
On Wednesdays We Wear Black
Which songs belong on the perfect halloween playlist
Ep. 140
This week Yasmine and Sophie try to create the perfect halloween playlist and it is an absolute mess! If you are stuck for a costume they could give you all the ideas
Give us a follow:
IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod
IG/Twitter: @iamsophiek
Tiktok: @iamsophiekx
IG: @yasminesumman
Twitter/TikTok: @yasminesummanx
Special thanks to:
Nova Twins for the intro/outro music
Wargasm for the screams
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209. The Weirdest Band Merch EVER! Ft Kiss, Tool and Ghost
33:43||Ep. 209This week we look at the most bizarre, weird and hilarious items of band merch. What is the weirdest you have bought?Follow us:IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams208. OUTRAGEOUS Things Bands Requested On Their Rider
24:20||Ep. 208This week Sophie and Yasmine delve into the depths of tour rider requests. Why did Van Halen request all the brown M&Ms and Foos request vegetable soup for all their roadies.Follow us:IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams207. Scene News January 2025 ft Nova Twins, SYSC and Weezer
21:11||Ep. 207This week Sophie and Yas dive into the news of the Warped line up and whether well meaning fans are taking it too far. Plus new releases from Architects, Nova Twins, Bury Tomorrow and moreIG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams206. This episode will make you feel old: Things turning 30/25/20/10 this year ft Bring Me The Horizon, Fall Out Boy and Limp Bizkit
40:24||Ep. 206This week we celebrate some rock anniversaries that will make you feel super nostalgic 🖤 IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams205. Reddit AITA including a guy whose girlfriend wants him to throw away band merch
37:52||Ep. 205This weeks Reddit Dilemmas include a man whose girlfriend is pushing him to give away band merchGive us a follow: IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams204. All Hail Amy Lee
25:29||Ep. 204Amy Lee is a queen who deserves more appreciation so this week we break down why!Give us a follow: IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams203. Your Words Of Wisdom - Perfect Motivation For 2025
35:20||Ep. 203This week we read out your words of wisdom and its clear you have been to therapy in 2024. This is the perfect motivation to start the new year.Give us a follow: IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams202. Make an alternative playlist - The best releases of 2024
23:13||Ep. 202Give us a follow: IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams201. AITA Rock And Metal Dilemmas - Ft emo posters and a teenage rebel
40:40||Ep. 201Lets solve the problems of random people on Reddit, the question is are they the a$$hole?Give us a follow: IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams