We must see the difference. If we don’t, we might completely negate the love of Jesus spilled out on the cross. He died for all. He conquered sin for all. He rose again for all. But not everyone knows that. It is our sweet opportunity as the eyes that see Jesus to bring the blind to Christ. How does a child of God proclaim the freedom from sin while we sit in the mud with a Christian who refuses to get out of the mud? It is counterproductive.
  • 55. Follow the Spirit ~ Coat vs Vest

    24:11||Season 12, Ep. 55
    Join us as the Lord leads us to share some personal examples as to what this Truth looks like at our table.
  • 4. Women Inseparable / The Heart of Judgment / Stand in Truth, Ch.4

    34:04||Season 16, Ep. 4
    1 Corinthians 4If we remember who we are, and our hands are busy building upon that firm Foundation, then there is no finger space to hold or throw those condemning stones of judgment. Yet, we do. Paul declares, I am not the Judge, for “I do not even judge myself…It is the Lord who judges me.” How free to claim this truth as a woman in society today. No longer would we condemn our appearances or actions, our decisions as a wife or as a mom, or how we worship or what we wear to church. We are free from self-judgment. Therefore, we are free to no longer compare ourselves to one another. God is our Judge, and our Judge loves each of us where we are.