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When life gets in the way. How can we find hope again?

Grief and spring

Season 1, Ep. 6

Today I want to share a short extra episode about spring or summer and grief These times of year can be a bit extra hard after a loss. Feelings of loneliness or feeling left out can become more obvious and painful. We might see couples walking hand in hand and their happy eyes and laughter can make us feel excluded from life according to the expected norms for the season. Spring and summer might of course also wake up feelings that can be positive and filled with hopeful expectations, but it can also be that feelings that have been hidden away during winter make themself heard when defrosting in your heart. Thus it risks being an emotional and stressful period of time which can be very hard to relate to.

I wish you welcome to listen to this episode.

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  • 1. Experiencing the weakening of someone you love

    30:17||Season 2, Ep. 1
    Courage doesn’t always roar.Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying-I will try again tomorrow.(M-A Radmacher)I was thrown to the floor several times by the fact that the person I loved most in the world got cancer.First time when I was a teenager and then again and again.Not having a dad around to contact or talk to, nor having any siblings, made it feel like my situation was quite vulnerable. I was carrying my feelings alone and I felt lonely. I did have friends and good friends but how do you talk about these kinds of things? I couldn't anyway.I hope you will find recognition and energy in listening to this episode about the process of losing someone we love. We need to support each other during these painful life changes and processes.This pod cast has a new instagram account with the same name. I would be happy to hear from you by dm or in comments. Welcome to listen and follow.
  • 9. Grief and Communication

    20:55||Season 1, Ep. 9
    Sometimes I hear that the worst thing is silence. A silence that seems to signal that what has happened is not important, even though it is.We want to support, but how can we say and how do we ask?It is difficult to know how to behave and to approach the situation both for the affected person and people in the environment. It might even happen that no one says anything to the affected person. There is a risk that grieving people don’t get the support they need; it might lack time, routine and knowledge.  A loss is urgent, a crisis. But it is also long term, since the crisis can transfer into grief which can last for a long time, maybe forever. In grief there are different feelings such as difficulty understanding, lack of control, anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, powerlessness, longing, chaos and many more. When our feelings and thoughts don’t get confirmed or expressed there is a risk that they get stuck inside the body.We cannot heal grief, we can not demand that from ourselves. We just need to be there and not leave, confirm and let the person talk if he or she wants to or maybe just sit together in silence. That can also be a kind of communication; just being there without wordsThis podcast now has an instagram account and a new web site. I hope you want to follow me there.
  • 8. Grief recovery

    21:24||Season 1, Ep. 8
    Early in life we learn that getting things creates happiness and a good life. We learn how to get and achieve things, but we don’t know what to do when we lose them.It is important to be able to heal our hearts when they are broken. It is not about broken brains and that means that only theoretical comments are not helpful. I give you a few examples of those: Don’t be sad, you can have more kids.Buy a new dogDon’t be sad. It will be better next time.These kinds of comments are said in all kindness by people who mean well. It is correct intellectually, but it is often not relevant when it comes to healing the broken heart. This might create frustration and make us run away from the feelings. Maybe we think that our feelings are wrong and not normal and we might start isolating them, hiding them away in our backpacks where they will continue to take energy. We might say that we are well, smile, pretend for family and friends in order not to make them worried. So, What do I actually mean by grief recovery? The method means that you take control over the effect of what you have experienced, instead of letting it take control over you and your life. It means finding a new meaning, keeping the good memories, allowing yourself to be sad or other feelings you might have, talking about it regardless of how other people react, because you are in a safe place, doing grief recovery individually or in a small safe group with a certified grief coach.   It means getting tools to meet losses and grief. We know that life doesn’t come with any guarantees, but grief recovery gives knowledge and freedom to move on and has a positive impact on the ability to find happiness again. A processed or unprocessed past might determine your future. I am so happy that you want to listen to this episode and follow my podcast.The podcast now has a new website where you find all the episodes.
  • 7. Moving houses, confronting memories

    31:32||Season 1, Ep. 7
    In this episode I will talk about what I have been going through lately or am going through currently. Confronting all the memories. Suddenly old chapters in life come back. Things like a letter, a diary, a photo or a garment have made me reminisce of old times. Strong symbols for past times which have really shaken me. I have cried, smiled to myself, investigated my feelings as well as laughed at old memories and admired beautiful things. In all, a roller-caster of emotions from different life-chapters.
  • 5. Grief and achievement

    20:39||Season 1, Ep. 5
    “How tired I am, no more energy, my body is heavy,my brain will not focus or cannot think. I want to but cannot remember things right now. I am grieving.”(Unknown author)After a loss we often think that we ought to get back to work, school and other places as soon as possible.Agreements vary from workplace to workplace regarding how long you are allowed to stay home. Often we want to be good, get back into our routines again but it can be hard to know how much we can handle.Welcome to this episode. I hope you want to follow my podcast as well as my istagramaccount @radurasorg.griefcoachPlease share this episode to help spread knowledge about grief and loss. Thank You!
  • 4. Myths about grief

    25:35||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Welcome to a new episode,Today I talk about how hard it can be to talk about grief and painful situations, both for the one affected but also for the ones around, trying to support. Many of the expectations about handling grief in society are so common that I think that everyone recognizes them. But what do these expressions actually signal?-Don't be sad!-Don't cry!-Be strong!-Buy a new dog!How might different expressions affect a grieving person, and what can we say instead to support?
  • 3. Reactions to grief

    20:51||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Grief is the normal and natural reaction to a serious loss of any kind. Grief is one of our strongest feelings which can show through both emotional, cognitive, physical and behavioural reactions.There is no model for how to react, even if we sometimes would want one. Everyone's grief is unique and there are no rights or wrongs. In this episode I talk about different reactions to grief and loss and I hope that it will be helpful for you who are in a painful situation right now, as well as for you who are supporting a person in grief.Welcome to listen.Länk till Patreon:
  • 2. Grief and time

    23:29||Season 1, Ep. 2
    "Sometimes the world changes and it will never be the same"Always remember that grief is a natural reaction to loss. Each grief and loss is individual as well as time to heal. In this episode I talk about grief and time from my own experiences as well as from my role as a certified grief coach.I hope you want to listen..