
We Regret To Inform You: The Rejection Podcast
Rejecting Johnny Unitas
Season 4, Ep. 14
Johnny Unitas is one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history. But once upon a time, the boy with the big hands and the golden arm was 6’1 and 140 pounds. He was told he was too "slight" to play high school football. He was rejected by Notre Dame. He was drafted, then cut from the Pittsburgh Steelers. He was told he’d never make it in the NFL. Join us as we tell Johnny-U’s incredible story – from pile driving to the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
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20. The Reflection Podcast, 2024
25:02||Season 5, Ep. 20We regret to inform you that today marks the final episode of our fifth season. So, we thought we’d do a little call back to season one. This week, Sidney and Terry answer some of your questions. Like – why did we start this podcast? What’s our connection to each other outside the show? And is there a situation in which someone *should* give up? Thanks for tuning in all these years. We’ll meet you right back here soon for Season Six.19. Rejecting Eddy Goldfarb
34:13||Season 5, Ep. 19You may not know the name Eddy Goldfarb, but you know his work. Goldfarb is the inventor behind over 800 toys and games – including Kerplunk, the "Yakity-Yak" wind-up Chattering Teeth, the Bubble Gun and Stompers. His incredible career has spanned eight decades. But before selling his first toy, Goldfarb was rejected. Over and over again. Then he made one very bad business deal. It’s quite the story. Hope you’ll join us.18. Short Stories: Rejecting No Doubt & Chappell Roan
37:58||Season 5, Ep. 18This week, it’s pop rock debut rejections. We look at the stories of No Doubt – who rose to superstardom in the late ‘90s, and Chappell Roan – who was born in the late ‘90s. Both known for blending genres – both rejected by their own record labels – both persevered through it all. Hope you’ll join us.Ask Us Anything:Record a Question.Tweet or DM us. Email us: hello@apostrophepodcasts.ca17. Rejecting Ellen DeGeneres, Part 2
32:42||Season 5, Ep. 17In Part Two of our Rejecting Ellen DeGeneres episode, DeGeneres reads a shocking headline in the trades, Oprah Winfrey and Laura Dern take career hits, and DeGeneres learns to just keep swimming.Ask Us Anything:Record a Question.Tweet or DM us. Email us: hello@apostrophepodcasts.ca16. Rejecting Ellen DeGeneres
30:03||Season 5, Ep. 16Ellen DeGeneres has 34 Emmy Awards and a Presidential Medal of Freedom to her name. Her talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, ran for nearly 20 years. But back in 1997, DeGeneres was starring in the sitcom Ellen, when she made a historic decision: to come out as gay. Making DeGeneres the first openly gay star of a television show. But what came next, not even her critics could have predicted.You might think you know this story, but take a listen. You may just learn something new. Hope you'll join us.Ask Us Anything:Record a Question.Tweet or DM us. Email us: hello@apostrophepodcasts.ca15. Meet The Worst Podcast
37:16||Season 5, Ep. 15This week, we’re excited to share a brand-new podcast we think you'll enjoy. From our friends over at Canadaland, meet The Worst Podcast.Hosted by award-winning filmmaker (and noted curmudgeon) Alan Zweig, The Worst Podcast is Canadaland’s first celebrity interview pod. Zweig finds typical celebrity interviews surface-level and predictable, so he found a solution: conversations with notable guests about the worst things in life. Rejection, anyone?In this episode, Zweig sits down with Ron MacLean. Find The Worst Podcast wherever you’re listening right now.Ask Us Anything:Record a Question.Tweet or DM us. Email us: hello@apostrophepodcasts.ca14. Rejecting A Wrinkle In Time
32:21||Season 5, Ep. 14A Wrinkle In Time has sold 16 million copies worldwide. Time Magazine named it one of the 100 best fantasy books ever written, and the 1962 bestseller is still in print today. But when established author Madeleine L’Engle first pitched the novel to publishers, she was told it was too…strange. 10 years of rejection. 30 rejection letters from editors. One great gesture of renunciation.This rejection story is out of this world.Ask Us Anything:Record a Question.Tweet or DM us. Email us: hello@apostrophepodcasts.ca13. Rejecting Still Alice
32:57||Season 5, Ep. 13Still Alice the book, sold 1M copies worldwide – a national bestseller. Still Alice the movie, sold $45M worth of tickets at the box office – and won an Academy Award. But back when neuroscientist Lisa Genova first penned the novel, it was rejected by 100 book agents. She was told no one would read a book about Alzheimer’s Disease, that the subject matter was too depressing and that neuroscientists shouldn’t write fiction. Hope you’ll join us.Ask Us Anything:Record a Question.Tweet or DM us. Email us: hello@apostrophepodcasts.ca12. Rejecting Yennier Cano
33:42||Season 5, Ep. 12Cuban pitcher Yennier Cano was told he’d never make the Cuban National Series. Then when he tried to leave Cuba to play in the Majors, his government banned him from playing baseball. When he finally made it to America, Cano floundered in obscurity in the minors. Today he’s one of the best relievers in Major League Baseball. Hope you’ll join us. Tell us YOUR rejection story:Record your voice: to us: