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14. Asterix: Obelix and co.
01:32:44||Ep. 14In the very first listener recommended episodes Sleeves and Galactosh come over all French and delve into an absolute classic of the Bande dessinée genre... join us as we visit 50 BC and the one small village of of indomitable Gauls still holding out against the Roman invasion in... Asterix: Obelix and Co. A book that take satirical sideways glance at the capitalism, economics and adverting that's as relevant now as it was in the 1970s. CreditsAsterix created by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo Creative talent: René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo Hosts: Galactosh and SleevesEditing and production: Galactosh and SleevesEpisode art: Albert Uderzo Music and stings: The VidiprinterLogo art: willnotcompute
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13. Batman Three Jokers
01:54:16||Ep. 13Welcome back and happy New Year comic fans. Join your heroes, Sleeves and Galactosh, as they start 2025 by delving into the murky world of Gotham and it's most jovial antagonist, the Joker, as they read Batman Three Jokers. Tacking such questions as... Why are there three jokers? Can you really do a book based on one line in a crossover event? Can a comic be very long and very short at the same time? How many times can a book trample on a classic? Can the boys get through this episode without mentioning The Killing Joke? (of course they can't). Find out the answer to these questions and more the latest fun packed episode of We've Got Back Issues! CreditsBatman created by Bob Kane and Bill FingerThe Joker created by Bob Kane, Bill Finger and Jerry RobinsonCreative talent: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok and Brad AndersonHosts: Galactosh and SleevesEditing and production: Galactosh and SleevesEpisode art: Jason Fabok and Brad AndersonMusic and stings: The VidiprinterLogo art: willnotcompute12. Holidays, Hawkguys and Hulk guys!
01:39:27||Ep. 12Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas and welcome too the first annual We've Got Back Issues Holiday Special! Where all faiths and denominations are catered for provided you enjoy a bit of festive cheer! To celebrate the season of goodwill to all men the two men of this podcast, Sleeves and Galactosh, examine... a couple of men! The Marvel variety! Firstly we check in with Hawkeye or should we say Hawkguy? looking at the TWO Holiday issues during Matt Faction's much celebrated run on the character. You 'll love it bro... or is it dog? Secondly we look at The Incredible Hulk #378 where we find the Hulk, in grey format, cracking wise and engaging in a festive punch-up with the unlikeliest of department store Santas... the Rhino! Talking of Father Christmas, the big fella himself drops down our chimney and empties his sack all over your heroes... his mail sack that is! It's time for some of your listener letters!CreditsHawkeye created by Stan Lee and Don Heck The Hulk created by Stan Lee and Jack KirbyCreative talent: Matt Fraction and David Aja, Peter David and Bill JaaskaHosts: Galactosh and SleevesEditing and production: Galactosh and SleevesEpisode art: David Aja, Bill Jaaska and willnotcomputeMusic and stings: The VidiprinterLogo art: willnotcompute11. X-men: God Loves, Man Kills
01:41:35||Ep. 11Welcome back, friends. In this months instalment your heroes travel back in time some 40 years to read a book that seems so strangely familiar it could have been written last week. Join Sleeves and Galactosh as they discover a world of religious intolerance, unease of the different and persecution of the rights of minority groups. Where powerful people grab hold of the growing fears of the public for their own political gain. That's right... we're talking X-men! Why do Collossus and Nightcrawler's accents go temporarily missing? Why does Galactosh think he can do a Werner Herzog impression? Just how many fake out deaths and cliffhangers can a writer get away with? The joys of perfect foreshadowing and endless influences on the movies await, as we discuss... X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills.CreditsX-men created by Stan Lee and Jack KirbyCreative talent: Christopher Claremont and Brent Eric AndersonHosts: Galactosh and SleevesEditing and production: Galactosh and SleevesEpisode art: Brent Eric AndersonMusic and stings: The VidiprinterLogo art: willnotcompute10. Afterlife with Archie #1-5
01:44:33||Ep. 10Greetings, listener. This time, the We've Got Back issues boys have come over all... peculiar. Stepping into the pits of hell itself to bring you this months instalment. Ever wondered what would happen should a teenage witch go rogue? Well, your hosts did and dived into the afterlife, an Afterlife with Archie. Join Sleeves and Galactosh as they peer into the end of the world as Archie knows it to find answers to the infernal questions of.. why does jughead wear a crown? Who are all these characters? How did no one notice a zombie plague starting? To what lengths would a rich guy go to stop a predator. And should Archie be on some kind of register? Join your heroes as they break into the old spooky graveyard to investigate Afterlife with Archie. Oh and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! CreditsArchie created by John L. Goldwater, Bob Montana and Vic BloomCreative talent: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco FrancavillaHosts: Galactosh and SleevesEditing and production: Galactosh and SleevesEpisode art: Francesco FrancavillaMusic and stings: The VidiprinterLogo art: willnotcompute9. Star Wars Dark Empire
02:34:43||Ep. 9Sleeves and Galactosh return and this time it's war.... Star War. It was a dark time for George Lucas. Star Wars has been on the wane in the public consciousness for years, a near decade after the last film, finally there is new Star Wars! Catch up with your podcasting heroes as they trawl through the last great hope for the galaxy and Star Wars as they read Dark Horse's Star Wars: Dark Empire.Have you ever wondered what Han and Leia got up to after Endor? Are Lando and Wedge a team-up made in heaven? Have you ever wanted a star wars story that revolves around Luke in which he barely does anything? Do Ewoks ever leave Endor? All these questions were just too much for your boys alone, so they had to call in reinforcements. Enter Michael Quinntesson to save the day. Find out what they think on your latest installment of We've got back issues.CreditsStar Wars created by George LucasCreative talent: Tom Veitch and Cam KennedyHosts: Galactosh, Sleeves and Michael QuintessonEditing and production: Galactosh and SleevesEpisode art: Dave DormanMusic and stings: The VidiprinterLogo art: willnotcompute8. Deathmate
02:05:13||Ep. 8This month Sleeves and Galactosh travel back to the mid-ninties and examine what was almost the end of comics! Two relatively new upstarts fresh on the comic publishers block, Valiant Comics and Image Comics, collide in the crossover you never knew you didn't want! Now known in infamy as Deathmate. Messy incoherent plot? check. Hordes of derivative characters you've never heard of? Yup. Overhyped beyond what they could possibly deliver? Uh-huh. Poorly planned and crippled by delays? You betcha! An aftermath that sent shock waves through the industry and likely caused the closure of comic book stores? Sadly yes. An unmitigated disaster? Well.. that is what one of the creators called it.Join your courageous hosts as they try their best to enjoy this endeavour. Will they work out who the characters are and what's going on? What is it with all the adverts? Does Rob Liefield like snorkeling too much? Will they work out the punny title before the end of the podcast? Listen and learn the answers to all these questions and more as they revisit the car crash of a crossover that was Deathmate.CreditsDeathmate is a crossover between Image Comics and Valiant ComicsCreative talent: VariousHosts: Galactosh and SleevesEditing and production: Galactosh and SleevesEpisode art: Jim Lee and Bob LaytonMusic and stings: The VidiprinterLogo art: willnotcompute