
Very Old Money

A look at history thru money

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  • 9. 3.9-(15) – The King is dead

    Family issues resolved, the advance guard of Philip's army marched into Asia Minor. While the campaign began successfully, Philip would never make it there in person.

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  • 8. 3.8-(14) – A royal soap opera

    With the Greek states forced into a union under his leadership, Philip was all set to declare war on the Great King of Persia. Then a spectacular family scandal put these plans on hold.
  • 7. 3.7-(13) – The Hegemon who never was

    We take a brief detour from the story to cover the short meteoric career of a figure touted by some as the man who could have united Greece before Philip, but whose career was unexpectedly cut short.
  • 6. 3.6-(12) – Chaeronea

    The Sacred War saw Philip hegemon of Greece in all but name. But the war party in Athens led by Demosthenes regretted the peace ending the Sacred War as soon as it was signed. A final showdown was inevitable and it led to the greatest victory in Philip's career.For the orations of Demosthenes including his Philippics click here.
  • 5. 3.5-(11) The Sacred War

    An attempt by Thebes to use the Amphictyonic League as a cudgel to punish Phokis kicked off an exhausting decade long war that involved all of Greece. It also provided Philip II and Macedon the ability to interfere and confirmed Macedon as the dominant power in Greece.
  • 4. 3.4-(10) The rise of Macedonia

    After stabilizing the situation following the death of his brother Perdikkas III, Philip II engineered his rise to the throne. The next year he started a remarkable five year run that totally flipped Macedon's strategic situation - uniting his Kingdom, creating the new Macedonian military machine and emerging as the strongest power in Greece. The rest of Greece just did not know yet.
  • 3. 3.3-(9) A Kingdom in peril

    In 364 BC, Philip returned to the court of his brother Perdikkas III. Five years later came the great Illyrian disaster with the King killed along with 4,000 of his men. As regent for his nephew Amyntas IV it was up to Philip to prevent the total collapse of Macedonia.