
cover art for High Strangeness in New Zealand! - August 17, 2024

Where Did the Road Go?

High Strangeness in New Zealand! - August 17, 2024

Season 2024, Ep. 35

Seriah is joined by Chris G from New Zealand. Topics include differences between New Zealand and Australia, personal experiences, interactions with celebrities, the fluidity of time, free will, an incident involving a terminally ill relative and apparent precognition, Alex Whitcombe, time slips, Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”, AI and sentience, plants and fungi communication and intelligence, life in other parts of the solar system, intelligent plasma, David Mitchell and necrophilia, sports and small talk, David Paulides and “Missing 411”, a missing person case local to Chris, Michael Marshall Smith’s book “The Servants”, Australian quarantine stations, a youthful encounter with a strange entity, ghost tours, an actual strange experience while on a tour, an Indigenous legend of a spirit that feasts on human fear, and much more! This is a fast-paced, fascinating conversation!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

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  • 36. Talking Novels with Joshua, Mike, and RPJ - Aug 24, 2024

    01:33:05||Season 2024, Ep. 36
    Seriah is joined by Mike Clelland, Joshua Cutchin, and Red Pill Junkie. Topics include scheduling difficulties, Mike and Josh’s new fiction books, RPJ’s cover artwork, Mike’s page lay-out art directing, Joshua’s proof-reading, Mike’s “The Unseen”, words Mike avoided, Christopher Knowles and “The Secret Sun” podcast, comic books/graphic novels, owls. The color blue, Carl Jung, “The Red Book”, Carlos Castaneda, psychedelics, Josh’s “Them Old Ways Never Died”, symbolism, the phenomenon of characters seeming to have personalities of their own, alcoholism and other addictions, the two books shared universe, the impact of the pandemic on live musicians, the film “Unwanted”, difficulties in portraying the Fae in fiction, “King of Morning, Queen of Day” novel by Ian McDonald, Josh’s “The Brimstone Deceit”, Morgan Daimler, Graham Hancock’s fiction, the oil painting process, artist Billy Shank, Mike’s memoir “Hidden Experience”, Mike’s time wearing the Kool Aid man costume, the changes in the ease of taking pictures and filming over the decades, RPJ’s methods of cover art, Mike’s three non-fiction books on UFOs and owls, creative people and the paranormal, nuts and bolts ufology, trauma and the Phenomenon, dissociation and the paranormal, Kenneth Ring and the experience-prone personality, Jeff Ritzmann, unrecognized and unremembered trauma, depression, the movie “They Live”, childhood experiences, Seriah’s teenage traumas, similarities between alien encounters and NDEs, Dr. Michael Newton, “Life Between Lives” book, audiobooks and their production, Micah Hanks, “Limelight” BBC podcast, Jake “the Snake” Roberts, the differences between writing fiction and nonfiction, planners vs pantsers, Jim Marrs and “The Sisterhood of the Rose”, the difficulties of portraying villains, the movie “Watchers”, the video games “Control”, “Alan Wake”, and esoteric things contained in them, Remedy Studios, Eric Wargo’s book “Time Loops”, “Oxenfree” video game, possible sequels to Mike and Josh’s fiction, other projects in the works, Barbara Fisher, and much more! This a riveting conversation featuring three all-time favorite guests!- Recap by Vincent TreewellOutro Music is Vrangvendt with The Hunt
  • 34. Wandering the Road: Synchronicity and more... August 10, 2024

    01:36:44||Season 2024, Ep. 34
    Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Saxon/Super_Inframan. Topics include strange videos Seriah has posted, Saxon’s advice on identifying airplanes, an odd gesture by a weird stranger on the street, reconnecting/relocating people Serian used to correspond with by mail, Seriah’s ongoing autobiography, a high school essay by Chris on Aleister Crowley, being a nerd in the 21st Century vs the 1980’s, an incident of instant wish fulfilment/precognition by Seriah in high school, synchronicity, the nature of reality, coincidence vs precognition, Seriah and a wish for money with consequences, an experience between Chris and a tree frog, environmental responses to questions, “Authors of the Impossible” by Jeffrey Kripal, “Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind by Dr. Kirby Surprise, Carl Jung’s universal unconscious, a building destroyed in bizarre synchronistic incident, Chris’s precognition of a childhood accident in a treehouse, a weird experience with a car radio, Stan Gooch, a possible explanation for the Oz effect, a “plaid man” encounter, psychic/dream encounters with plants, Tim Renner and Flannel Man, the Woodsmen of “Twin Peaks”, “Unsolved Mysteries” stories of plaid-wearing entities visiting the terminally ill, the Wildman archetype, plant communication and consciousness, Ayahuasca, a scientific study suggesting much broader sentience in the animal world, bees playing a ball game for fun, Rene Descartes, experiments on fish, colonialism/racism and materialism, how extraterrestrials might view humans, “The Evil Within” video game, binaural beats, hemi-synch tones and meditation, Saxon’s ketamine experiences, songs that induce a mind state, Tibetan singing bowls, lost sound technology at ancient sites, how buildings change as decay takes place over time, sound and ritual and spirituality, the difficulties with total silence, Hindu teaching of universal vibration, Vedic theology and quantum physics, an incident in Colorado with an apparently conscious UFO, high-tech military black projects, the CrowdStrike failure and the recovery from it, Ed Zitron and the rot economy, the Wall Street Journal and AI, solar flares, and much more! This is fascinating conversation that covers a lot of ground!- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast
  • 33. Bigfoot and High Strangeness - Aug 3, 2024

    01:20:45||Season 2024, Ep. 33
    Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Timothy Renner to catch up on a number of things since Tim’s last appearance. Topics include controversy in the Bigfoot community over Tim’s previously more “flesh and blood” views, Drake vs Kendrick Lamar style feuds, Josh Cutchin, the possibilities of physical undiscovered primates, “woo” unexplainable Bigfoot incidents, “weird washing”, the wilderness poltergeist concept, Red Pill, Loren Coleman, Seriah’s bad experience with Ozempic and pneumonia, Martin Popoff synchronicities, strange night sounds, a possible UFO caught on dashcam, bizarre electronic sounds including the ones Tim recorded years ago, Octavian and a series of very weird events with Tim and Ian in Fishing Creek, an incident with Tim and John and Tyler Strand in Indiana involving a massive fireball and beams of light, the practice of making tea from wild plants, Bigfoot researcher Rick Fischer, Episode #459 of Strange Familiars, “The Watcher”, Seriah’s encounter with a possible monkey in a cornfield, Seriah’s previous UFO experience, Tim’s experiences with John and Tim’s listener Lucinda at Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota and numerous Bigfoot stories, non-profit organization, a mysterious bizarre hiker, a strange trip through the night, Chris’s analysis through Lakota lore, Tim’s strange dream, a fascinating message about Bigfoot, the streaming TV series “Counterpart”, an unusual encounter with three owls, different perceptions of the same person/entity, Native understandings of Bigfoot vs Western understandings, the U.S. government and honoring Tribal treaties, the rule of three, Tim’s spiritual journey, Tim’s upcoming book on hermits, and much more! This is a riveting episode, packed with information and mystery!Recap by Vincent TreewellOutro Music is Stone Breath with Leaves About Our Feet, We Reached for the Moon
  • 32. Magick and PSI - July 27, 2024

    01:28:47||Season 2024, Ep. 32
    Seriah is joined by Wren Collier and Octavian to discuss a recent scientific article reporting on a study by researchers giving psychic tests to magickal practitioners, its results, and their possible meaning. Topics include a psychic testing phone app, Gordon White and Rune Soup, natural psychic abilities vs magickal practice, Wren’s psychic research, Dean Radin, the change in magick between the 1800’s and early 1900’s, new age vs magick, Octavian’s experiences in Fishing Creek with Ian and Timothy Renner, transliminality, transliminal dis-ease, problems of doubt, co-creation, preparation practices in ritual magick, altered psychological states, B.J. Swain, Olympic [Greco-Roman] spirits, Elysian mysteries, a bizarre experience in a veteran’s cemetery, Steve Skinner, scent and spirits, unclean spirits, magickal practice and the paranormal, the three books of magick by Agrippa vs grimoires, chaos magick, the importance of astrology, Seriah’s experience with magick and an unexpected result, Octavian’s grandmother Julia Lupton and her astrological works, sublunar spirits, lunar mansions, Wren’s talismans, Arabic astrology, astrological charting, traditional astrology vs scientific materialist psychological astrology, Chris Warnock, “Station to Station” podcast, Octavian’s “Strange Dominions” podcast, Fae and nature spirits, a theory of Saturn and Bigfoot, a Biblical reference to hairy hominids, solar activity and psi, Robert Shock, the keys of Solomon and the moon, “Beyond Telepathy” by Andrija Pruharich, thunderstorms and magickal workings, electrical universe theory, black holes at the center of the Milky Way, Walt Thornhill, Immanuel Velikovsky, metaphor vs reality in astrology, the book “Gateways Through Light and Shadow”, neo-Platonism, drawing spirits into crystals, the “Seven Spheres” system of magick, physical manifestations vs the minds eye, analytical overlay, remote viewing, some of Octavian’s personal experiences, and much, much more! This is a unique deep dive into SO much!- Recap by Vincent TreewellOutro Music is Fluttr Effect Live on The Last Exit with Transmission.
  • 31. The Satanic Panic - July 20, 2024

    01:32:37||Season 2024, Ep. 31
    Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher and Amber, the Witch of Noccalula, to discuss the Satanic Panic in American history, pop culture, and current events. Topics include Dungeons and Dragons, a personal experience with censorship of a D&D afterschool club, the 2022 documentary “Satanic Panic”, the 1982 movie “Mazes and Monsters” starring Tom Hanks, the blaming of metal bands for youth suicide, the gross misinterpretation of Ozzie Osbourne’s song “Suicide Solution”, the book “Michelle Remembers” by Lawrence Pazder and Michelle Smith, hypnotic regression and false memories, generational attitudes, the Moral Majority, Anita Bryant, the Mormon involvement in the Satanic Panic, reality TV ghost hunting shows and demonology, Beatrice Sparks, “Go Ask Alice”, “Jay’s Journal”, Rick Emerson “Unmask Alice: LSD, Satanic Panic, and the Imposter Behind the World's Most Notorious Diaries”, Runyon v. McCrary 1976 Supreme Court case desegregating private schools, the rise of Catholic/Protestant allied political conservatism, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, philosophy vs biblical interpretations of the beginning of human life, the rise of the religious right, disguised racism, Q-Anon, the Confederate flag, the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capital, West Virginia vs the Confederacy, John Brown, Appalachian Scotch/Irish anti-slavery attitudes, ahistorical views of Satan, the Silent Generation, anti-Polish prejudice, Seriah’s personal experience in an interracial relationship, homophobia in 20th century America, Amber’s personal experience with a mixed race family, the time Seriah went to church, C.S. Lewis, Satan as a psychological trigger, Seriah’s alleged Satanic cult member pen pal, Barbara’s experiences running a metaphysical book store and engaging in interfaith dialogue meetings, Amber’s emotional abuse as a Catholic child, Barbara’s youthful experiences in different Christian denominations, the novel “The Chronoliths” by Robert Charles Wilson, the case of the “West Memphis Three”, the “Paradise Lost” documentary series, demonic possession vs mental illness, the existence of Satan, Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan, exorcism and its contradictions, “The Exorcist” movie, the Warrens and “The Conjuring” movies, demonic possession in ghost hunting reality TV, critical thinking and education, Seriah and younger people without basic life skills, Seriah and a heavy metal zine banned from a public school computer lab, scape-goating after Columbine, the Roman Emperor Constantine and making of the Roman Catholic Church as a state religion, the burning of the Library of Alexandria and the murder of Hypatia, origins of anti-Semitism, and much more! This is an intense but highly valuable discussion! Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast Outro Music is Hellbound from Vrangvendt
  • 30. Perfect Waters with Martin Popoff - July 13, 2024

    01:28:30||Season 2024, Ep. 30
    Seriah is joined by author and illustrator Martin Popoff. Topics include Martin’s book “Flaming Telepaths”, the band Blue Oyster Cult, Sandy Pearlman, the album “Imaginos”, the occult origins of World War I, H.P. Lovecraft, Martin’s latest book “Perfect Water: The Rebel Imaginos”, magick, WWII, Operation Paperclip, the cold war, the Roswell incident, the Vietnam War, Soviet science and mysticism, conspiracy theory, Martin’s books on various rock bands, alchemy, John Dee, Edgar Cayce, Walter Bosley and airship mysteries, esoteric and occult history, the Led Zepplin “object”, covert hypnosis, scrying, the books “Alice in Wonderland” and “The Wizard of Oz”, Lovecraft’s “Old Ones” and vast tunnels and underwater structures, Atlantis, Aleister Crowley, perpetual energy devices, Egypt, the Yucatan, World’s Fairs, steampunk, “1886-1910, the golden age of the subconscious”, Harry Houdini, Kenneth Grant, egregores, Carl Jung, “Paul Blart Mall Cop”, music lining up with films, future misinterpretations of literature, the post- “Wizard of Oz” work of L. Frank Baum, Theosophy, Edison vs Tesla/ DC vs AC, Austin Osman Spare, Blavatsky vs Spiritualism, Russian Cosmism, aet as a creative force, mystic origins for the Soviet rocket program, a Jehovah’s Witness leader predicts something the coincides with the birth of Jack Parsons, Jewish mysticism and folklore, use of AI for fiction writing, the “Loab” character in AI, the movie “Chemical Wedding” produced by Bruce Dickinson of the band Iron Maiden about Aleister Crowley, Tartarianism, nuclear bomb testing and the Babylon Working ritual, solar cycles and historical events, the biosphere and geosphere and noosphere, synchronicities and inventions, interesting factoids, the Nazi bell alleged technology, Jacques Custeau, Lovecraft and strange dream experiments, dreams and music, and much more! Martin is a fast-paced, high-octane guest, and this is a unique, fascinating conversation!Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast Outro Music is Nightmares by Psyche Corporation
  • 29. Trap Street and Strange Air - July 6, 2024

    01:33:00||Season 2024, Ep. 29
    Seriah is joined by Mike and Tony from the “Strange Air” and “Trap Street” podcasts. Topics include the nature of “real”, binge listening, the “Game of Thrones” TV series, “The Black Tapes” and “Tanis” podcast dramas, “Coast to Coast AM” in the Art Bell era, dealing empathetically with experiencers, the “X-Files” TV show, the evolution of ideas, Seriah’s films, the definition of a “trap street” and copyright fraud, Netflix and cancelation, origins of WDTRG, Walter Crittenden, “figureoutability”, zine culture in the 90’s, formal education vs DIY experience, the mechanics of doing podcast dramatic shows, the Fable & Folly podcast network, “Archive 81” podcast and Netflix series, transitioning from radio to podcasting, difficulties of reading and concentration after long Covid, feedback from fans, four types of music, “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)” by Rupert Holmes, personal experiences and their interpretation, Bigfoot and poltergeist activity, Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner, the difficulties of flesh and blood Sasquatch vs weird phenomena, psychic effects and solar activity, the multiple natures of UFO encounters, a strange UFO experience on a lake in Ithica NY, “Dark Matter” an AppleTV series, the SciFi Channel TV series also named “Dark Matter”, the disconnect between authors who address paranormal topics and their own personal beliefs, counter-intuitive scientific facts, cycles where the paranormal is more and less perceptible, UFO communities on twitter/X and reddit, drones and satellites mistaken for UFOs, AI and photographic fakery, the future technology and art, misperceptions of AI and misunderstandings of its capabilities, the movie “Late Night with the Devil”, positive potential of AI, a story of a person reincarnating into a machine, fictional treatments of uploading consciousness digitally, a powerful scene in “West World”, the Replika AI friend company, the possible illusions of free will and choice-making, Jeff Ritzmann, technology encountering paranormal entities, children’s memories of past lives, the frailties of human memory, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, memory experiments and their unexpected results, flaws in human perception, a Ouija board experience, cross-cultural experiences of paranormal phenomenon going back millennia, an intense incident with a departed pet, unanswered questions on the nature of time, NDEs, déjà vu, Loyd Auerbach and a strange encounter between a child and a ghost, the Bermuda Triangle and its disappearance from pop culture, Erich Von Daniken and “Ancient Aliens”, pareidolia, attempted choose-your-own-adventure podcasts, the book “Daimonic Reality” by Patrick Harpur, the podcast “Rabbits”, Terry Miles, the “Welcome to Night Vale” podcast, author Michael Marshall Smith/Michael Rutger, a mysterious set of ancient walls that actually exist, the books “The Straw Men” and “Bad Things”, Star Trek “Discovery” and the concept of truly alien communication, the movie “Arrival”, the NASA Voyager probe, the possibilities of intelligent life within our solar system that may be too different to be perceived by humans, and much more! This is an absolutely fascinating conversation, truly packed with information!Recap by Vincent Treewell
  • 28. UFO's and Poltergeists with Eric Ouellet - July 11, 2024

    01:28:59||Season 2024, Ep. 28
    Originally aired on April 2, 2016Since I reference this book a lot, I felt it was time to remaster and re-upload this show, with it's short Patreon segment as well.Eric Ouellet joins me for a fascinating discussion of his new book, Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event. He proposes that we should examine the UFO Phenomenon as we would a poltergeist case. It's a novel way of looking at it, and may ultimately play a part in solving this enigma.ERIC OUELLET is professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada, and at the Canadian Forces College (Canada's Joint Staff and War College). He has a Ph.D. in sociology from York University (Toronto, Canada), and he is the liaison officer for Canada with the Parapsychological Association. He has published parapsychological work in the Australian Journal of Psychology, EdgeScience, and the Bulletin Métapsychique. His other research works focus on military sociology and war studies.You can check out his blog at