
Edy Hurst's Podcast Version of... The War of the Worlds
Interlude 1: Jeff Wayne's Podcast Version of the Robot Knee
Over the century and a bit since it was published, the War of the Worlds has been adapted into countless formats, from graphic novels to radio shows, but one of the most beloved must be Jeff Wayne's 1978 Musical Version.
Taking a short break from the book proper, this week we take a deep dive into the life of Jeff, as well as hear a song Edy wrote about a robot knee.
Follow @edyhurst on twitter, instagram or facebook for the latest on the podcast as well as songs and videos.
Produced by Edy Hurst
Written by H.G.Wells and Edy Hurst
Theme Song 'The Fall of Saigon' By Ichabod Wolf
All others songs and music produced by Edy Hurst, with the exception of excerpts from Bad Romance by Lady Gaga, Celebration by Cool & the Gang and The Eve of the War by Jeff Wayne.
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1. TEASER: Edy Hurst's Podcast Version of the War of the Worlds COMING 8th June
00:44||Ep. 1Teaser Trailer for Edy Hurst's Podcast Version of the War of the Worlds, an audio(scrap)book of H.G. Well's Seminal Scifi Novel, the War of the Worlds. Each episode we'll read a chapter of the book, alongside deep dive tangents, songs inspired by the novel and comedy friends guests from stand up comedian Edy Hurst ("bursts with comedic joy" The Skinny).2. Chapter 1: The Eve of The War
24:35||Ep. 2Chapter One of Edy Hurst's Comedy Version of the War of the Worlds, an audio-scrap-book into the seminal scifi novel The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. In this, our inaugural episode, Edy Hurst ('bursts with comedic joy' The Skinny) reads chapter one, introducing us to our narrator, Ogilvy astronomer, and his hobbies of riding a bike and writing philosophical essays on human morality, in that order. There's also deep dives into the indigenous people of Tasmania following a flippant comment by Wells, a song about Lemurs and Monkeys, and a quite frankly brooding score. Follow @edyhurst on twitter, instagram or facebook for the latest on the podcast as well as songs and videos. Credits: Produced by Edy Hurst Written by H.G.Wells and Edy Hurst Theme Song 'The Fall of Saigon' By Ichabod Wolf All others songs and music produced by Edy Hurst. Notes on Tasmanian Peoples and their culture thanks to: The Tasmanian aboriginal centre SBS Gregory Lehman Victorian Racism in Science: Inquiries Journal3. Chapter 2: The Falling Star feat. Josh Jones and Hannah Platt
23:00||Ep. 3Chapter Two of Edy Hurst's Podcast Version of The War of the Worlds, an audio-scrap-book into the seminal scifi novel The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. In the second episode, we hear more about the falling stars spotting in the sky above Woking, and follow Ogilvy (Voiced by Hannah Platt) as they discover the crash site on Horsell Common. We also meet London journalist Henderson (voiced by Josh Jones) and do a deep dive into the world of news reporting in Victorian times and now. Josh has a fabulous podcast all about history called Dead Drama Follow @edyhurst on twitter, instagram or facebook for the latest on the podcast as well as songs and videos. Credits: Produced by Edy Hurst Written by H.G.Wells and Edy Hurst Theme Song 'The Fall of Saigon' By Ichabod Wolf All others songs and music produced by Edy Hurst. Notes on News Reporting thanks to: Andrew Hobbs The Deleterious Dominance of The Times in Nineteenth-Century Scholarship Local Newspapers in Victorian Era via Press Gazette NC State University How stuff works4. Chapter 3: On Horsell Common
21:08||Ep. 4Chapter Three of Edy Hurst's Podcast Version of The War of the Worlds, an audio-scrap-book into the seminal scifi novel The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. In this episode, news of the crash landed Martians has reached the hustle and bustle of Woking, Chobham and Chertsey with a gathering crowd of people including some gailey dress women! Whilst the common people frequent the Horsell Common, we take a look at what attractions follow in the wake of Extra Terrestrial sightings across the world, including a whole exhibiton dedicated to crop circles - oh boy! Also a little ditty about the many folks of Horsell Common. Follow @edyhurst on twitter, instagram or facebook for the latest on the podcast as well as songs and videos. Credits: Produced by Edy Hurst Written by H.G.Wells and Edy Hurst Theme Song 'The Fall of Saigon' By Ichabod Wolf All others songs and music produced by Edy Hurst.5. Chapter 4: The Cylinder Opens Feat. Alasdair Beckett-King
28:44||Ep. 5Finally! The mysterious cylinder crash landed on Horsell Common Opens, and at last we catch a glimpse of those pesky Martians that'll cause such a ruckus. With the first description of the Martians, I wonder with Alasdair Beckett-King what previous descriptions of aliens might be found in folklore of yore. There's also a banger of a tune about being stuck in a pit, not that anyone knows what it feels like to be stuck in a specific place for an unspecified amount of time right now! Follow @edyhurst on twitter, instagram or facebook for the latest on the podcast as well as songs and videos. Credits: Produced by Edy Hurst Written by H.G.Wells and Edy Hurst Theme Song 'The Fall of Saigon' By Ichabod Wolf All others songs and music produced by Edy Hurst. Special thanks to Alasdair Beckett-King for this weeks episode. Listen to his podcast, Loremen! And to Matt Hoss for invaluable editting help7. Interlude 2: What even is a chance of Mars? feat. Ross Brierley
29:57||Ep. 7One of the most quotable lines from H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds must be Ogilvy the astronomers famous assertion that: The Chances of Anything Coming from Mars, are a million to one. But is it actually a million to one? How likely is that, really? This episode Edy takes a look at the scientific attempts of putting a number on extraterrestrial life, and talks to Not So Late Show Host Ross Brierley about whether it's worth placing a bet on, and if it's worth being more concerned about the chances of asteroids, sharks or going for a run. Follow @edyhurst on twitter, instagram or facebook for the latest on the podcast as well as songs and videos. The Not So Late Show Series One is out on Youtube Now! Credits: Produced by Edy Hurst Written by H.G.Wells and Edy Hurst Special Guest Ross Brierley Theme Song 'The Fall of Saigon' By Ichabod Wolf8. Chapter 5: The Heat Ray Feat. Hannah Platt & Josh Jones
26:42||Ep. 8Back to the book, and we find Horsell Common under attack from the Martians advanced weaponry. As we see a welcome party made up of Ogilvy, Henderson and Stent, we sit down with Hannah and Josh to see how they would make first contact with visitors from out of space. Follow @edyhurst on twitter, instagram or facebook for the latest on the podcast as well as songs and videos. Credits: Produced by Edy Hurst Written by H.G.Wells and Edy Hurst Theme Song 'The Fall of Saigon' By Ichabod Wolf All others songs and music produced by Edy Hurst. Special thanks to Hannah Platt and Josh Jones, check out Josh's Podcast Dead Drama!9. Chapter 6: The Heat-Ray on Chobham Road
22:45||Ep. 9The power of the Heat-Ray continues to wreak havoc on the South England Municpality of Woking, Chobham and Chertsey in Chapter 6. We also take a look at the world of Science Fiction future prediction, and there's George Clinton inspired funk song that the Heat Ray has always deserved. Follow @edyhurst on twitter, instagram or facebook for the latest on the podcast as well as songs and videos. Credits: Produced by Edy Hurst Written by H.G.Wells and Edy Hurst Theme Song 'The Fall of Saigon' By Ichabod Wolf All others songs and music produced by Edy Hurst. Resourced for Scifi Predictions: Alexandra Samuel - Can Science Fiction Predict the Future of Technology? (JSTOR) Samira Ahmed- Was HG Wells the First to think of the Atomic Bomb? (BBC) Brian Handwerk - The Many Future Predictions of H.G.Wells that came true? (Smithsonian) Devon Powers - Why are we obsessed with the Forecasting and Futurism (Washington Post) David Ropeik - Why Do We Keep Predicting The Future If We Are So Often WRONG? (Psychology Today)