
cover art for La Photographie de Nu x Sylvie Castioni ( 🇫🇷 )

Undress my Soul Podcast

La Photographie de Nu x Sylvie Castioni ( 🇫🇷 )

Season 2, Ep. 1

Pour ce premier épisode de la saison 2 de "Undress my Soul", j'attaque en français et avec un sujet tabou pour la plupart des gens: La photographie de nu.

Quelques thèmes que nous avons abordés avec la photographe de renom Sylvie Castioni:

  • DĂ©voiler sa confiance en soi Ă  travers l'objectif
  • En quĂŞte de libertĂ©, le chemin vers une sociĂ©tĂ© plus ouverte
  • Le dilemme de l'authenticitĂ© pour les cĂ©lĂ©britĂ©s
  • La quĂŞte de la rĂ©ussite, une illusion qui ne rend pas heureux
  • La rĂ©alitĂ© derrière l'image de soi des femmes mĂ©diatisĂ©es
  • Comment les personnalitĂ©s publiques influencent la libertĂ© d'expression et d'identitĂ© des jeunes femmes
  • RĂ©vĂ©lez votre puissance fĂ©minine et libĂ©rez-vous des normes sociales
  • La vĂ©ritable importance de la reconnaissance sociale

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Mots clé: actrice, chanteuse, célébrité, personnalité publique, nu, nudité, rapport, corps, femme, féminin, amour de soi, liberté, libération, photo, photographie, intimité, danse, image, regard, objet, objectification, sexualisation, danse, transe, shamanique, shamanisme, créativité, mission, artiste, interview, sylvie castioni, muse

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    A Simple and Powerful Daily Routine that will Change your Life Original video: Lakhiani: This would be the prescription that I would give you, right, if I was a doctor for your soul.Helene Clabecq: Hi guys, I am Helene Clabecq, I cover the journey of people who challenge the status quo. Today I'm visiting Vishen in Estonia. He's the founder of Mindvalley, author of the Code of the Extraordinary Mind, acclaimed speaker and overall superhuman dedicated to upgrading humanity through transformational education that includes spirituality. I'm taking you to a customized course on lofty questions. It's a simple equation that Vishen spent 15 years researching that will help us overcome self-sabotage, embrace abundance and bend reality.  Helene Clabecq: Okay Vishen, so you are the expert at helping humans transcend into their higher selves, would you have a technique that you would be willing to teach me in order to train myself to becoming more performant or more mindful?Vishen: Well first, we were talking about that earlier, you told me about a situation you're in about self-doubt that's sabotaging you, so let's go deeper into that. Explain to me and to the people who are watching what you're feeling right now.Helene: Right okay, so basically I have been through several steps of awakening as they'redescribed in your book as well and after realizing the human potential in a way, I started doubting myself. I've been facing a contrast, like beautiful things happening and not being willing to embrace them.Vishen: I just want you to know that's really normal. I'm facing that right now as well in my career, my business has doubled in the last six months and it's hit this ceiling where I'm starting to go: “is this true? Can I really deal with this?” and beginning to see that those thoughts are actually slowing down my growth and causing unnecessary stress so I'm coming from the same situation within our respective zones.So to overcome that, what you got to understand is that there are so many different mindsets that people talk about that put us in a state where it seems as if the Universe has our back and everything in life is flowing effortlessly, but if you read all the advice out there, there are different people to say these are different things. Some people talk about the law of attraction, some people talk about hard work, some people talk about being in a state of flow, some people talk about bliss, some people talk about looking at the positive.Helene: That's right.Vishen: so what I want to do is I want to put this all in an equation, so over the last 15 years of my life, I've personally gone out and interviewed hundreds of people including billionaires all the way down to spiritual healers who are able to do things that science can't explain.Okay, so first the word I use is “living in a state of bending reality”. Bending reality is this ability which I believe we all have to make the world shift to a degree where it feels as if a lot as magical.It feels as if we are lucky, it feels as if synchronicities, coincidences, the right people are coming to our life at the right time, but there is an equation which I think best reflects this.The equation is this: the first is self identity. Self identity is the most important thing, this is the problem that you are facing. Your life has grown, but your self identity hasn’t grown. My life has grown, my self identity hasn't grown. So we are hitting this roadblock. You see, Michael Beckwith, he's one of the people I interviewed, he said: The Universe doesn't give you what you focus on, it gives you what you are. He says it's not about the law of attraction, it's about the law of resonance. The world will resonate with you, so you become first, and then the world adjusts as to who you are, so you can focus like crazy on that new job or that new opportunity but if you are not becoming the person who is worthy of that new job, or that new opportunity or if you doubt that you are that person, you hit the brakes, so self-identity is the first thing.Helene: In order to attract that, we need to vibrate at a higher level.Vishen: Exactly now the next thing over here is smart work. A lot of people say “work hard”, I don't believe in that, work hard, and everyone I interviewed, work hard was the stupidest advice, no one actually works hard, they work smart.Helene: Except for Gary V.Vishen: Gary Vaynerchuk is simplifying it for the audience he's speaking to. If you're a young teenager and you want to start your first company and it's a decision between working hard or continuing to play on your Xbox, then you want to get your ass moving, right? But it's about smart work, smart work is assembling a team, looking at culture, productivity hacks, but again a lot of people are obsessed with this, it's only a tiny bit.Now with smart work, times what I call bliss, okay so bliss means elevated states of happiness, times clarity, so clarity is how clear are you on what you want, times mission, intuition.Intuition is your ability to listen within. You were telling me that you started meditating and you get these intuitive feelings, so these five are divided by negative emotion on a scale of one to ten squared. The negative emotion wipes everything out. This is a very powerful pulldown factor. Okay, now look at this: one two three four five six things right at the top, the biggest one is self identity, and the biggest one that sucks you down is negative emotion. Now think about what you're experiencing. Your self identity has not matched to what it is that you're pulling in, and when it doesn't match you get fear, you get anxiety, so you pull yourself down because all of those negative emotions multiply, so what you want to focus on is this. Yes, you want to focus on smart work, you want to focus on elevated emotions, you want to know what your mission is on the planet, how you're gonna serve and you want to listen to your intuition. You're doing all of this. Helene: Yes, everything is crystal clear.Vishen: It is the gap that is causing this to emerge. Do you want to learn the technique to overcome it?Helene: Hell yes, please.Vishen: Firstly, my skill is as an integrator so I don't profess to be the genius who knows everything, but I seek out the geniuses who know everything and this is why on MindValley we have hundreds of speakers and we have so many of the world's great teachers and authors and I try to bring in their best ideas.There's one particular teacher that I think has the best idea for self identity work and that particular idea is called lofty questions. The teacher's name is Christie Marie Sheldon and I want to give credit where credit is due. Let me explain lofty questions. Firstly, have you heard of affirmations? Helene: yesVishen: Okay, so affirmations are when you look in the mirror and you say: I am brilliant, I am beautiful, I am intelligent”, but there's a problem with affirmations. If your self identity is not ready, your self identity will doubt the affirmation. So you can say “I have an amazing body”, but in the back of your mind, there's a voice saying “no you don't, you ate a giant pizza yesterday”, so the doubts creep in. There's a way to trick the mind. You use a technique called lofty questions. You don't make a declaration, you ask a question. The question is: “why do I have an amazing body, why am I so clear on my mission, why is life so easy for me, why are so many people attracted to me, why do I have such an amazing time with my teammates, why is my work so effortless and easy, why do I love writing so much or why does my writing flow so effortlessly”…You ask the why question. When you asked a why question, what happens is that your brain doesn't come back with a negative your book but rather your brain now has to come up with a solution so the negativity goes down, the doubt, the barrier goes down but what you start finding is that your brain is brilliant at solving problems and when you ask a wild question your brain will attempt to address it and you will find that your identity starts to ship and the right solutions come into play. You want to take whatever it is that is your vision for your life and flip it into a question.Let's create lofty questions for you right now. I have 27 lofty questions I create for myself. I am committed to memorizing 27. Of course it is a lot, but it happened over the last three years and I ask myself these questions everyday. The questions include questions such as: why do I have such a great relationship with my children, why do I love the people I work with, why do I have two New York Times bestsellers (it's not happening yet, I have one)? I ask those questions because the question shifts my identity to see myself as a better father, see myself as a better writer, and see myself as a better teammate. These questions really work and the questions don't have to be big goals. One of my lofty questions is really simple: why am I always surrounded by love? Another one is: why am I always growing and learning? Helene: And it puts you in this emotional state of being there.Vishen: Exactly, because it changes your beliefs, you are reprogramming your belief system. How do you create a lofty question? You must know what goals you want, like one of my goals is actually to just experience love on a consistent basis, to love and be loved so my lofty question is not: why am I driving a red Ferrari; I don't give a damn about that, it’s why am I surrounded by love, and so I feel great love for the people I work with, for my family, for my children and from my friends, and that to me is one of my biggest sources of happiness.So love is one of my first lofty questions and this one creates a ripple effect, in fact what are some of yours? Give me five goals that you have for yourself, five things you would like to see in your life.Helene: Okay, why do I get to travel constantly?Vishen: Okay that's good, why do I get to travel, so you already turned it into a lofty question that's perfect, why do I get to travel constantly but there's a problem there, you can travel constantly and be fed up with airlines and stuffy airplanes and jet lag, or you can travel constantly in a joyful state, which one is it?Helene: the second one.Vishen: Okay, so let's modify that: why do I get to see the world while having beautiful experiences. Does that make sense? You want to be complete. Okay so now you've made it complete. Now, let's go on to a second one.Helene: Why am I the go-to journalist for game changers?Vishen: why am I the go-to journalist for game changes, okay that's a good one. That's a beautiful one, it's very specific, I like that, so you've brought in clarity and the good thing about them also is that it ties to your mission a bit, that's great . What will happen now is your brain will start seeking out ways to make you to the go to journalist, you might stumble upon a book on how to be a great interviewer, you might stumble upon this incredible interview that you have been dying to bring this guest in, so that's a great one, let's go on to a third one.Helene:  Why am I so confident in myself, in my feminine power? Vishen: Okay so rather than confident in my feminine power, why don't you simply change that to why am I so comfortable in my feminine power? Why I say comfortable is because comfortable includes everything: confidence, bliss, everything. Here's a tip to create a lofty question: think about a goal you want in life, if you had a genie, imagine what would be something you would ask the genie for? Helene: Maybe move back to the States.Vishen: Okay, why am I living… Don't say why am I living in the U.S, because there's always a part of us that is the conscious mind desiring something but we have a soul that may desire something else. What if you think you want to live in the States but your future husband is in Berlin, so what you rather want to say is why am I living in the perfect city for me, does that make sense? Let’s move on to another one.Helene: I love the one you mentioned about love, why am I surrounded by love?Vishen: Yes, so you don't say surrounded by love, you want to make it more powerful, you say why am I always surrounded by love, your lofty questions should be complete, they should be holistic, they should involve emotion and they should also leave some room for the universe to fill in the gaps for things you are unsure of, so in addition to this equation, there is a particular state of mind where the equation works best and it's called alpha.Alpha is the brainwave frequency, 7 to 14 cycles per second and it works best when you have high alpha amplitude and brain coherence. This is what happens when you meditate but this part over here, amplitude and brain coherence, this happens best when you reduce negative emotions, you reduce negative emotions by starting your meditation with compassion practices, that means seeing yourself expanding love to the world. You start with gratitude so what are you grateful for. Think about anywhere from 3 to 9 things, you spend some time on forgiveness, forgive yourself for any mistakes you made it the past that you regret, forgive other people who have hurt you; it could be an ex-boyfriend, it could be a parent, it could be a former person you worked with, but forgive forgive forgive. You should have no anger towards anyone okay, because all of that brings you down.The first three phases are to remove all the negativity, then you go to lofty questions.Helene: What's insane about this technique is that it really shows that all the power comes from inside, we can rewire our brains into transforming the reality that's around us.Vishen: Exactly, so this would be the prescription that I would give you if I was a doctor for your soul. Vishen, vishen lakhiani,self-sabotage, bend reality,happy, happiness, intuition,spirituality, consciousness, smart work, negative-thoughts ,omvana, lofty questions examples, affirmations, self-identity,Christie Marie Sheldon, quantum physics, bending reality, state of mind, dream technique, how to affirmations, dream come true, secrets of the universe, how to be successful, inspiring interview, handle emotions, what is my mission, how to manifest, inspiring story, christie marie sheldon, daily routine, morning routine