
cover art for Make It Rain, Adolf

Why Would You Tell Me That?

Make It Rain, Adolf

Season 8, Ep. 5

This one is going to sound odd, but that’s because it is.

Economist, author and broadcaster David McWilliams pops into Why Would You Tell Me That? towers and explains the bizarre story of why Hitler wanted to drop money from planes all over the UK. Find out just how far the plan got and what happened to the notes produced.

And to whet your money appetite, the lads look at some of some other financial shenanigans in part 1. Fancy buying a US state for $7 million, anyone?

To listen to Dave on the radio, check out

To see Neil on tour, check out

Order David's book (not to be confused with Dave's book) here

Order Dave's book (not to be confused with David's book) here


Presented and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave Moore

Edited by Eimear Shannon and Nicky Ryan

Music by Dave Moore

Artwork by Ray McDonnell

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  • 3. Dancing Yourself To Death

    59:00||Season 9, Ep. 3
    You know yourself: another day, another session of rhythmically driving yourself to the grave.Neil explains to Dave just how this exact phenomenon occurred and Dave talks us through the weirdest car names in history. What exactly is a Mysterious Utility Wizard and where would one get one? To listen to Dave on the radio, check out To see Neil on tour, check Sources: Presented and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave MooreEdited by Nicky RyanMusic by Dave MooreArtwork by Ray McDonnell
  • 2. Mice Do CPR!

    39:37||Season 9, Ep. 2
    In the second episode of this new (dare we say improved?!?) format, Neil tells us about Gino D’Acampo’s problems (no, not those ones) and also how nice mice are. Dave tells us about horseradish, passing by an ass and how he just doesn’t care. It doesn’t make much sense, so you’d better just listen!To listen to Dave on the radio, check out see Neil on tour, check out and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave MooreEdited by Nicky RyanMusic by Dave MooreArtwork by Ray McDonnell
  • 1. The Zoo's Most Expensive Animal

    47:52||Season 9, Ep. 1
    The lads are back with a slight amendment. Series 9 sees the two reprobates just talking to one another and not roping in a distinguished but often confused expert to put up with their nonsense.In this episode’s fact-off, Dave explains which animal in the zoo is by far the most expensive to keep, and Neil responds by walking us through the story of the oldest name in the world.They also delve into just what Dave will do for sponsorship money. It will come as a surprise to no-one that he’s prepared to do an awful lot of weird stuff for cash.This may become a theme that will run and run.To listen to Dave on the radio, check out see Neil on tour, check out and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave MooreEdited by Nicky RyanMusic by Dave MooreArtwork by Ray McDonnell
  • 10. Whatchamacallit?!?

    59:40||Season 8, Ep. 10
    In this episode, we unearth the reasons we say Gizmo, Thingamajig or Whatchamacalit with Ursula Kania, Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Liverpool! If you think those words are good, wait till you hear the Russian and Dutch versions! Oh, and in part 1, Dave introduces us to a Finnish phrase that we didn’t know we needed but we do because how else could you describe “bouncy cushion satisfaction”?!?We also reached the incredible milestone of 1,000,000 listens to our little podcast and that makes us so happy and feel so grateful to all of you for listening. Massive thanks to everyone who has made it happen, Eimear, Nicky, Cathal, Willie, Hannah, Jen and so many others along the way. Here’s to another million!To listen to Dave on the radio check out To see Neil on tour check out Dave's book here Presented and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave MooreEdited by Eimear Shannon and Nicky RyanMusic by Dave MooreArtwork by Ray McDonnell
  • 9. Nuns' Brains In Jars

    53:22||Season 8, Ep. 9
    This week, the lads cover the amazing story of why there are 700 nuns’ brains in jars in the US. Clinician and author, Dr Daniel Nightingale talks them through the detailed studies that have been conducted on the organs and what they tell us about dementia and ‘cognitive reserve’.If that’s not enough, Neil blows Dave’s mind with the fact that the easternmost point and the westernmost point of the USA are only about 70 miles from one another. And, as it’s nearly Christmas, we’ll throw in some chat about mining bird droppings too. Can’t say fairer than that. To listen to Dave on the radio check out To see Neil on tour check out Daniel on YouTube here Dave's book here Sources: Presented and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave MooreEdited by Eimear Shannon and Nicky RyanMusic by Dave MooreArtwork by Ray McDonnell
  • 8. The David Attenborough of Tea Cups!

    55:09||Season 8, Ep. 8
    Where does Dave find these people? Instagram, mostly. That’s where he came across curator, consultant, antiques expert and historian, Steven Moore. He can tell us about many things, but his love of tea cups is today’s chosen topic and he more than delivers! We learn more than we ever needed to know about the fascinating history of tea’s best friend, biscuits! Also, Neil’s Deliveroo pun may be his finest moment yet!To listen to Dave on the radio, check out see Neil on tour, check out Steven on Instagram here Dave's book here and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave MooreEdited by Eimear Shannon and Nicky RyanMusic by Dave MooreArtwork by Ray McDonnell
  • 7. The Big Irish Head On You

    52:39||Season 8, Ep. 7
    This week, the lads concentrate on ‘big Irish heads’ with Dr Ian Miller, historian and author of A History of Ireland in 10 Body Parts.The book, as you might imagine, covers a plethora of noteworthy limbs, but even a zoom in on just our noggins informs Neil and Dave about some wonderful tidbits. Can a Iron Age bog body really be wearing hair gel? (Spoiler: Yes he can).To listen to Dave on the radio, check out see Neil on tour, check out Ian's book here Dave's book here and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave MooreEdited by Eimear Shannon and Nicky RyanMusic by Dave MooreArtwork by Ray McDonnell
  • 6. The Queue-rious Science of Queuing!

    01:00:22||Season 8, Ep. 6
    Dave is trying to change our perception of everyday things again. Last season, it was menus and this time it’s queueing! Did you know there’s a very precise science behind waiting in line? Well, in well-designed queuing, anyway.Brett Little, the People Movement Lead for Arup in the UK will tell us all about the Disney Queue, bottom-filling pints and why there is sometimes karaoke after rugby games. Also, what do Carly Rae Jepsen, the French croquet team and Vinny Jones have in common? You’ll find out when you hit play!To listen to Dave on the radio, check out see Neil on tour, check out out more about Brett's work here Dave's book here and Produced by Neil Delamere and Dave MooreEdited by Eimear Shannon and Nicky RyanMusic by Dave MooreArtwork by Ray McDonnell