
cover art for AMA: My climate activist son needs your help!

Wild with Sarah Wilson

AMA: My climate activist son needs your help!

Ep. 125

This week’s question comes from concerned mum Emma, but it’s one that is cropping up a lot - What to do about the burden young people are shouldering in the face of a crumbling world? Emma is worried her 16-year-old activist son is taking on too much and she’s worried about his climate anxiety.

Research shows one-third of young people have sought counselling or medical help for eco-anxiety. However, my answer to Emma and her son takes a different direction. What if kids are pissed off and we, the adults, are projecting OUR anxiety (and shame?) onto them? I also cover my recent warm jacket purchase and why it is so very not French-fashionable.


I mention in this rant the previous Wild podcast episodes with Meg Wheatley and Paul Hawken and the one with Margaret Klein Salamon.

We will continue the conversation over at my Substack if you’d like to join. It’s here you can also post another AMA question for me.

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  • 172. GREG LUKIANOFF: Cancel culture – the *non-hysterical* reason why we should be very worried

    Greg Lukianoff (New York Times best-selling author, attorney) co-wrote the blockbuster The Coddling of the American Mind, which argued we were failing young people by rendering them fragile victims. Then, 10 days after October 7, he came out with the first book to comprehensively track the rise of cancel culture -The Canceling of the American Mind. Greg, who’s also CEO of FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expressions) and I talk through the confused aetiology of cancel culture and free speech, why the debate has been weaponised by both the Left and Right and he also outlines a bunch of solutions for parents wishing to raise kids who won’t buy into it. I am far from a free speech absolutist and take issue with America’s obsession with the First Amendment, but the subject fascinates me because it exposes so many other fault lines in our society that need to be understood urgently. SHOW NOTESYou can learn more about FIRE hereSubscribe to Greg's SubstackGreg's new book The Canceling of the American Mind is available now--If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8
  • 171. JENNY ODELL: How to *not* save time (and *creatively* reject the productive, growth imperative!)

    Jenny Odell (NYT bestseller, artist) wrote a bestselling book five years ago that Barack Obama declared one of his “books of the year”. “How to Do Nothing” stuck two fingers up to the productivity industry. Jenny followed it up with the recently published, “Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond The Clock” that argues the original problem is our framing of time as a bunch of units we own, spend, must be efficient with etc. In this chat, Jenny explains that how we relate to time is our choice and she – fascinatingly – shows how radically rejecting our current take on time (and the productivity bro’ efficiency hacks) can help us navigate climate dread, the capitalist trap and our collective sense of disconnect.SHOW NOTESJenny's book, Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond the Clock is available nowConnect with Jenny on Instagram and keep up to date via her website--If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8
  • 170. AMA: Sarah, what's your take on dating apps?

    OK, this week is a kind of personal and also sociological muse-fest (from someone who's been on ALL the apps since shortly after the last ice age). I cover how I first went on the apps in 2010 (and share what I wrote about it at the time), about my experiences on Raya and, yes, on the latest app people are talking about, Feeld. I had to drop my shame for this one. However, I include a bunch of sociological perspectives and reflections some of you might find useful (and very familiar).Note, I’m making the Substack version of this episode free for everyone. Over there you can find all the links to the articles I reference.--If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8
  • 169. FRANK OSTASESKI: How to live fully when it feels like so much is dying

    Frank Ostaseski (Buddhist; end-of-life teacher; elder) helps people die best. He has accompanied over 1,000 people through the dying process and trained thousands of healthcare clinicians and family caregivers around the world. He was also a lecturer at Harvard Medical School and has taught at Google and Apple Inc., has been honoured by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and appeared on Oprah and Sam Harris’ Making Sense podcast. I asked Frank to join me to talk through his book, The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully.Death, grief and loss are always with us, but I feel we are needing moral and spiritual guidance more than ever (every 6-12 months or so I try to cover this issue on Wild, generally aligning with a dialling up in world events). In this chat Frank and I talk through simple techniques for coping with the loss we’re feeling watching the carnage in Gaza, witnessing climate destruction and polarisation.SHOW NOTESGet hold of The Five InvitationsHere’s Frank Ostaseski's website where you can find a bunch of resourcesYou might like to listen to the interview I did with death walker Stephen JenkinsonAnd this conversation with Clancy Martin about grief and suicideAs well as my glorious chat with Sister Helen Prejean and the other death row episode with Devin Moss--If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8
  • 168. AMA: BONUS menopause questions answered, plus my BIG announcement

    I need to give everyone here a bunch of updates…Plus, the BONUS video episode I promised with Dr Louise Newson is now live. Louise answers your questions about libido, whether to take HRT, how to manage menopause when you have Hashimotos etc, you can find it here.SHOW NOTESHere’s the Wild chat about perimenopause and menopause with Dr Louise Newson from earlier this week.Here’s more information about my news…(hint: a new book which you can be part of, STARTING NEXT WEEK).--If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8
  • 167. DR LOUISE NEWSON: A wild chat about menopause

    Dr Louise Newson (British GP; hormone specialist) is regarded as the “medic who kickstarted the menopause revolution”. For two decades women have been denied treatment for a debilitating condition that affects more than half the population, thanks to one (faulty) study that linked hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to cancer. Louise has been on a mission to undo the damage and educate women on their real choices.In this chat, I try to cover off what every woman I know is asking right now:Is HRT safe or not?How do I weigh up the risks and benefits?How do I know which hormone, how much and when?Are there Big Pharma interests at play?Do I need to take it if I’m healthy?And, Is it just me or has perimenopause and menopause got worse for this generation?NOTE: The next episode is a follow-up, where I get Louise to answer the granular, intimate menopause questions posed by the Substack community! Don’t miss it.SHOW NOTESTo connect with Louise, and to check out her resources on menopause and peri-menopause, follow this linkYou can download Louise's Balance app here Get hold of her books hereAnd here’s that New York Times article on menopause--If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8
  • 166. AMA: What is the best gear to pack for a minimalist camping trip?

    Today’s question is one I always love answering…what do I stuff into my backpack, and what backpack do I actually use (ditto hiking shoes, tent, gear etc)? I do a show and tell for this one, so the video version over at Substack probably makes sense. I throw in some minimalist hacks, too.SHOW NOTESJoin the conversation over on Substack and post your own Ask Me Anything hereBook your one-on-one with me here---If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8
  • 165. PARAG KHANNA: Where should we move to as climate collapses?

    Parag Khanna (climate migration expert; AI founder) is a global strategist who forecasts human movement around the world and has a company, Climate Alpha, that predicts real estate values based on exposure to climate risk. He’s also recently published a book - MOVE: The Forces Uprooting Us  - that details how billions of us will be migrating, and living nomadically, within this century.Parag has been named one of Esquire's "75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century" and featured in Wired magazine's "Smart List" and has written several books on empires, global order, the future of conflict and migration… you get the drift. As fertility declines and large slabs of the planet go underwater or become too hot and too uninsurable (in a property sense), we’re left to ask, where in the world should we live? And, should we bother “investing” in real estate anymore? Parag answers both, plus how we should be future-proofing our kids and why the best place to live is where the young people are flocking.SHOW NOTESVisit Parag's website to learn more and find all his books hereCatch up on my recent episode on Doughnut Economics with Kate RaworthHere’s the Substack post I wrote explaining fertility collapse where you can also post further questions you might have. And here’s the AMA episode I did on buying real estate in 2024.--If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8
  • 164. AMA: What is hypergamy? And explain why older women are dating younger men

    In today’s AMA, I cover an intriguing phenomenon in male-female dynamics playing out in the dark, twisted underworld that is dating culture - hypergamy. The phenomenon that has existed for eons whereby women date/marry “up” in educational status, income, age, height etc and men tend to partner “down”. Where does this sit today with a generation dating online? Plus, does it explain (or not) why some older women partner with younger men? I explain how I’ve been tracking this phenomenon for exactly 20 years, through “man droughts”, the “baby bonus”, Sex and the City tropes and more.SHOW NOTESJoin the conversation over on Substack and post your own Ask Me Anything here.I mentioned my Gaza post over on Substack, you can read it here ---If you need to know a bit more about me… head to my "about" pageFor more such conversations subscribe to my Substack newsletter, it’s where I interact the most!Get your copy of my book, This One Wild and Precious LifeLet’s connect on Instagram and WeAre8