Whole Millennial

Whole Millennial is a Catalytic Innovation Hub for the Entrepreneurial Education Ecosystem. We cover Equitable Economic Empowerment to ensure our people achieve financial freedom so they can build generational wealth and leave a legendary legacy for their family and community. It's time for schools to stop mass producing fear imbedded employees, and give young adults the knowledge and skills they need to achieve career success and wholistic liberation. Unlock Your Purpose and Be Fulfilled!

Donovan Colquitt

I am the founder of OmniKey Education, a Christian STEM Entrepreneurial Education institute for enhancing college access and career success for minoritized students. I authored “The Scholar’s Key: How You Can Unlock Your Dreams as a Teen,” which I wrote during my senior year of high school after winning $1.25 million in scholarships. As a graduate of Purdue University, my research in Engineering Education investigated my African American Male experiences as a student leader in the undergraduate engineering program at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.