
cover art for Suicide

Vet Talk


Season 1, Ep. 2

On this episode, you find out a little about suicide and mental health. I share with you some stories and want to know yours.

What keeps you going?

Are you interested in a Google Meet for some camaraderie, mental health talk?

How can you help the Veteran community?

Thank you for listening. Share and subscribe! Like our FB page and help me help the community.

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  • 8. PTSD Q&A with VA

    37:09||Season 1, Ep. 8
    I am joined by Dr. Kukoye. Where I get to ask him PTSD questions to get the real answers for you. Take care of yourselves and get ready for our first Google Meet happening on Saturday. Check our facebook page @vettalk21.
  • 7. The Border

    30:54||Season 1, Ep. 7
    I talk about the border crisis and how I have been down lately. A story is shared about almost killing one of my best friends.
  • 6. I Shit Myself

    34:11||Season 1, Ep. 6
    I talk about success, and what's wrong with America. Even better I share the time I shit myself and my wife thought I cheated.
  • 5. Q&A with Mic Talk Host

    42:23||Season 1, Ep. 5
    This episode has Mike Ameer. A talk host, former TV show host, musician and author. We touch on politics and tell some stories on my most PG episode yet.
  • 4. If Not Now Then When?

    31:23||Season 1, Ep. 4
    A little Q & A. Not my favorite episode but I did release some big news. Talks on a collaboration with DJ AllSkool and Michael Ameer. Plus an up coming give away.
  • 3. Redbeard

    49:26||Season 1, Ep. 3
    And I am back with a guest this time. Enjoy the sound of nature while we share stories and talk about how much we care. Fair warning their is a lot of profanity.
  • 1. Why I Am Here

    30:00||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Welcome to VetTalk I hope you are ready to start this adventure with me. This episode is a little about me and why I am here. I talk a little about transitioning from military service and tell some stories about family matters.This is just the beginning with your help I can start interviews and learn even more about veterans and our ways of life. Episodes airing on Mondays.
  • Vet Talk Trailer
