
cover art for EP 68: Wisconsin Tribes Need Fair Maps

Up North Podcast

EP 68: Wisconsin Tribes Need Fair Maps

Season 3, Ep. 11

Kirk and Kristin talk with former United States Attorney Jim Santelle about how Wisconsin’s Tribes may be able to sue to end gerrymandering if we can elect a progressive Wisconsin Supreme Court judge on February 21 and April 4. Then they spoke with Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Member and member of Govern Evers’ Fair Maps Commission, Janson Bisonette, about how the tribes would benefit from Fairer Maps.

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  • 10. Ep 10: Are Voucher Schools Really Good for Students of Color?

    In Patti and Kirk’s last episode covering the "Right Wing War on Education,” they talked to Dountonia Batts and Dr. Preston Green about the issue of race as it relates to voucher schools. This is important because private school vouchers are often presented as opportunities specifically advantageous for students of color. So it is fair to ask … Are they? Hint hint, they aren’t.
  • 9. Ep 9: Up North Vouchers - and why are our legislators voting for this?!

    On this episode of The Right Wing War on education, Michael Johnson, Superintendent of the Eau Claire school district, John Gaier, Superintendent of the Neillsville school district, and with Chris Hambuch Boyle, the Northern Wisconsin Regional Coordinator for the Wisconsin Public Education Network, talk about how our public school tax dollars are flowing out of rural small towns #upnorth to support private (and often religious) schools in their communities and in urban areas far away from their districts.
  • 8. Ep 8: Milwaukee - Ground Zero for Vouchers in America

    Patti and Kirk talked to Marva Herndon, President of the Milwaukee Public School Board, and Ingrid Walker Henry, Vice President of the Milwaukee Teacher Education Association and a member of Schools & Communities United, about what has happened to Milwaukee public schools since the first voucher school program in the country was implemented in Milwaukee over 30 years ago. Hint, it ain’t pretty.
  • 7. Ep 7: Racine is losing out and this seems intentional

    Patti and Fred, MBC’s Lawyer aka the “Irrepressible Ginger,” talk to Cory Mason, Mayor of Racine, and Angela Cruz, President of the Racine Educators Association, about the gaping hole in the Racine’s public education budget due to the parasitic private voucher school programs.
  • 6. Ep 6: Deep dive into our voucher lawsuit complaint

    This week we talked to our lawyers about the lawsuit we just filed as original action to overturn the voucher system in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, and we also talked to two plaintiffs to get their story and why they wanted to participate in this very important lawsuit.
  • 5. Ep 5:Wisconsin Vouchers and Special Education: How kids are kept out, kicked out, and not served

    Patti and Kirk spoke with Nicki Vander Meulen and Martha Siravo. Nicki is an attorney, advocate for kids with special needs, and member of the Madison Metropolitan School District Board. Martha coordinates Madtown Mommas and Disability Advocates which supports parents and caregivers of students with disabilities.They helped us understand how why the voucher system has decimated the funds available for special education, and how the voucher system all-to-frequently hurts kids with special needs.
  • 4. Ep 4: How the a parasitic private school voucher school system hurts teacher and students

    Kirk and Patty talked to Bob Baxter, Executive Director for the Wisconsin Teacher's Union, aka the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), and Heather Dubois Bourenane, Executive Director for the Wisconsin Public Education Network.They helped us understand how the growth of the parasitic private voucher school program has hurt both Wisconsin teachers and kids over the last 30 years.
  • 3. Ep 3: Do They Want to Destroy Public Ed? Looking at Voucher School Movement from a National Perspective

    Patti and Kirk spoke with Attorney Jessica Levin from the Educational Law Center, who is also Director of "Public Funds Public Schools," a national campaign to ensure that all public funds are used to support public schools, about who and what is driving this push for parasitic private voucher school programs across the country.
  • 2. Ep 2: From $0 to $444 million, how did we get here? Story of voucher school privatization in Wisconsin

    UW-Madison Professor Emerita Julie Mead joins Patti and Kirk to discuss the history of the parasitic school voucher system in Wisconsin