
cover art for Diamonds in the Rough: Transforming Pressure into Entrepreneurial Success

Unstoppable Female Entrepreneurs

Diamonds in the Rough: Transforming Pressure into Entrepreneurial Success

Ep. 142

What if I told you all the pressure and uncertainty you are going through are exactly what you need to take your business to the next level?

In today's episode, I'm talking about relying on your resilience and perseverance to turn your business into an unstoppable success. As I'm about to turn 50, I look back at my path as an entrepreneur, and while it is true that I pictured my coaching practice would be in a different place, I'm certainly proud of how far I've come. Yet another detail stands out as a constant throughout my path; every challenge that put me and my business on my knees awakened in me things I didn't know I had. I realized that just like diamonds, profitable businesses and successful entrepreneurs are made under pressure, like diamonds.

Throughout this episode, you'll hear about the importance of staying focused and relying on your resilience and perseverance in your entrepreneurial journey. You'll also hear about why overcoming obstacles, even those that seem impossible to overcome, will mold you and transform you into the entrepreneur your business needs you to be, and why, just like with diamonds, the pressure to overcome them will turn you into the strongest, more resilient, unbreakable element of your business.

Tune in to episode 142 of Unstoppable Female Entrepreneurs and discover how to transform pressure and uncertainty into the fuel that propels your business to the next level.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • What Kelsey sees when looking back at her entrepreneurial journey (2:10)
  • How diamonds are made (3:30)
  • The pressure you endure shapes you (5:20)
  • Why building a business feels extremely hard for women in the US (8:10)
  • Take the first step before you are ready (9:30)

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    17:55||Ep. 152
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  • 147. How To Create Authentic Connections. Intuitive Marketing Strategies for Women

    15:06||Ep. 147
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