What's Securin'?

  • Working in Cyber Security: The Skills Gap, Recruitment and Diversity

    This week we give you an insight on what it's like to work in cyber security, the technology skills gap and tips on how to start your career in the best industry (we’re bias). Plus, our team will be sharing their first-hand experiences of the recruitment process and diversity in the industry. Want to hear more? Listen to our last podcasts called 'The Myriad of Detection and Response Acronyms' by clicking here or delve further into this topic by watching our webinar 'Your Essential Guide to Understanding EPP, EDR, MDR, XDR, SIEM & SOAR' here. If you're enjoying our podcast, don't forget to follow, rate and share your thoughts - we are always happy to hear what listeners think of the content we discuss. For more information on our cyber security services or to ask any questions, please contact us at moreinfo@dataconnect.co.uk or call 01423 425 498.
  • The Myriad of Detection and Response Acronyms

    Right now, there’s a lot of buzz in the security industry around detection and response technologies and associated services. In this podcast, we will talk about EPP, EDR, NDR, MDR, XDR, SIEM and SOAR technologies. Want to find out more? We recently hosted a webinar expanding on this topic sharing what needs to be considered in the decision-making process, what questions to ask vendors, common mistakes and how to close the gaps between solutions. Click here to watch the 30min webinar.Contact moreinfo@dataconnect.co.uk with any questions.
  • Being Real With Cyber Security: The Implications of Emerging Apps

    ‘It’s Time to BeReal’. Today we’re joined by a colleague, Georgia, to talk about the popular app BeReal and its security implications when used at work and why user awareness is so important. Email us at moreinfo@dataconnect.co.uk with any questions or for any more information about our services. 
  • The Basics: Phishing for Bait

    Don’t let hackers catch the phish! On today’s episode we discuss the process of phishing, and the types of techniques cyber criminals are using to try and catch employees out. Contact us on moreinfo@dataconnect.co.uk for more information or to ask our experts your cyber security questions. 
  • Pen Testing - Compliance or Improvement?

    Some of us need them, most of us get them but are you getting enough value from your penetration tests? This week take our technical tour of the types of pen tests available and find out about a different approach to pen testing. Don’t forget to email us any of your questions at moreinfo@dataconnect.co.uk.
  • Deep Dive: Cyber Essentials and Updates

    Here we go again... continuing our discussion on Cyber Essentials but with a focus on the technical aspects of Cyber Essentials Plus and looking at the 2023 updates to the scheme. Email us your cyber security questions and we’ll put them to our team of experts at moreinfo@dataconnect.co.uk. If you would like to find out more about this year's update, please get in contact or watch our most recent webinar.
  • Cyber Essentials Demystified

    It's here... Episode 1 of What's Securin'? and we're kicking off with all things Cyber Essentials. We look at what it is, why its becoming more prominent and the benefits.We'd love your feedback and welcome any suggestions of security topics you'd like us to discuss. Get in contact at moreinfo@dataconnect.co.uk.
  • Ey-Up: A Warm Welcome from Yorkshire

    On this podcast, we dive deep into the cyber security issues that we see organisations facing every day. What's Securin'? brought to you by Data Connect, providing end to end cyber security services.Contact us on moreinfo@dataconnect.co.uk