We Did It Medway

  • 2. Don't 4-3-3, Argentina

    Every week, local football teams play at Strood Leisure Centre on pitches called ‘Messi’, ‘Pochettino’ and ‘Batistuta’ - but do they know why? In this episode we’re telling the story of Isaac Newell, a Strood lad who left Medway as a teenager in the 1860s for far-off Argentina, taking the beautiful game with him. The team he inspired, Newell’s Old Boys, has nurtured some of the very best footballing talent of all time..Joining us to talk about Isaac Newell’s impact and his fame in Argentina and beyond are the ‘Legendinho’ himself, the BBC’s South American football correspondent Tim Vickery - co-host of 5 Live's World Football Phone-in - and local football fan and tireless campaigner, Adrian Pope.Find out more about the campaign to raise a statue to Isaac Newell in Strood on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064806066148With thanks to the City of Rochester Society for supporting this podcast. Find out more about their work at city-of-rochester.org.ukWe Did it Medway is presented by Philip Dodd and Rob Flood. It is produced and edited by Suze Cooper of Big Tent Media, with assistance from Emily Crosby Media.The We Did It Medway music is written and performed by Chris Weller (Staggered Ray), Rob Shepherd (Singing Loins) and Vicky Price (Ashen Keys) with lyrics by Philip Dodd.
  • 1. Suffragist City

    Join us this week down on Rochester Esplanade at the Suffrage Sensory Garden. Created in honour of local Suffragist leader Vera Conway Gordon, it celebrates her campaign to get women the vote over 100 years ago. Natalie Poulton, the driving force behind the garden, is passionate about Vera’s life and her legacy in Medway.But women still face challenges in politics today. We also speak to the two leading female candidates for Rochester and Strood in the upcoming General Election: Kelly Tolhurst former MP (Conservative) and her Labour opponent Lauren Edwards. It’s refreshing to hear Lauren and Kelly join together as women in politics, rather than slugging it out over immigration, inflation or the NHS.Visit the Suffrage Sensory Garden on Rochester Esplanade, or join their Facebook page www.facebook.com/SuffrageSensoryGardenWith thanks to the City of Rochester Society for supporting this podcast. Find out more about their work at city-of-rochester.org.ukFollow the We Did It Medway Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558961044581We Did it Medway is presented by Rob Flood and Philip Dodd. It is produced and edited by Suze Cooper for Big Tent Media, with assistance from Emily Crosby Media.The We Did It Medway music is written and performed by Chris Weller (Staggered Ray), Rob Shepherd (Singing Loins) and Vicky Price (Ashen Keys) with lyrics by Philip Dodd.
  • We Did It Medway - Trailer

    We Did It Medway is a bright, quirky, respectfully irreverent podcast, celebrating the best of Strood, Rochester, Chatham, Gillingham... and not forgetting Rainham. Or come to that the Peninsula.Each episode takes a fresh look at – and listen to – the rich culture, history and character of Medway.Discover more about Strood's connection to Argentinian football with BBC Sports South American football expert Tim Vickery, listen in as a panel of Dickens experts discuss his final days and hear more about how Medway women paved the way for the Towns' female MPs.The first episode of We Did It Medway will be available Mid-June so follow the show now now to make sure you don't miss it!Hosted by Rob Flood And Philip Dodd.Find us on Facebook @WediditMedwayProduced by Big Tent Media and Emily Crosby Media5df372717bba70a96b7326a770fb2180d32c14a0