
Wine 101
Wine And Climate Change Part II: Historical Climate Change Among The Vines
Season 5, Ep. 53
Take a step back and look at historical climate-changing events and their effect on the grapevines.
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Barolo's Other Acronym: MGA
18:36|The MGA system in Barolo is fairly new and maybe a bit confusing, but it has a cool historical background. Let's dial in on the MGAsPSA: It's Your Wine Style
17:40|In a time of constant, rapid-fire information the wine space online can be dizzying. In this episode, I address some of them and allay any confusion.Wine And Climate Change Part V: Pests And Disease
14:36|We wrap up the Climate Change and wine series with a look at pest migration and disease threats58. Wine And Climate Change Part IV: Climate Change And Wine Quality
18:40||Season 5, Ep. 58Now that we have a sense of climate's influence on the grapevine and wine, let's look at how climate change could do the same.57. Wine in Transition: Looking Forward and Reflecting on the Past: Part III
24:34||Season 5, Ep. 57I’m not only the host of Wine 101. I am also the tasting director of Vinepair, where my colleague Hannah and I taste hundreds of wines throughout the year. We then publish our favorites on the site. In the episode, I run through some of these lists and highlight some amazing wines. Wine is doing fine.56. Wine in Transition: Looking Forward Reflecting on the Past: Part II
28:32||Season 5, Ep. 56Continuing with the holiday vibes let's talk about visiting US wine country in 202555. Wine in Transition: Looking Forward and Reflecting on the Past: Part I
18:54||Season 5, Ep. 55Taking a quick break from the norm for the holidays and riffing on what I have experienced in wine this year.54. Wine And Climate Change Part III: Climate And Wine Quality
17:39||Season 5, Ep. 54Let's take a step back and talk about just how climate effect the quality of wine.