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Weight a Minute

Rewind:Resolving Conflicting Views On Weight Loss and Self-Image

Ep. 76

The ping-pong of inner chatter of “should I or should I not” can put our brain in a confusing place because it wants to have clarity. But sometimes there is no clear answer, so how do we move forward? Beth and Jessica talk through what some thoughts might come up and how to work through them. The topic discussed in this episode is weight loss, but you could apply the same concepts to all kinds of decision-making situations, especially those requiring a behavior change.

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  • 84. End of an Era

    16:57||Ep. 84
    "Path Nutrition started as a nutrition business, it became a transformation business, and then I transformed." Jessica and Beth come together for the last episode of Weight a Minute. Join us as we take a moment to reflect on our highlights of doing this podcast over the last few years and then share more about the larger shifts that are happening at Path Nutrition. We want to thank everyone who has listened to this podcast over the past 3 years, old and new listeners alike. We sure hope we gave you something new to think about and were able to take one more step to free yourself from diet culture. With love and appreciation, Beth and Jessica.You can still find us on Instagram @Path_NutritionBeth will still be helping clients in their health journey, please visit Path Nutrition
  • 83. Path Updates + Unlearning Perfectionism Embracing Failure

    37:53||Ep. 83
    Is perfectionism holding you back? Do you try to apply the principles of perfection to food by desiring to hold onto food rules or structures tightly? When you step out of that structure does your brain make you think you are a failure? We are here this week to rescue you from this thought error that 1) perfectionism is not real and 2) how that relates to eating and your body.Ready to work with us? Come visit us at to book your discovery session or get on the waitlist for a Fall Intensive.
  • 82. How to Be Your Own Health Advocate

    26:44||Ep. 82
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  • 82. REPLAY: Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

    35:12||Ep. 82
    On this episode, we are revisiting an older episode - Sugar, Sugar, Sugar. I wanted to recycle this episode not because I want to add to the villainization of sugar and proclaim more fear about how terrible sugar is for you, but because we feel like information is power. Especially with how many people have something to say about sugar, whether they are qualified to or not. The more you know goes with our ongoing mantra of data, not drama. In this episode we cover the history of our evolving love affair with sugar, "healthier" sources of sugar, are they really better for us, and how does our body handle alternative sugars. Everyone gets to make their own choices on what and how much they consume of things AND everyone should be privy to the information behind it, not just be sold the marketing department's version or the loudest persons on the internet view. Enjoy!Get more health talk and tips @path_nutritionWant more or want to work with us? Visit Path Nutrition
  • 79. To Track or Not to Track

    21:41||Ep. 79
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  • 78. Lean into Accountability

    22:16||Ep. 78
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  • 77. Hack Your Health: Our Take on the Latest Netflix Health Documentary

    29:56||Ep. 77
    On this week's episode, Beth and Jessica break down the latest health documentary, Hack You Health, about the impact of gut health on overall health. We gush about the many pros of this documentary and why you should watch it. Sure we could try to make this episode controversial for the clicks, but nope, we are not spreading unnecessary hate here, we are celebrating the wins of a well-done film. Listen in with us and then go watch it!Visit us at @path_nutritionWatch on YouTubeWant more or want to work with us visit Path Nutrition
  • 75. From Cravings to Coping: Navigating the Psychology of Food Choices

    27:32||Ep. 75
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