
Under Consoletation: The Video Game Television Podcast
Focus: The Sega SG-1000
Season 2, Ep. 34
For this months focus we go back to the beginnings of Sega in the home market: The SG-1000! And the SC-3000! And it's a lot like the Colecovision!
Ash and Cliff dive into a story full of misdirection, misreporting, and occasionally legitimate Japanese businessmen.
Also: Sound Effects.
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Theme song by Other Chris
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36. Focus: SEGA SG-1000 - The Games
01:09:10||Season 2, Ep. 36Last month we dove deep on the hardware of the SG-1000, and this month a lot of the games sound like they'd go deep on us.... who thought Dragon Wang was a good idea? It's the SG-1000 Games Library! Ash and Cliff look at 5 select titles covering multiple years of the of the consoles run, and encounter some notable firsts and influential titles along the way.Also: Wang.Theme song by Other ChrisFollow Under Consoletation on BlueSkyFollow Under Consoletation on TwitterFollow Under Consoletation on InstagramSend your thoughts to feedback@underconsoletation.comThe Floppies 2025: Listeners Choice Award - Audio Edition
01:28:33|The Listeners have spoken, the votes have been tabulated, and now Ash & Cliff will run down the top 4 in each category before revealing the overall winners. This stream has been specifically scheduled so it doesn't sit in the shadow of any other awards ceremonies that may be occurring in this timeframe. It's fine.(( CAUTION: This episode is not censored. Naughty words are left in ))Watch the stream here: song by Other ChrisFollow Under Consoletation on BlueSkyFollow Under Consoletation on TwitterFollow Under Consoletation on InstagramSend your thoughts to feedback@underconsoletation.com35. GameCenter CX: Nosferatu Part 2
01:32:14||Season 2, Ep. 35It's time for the climax of GameCenter CX's 10th Anniversary season with part two of Arino taking on Nosferatu! Ash and Cliff rejoin Arino after a few weeks as he shakes off some game-rust and proceeds to make all the same mistakes he did last time. Even if he makes it to the end, will the game have a satisfying pay off?There's also claw machines, punching games, and one final look at Sega's SG-1000. PLUS! Cliff gets to hear more of his favourite song.Watch the episode here: GameCenter CX: Episode 176Theme song by Other ChrisFollow Under Consoletation on BlueSkyFollow Under Consoletation on TwitterFollow Under Consoletation on InstagramSend your thoughts to feedback@underconsoletation.com33. GameCenter CX: Nosferatu Part 1
02:03:50||Season 2, Ep. 33It's the finale of GameCenter CX's 10th Anniversary season, and they're ending on a two parter!Ash and Cliff join Arino as he tackles Nosferatu for the Super Famicom, a game he knows nothing about but which seems strangely familiar.There's also fresh seafood, pensioners with zero sense of personal space, and Cliff gets a new favourite song.Watch the episode here: GameCenter CX: Episode 175Take the UCP Listener Awards Survey HERETheme song by Other ChrisFollow Under Consoletation on BlueSkyFollow Under Consoletation on TwitterFollow Under Consoletation on InstagramSend your thoughts to feedback@underconsoletation.com32. Focus: Electronic Fun with Computers and Games
01:43:52||Season 2, Ep. 32It's another magazine focus episode, as we take a look at the January 1984 edition of Electronic Fun with Computers and Games. Ash chats early videogame nasties, Cliff juggles carts, and after a brief moment of Muppetry they settle into the core of the episode: The Arcades of London!Read the magazine HERETake the UCP Listener Awards Survey HERETheme song by Other ChrisFollow Under Consoletation on BlueSkyFollow Under Consoletation on TwitterFollow Under Consoletation on InstagramSend your thoughts to feedback@underconsoletation.com31. Starcade - Champions vs Champions
01:33:55||Season 2, Ep. 31An old friend returns to UCP with Starcade from 1984, although this time there's a new host who actually gives a toss about the games being played!Promotional consideration has not been paid for by any of the companies in this episode of Starcade, but that doesn't matter because Ash & Cliff will talk about them anyway! Also, there are games! Xevious! Millipede! Wacko! More Wacko! Also... Wacko!Watch the episode of Starcade HEREListen to the first episode of Starcade HERETake the UCP Listener Awards Survey HERETheme song by Other ChrisFollow Under Consoletation on BlueSkyFollow Under Consoletation on TwitterFollow Under Consoletation on InstagramSend your thoughts to feedback@underconsoletation.com30. UCP 2024 Wrap-Up Episode
01:35:23||Season 2, Ep. 30The year has been and gone, and so to start off 2025 we're looking at the past 12 months, recapping the episodes we did and then throwing it over to you, our listeners so you can tell us what you thought with our first ever Listener Awards!Take the Survey HERETheme song by Other ChrisFollow Under Consoletation on BlueSkyFollow Under Consoletation on TwitterFollow Under Consoletation on InstagramSend your thoughts to feedback@underconsoletation.com29. Focus: Bullseye Christmas Special 1992
01:53:57||Season 2, Ep. 29Ash and Cliff step up to the Oche for a super, smashing, great time with the 1992 Bullseye Christmas Special. Jim's got special lips, Tony Green has an ego, and all of the special guests are on the lash. But it's fine, it's all for CHARITY!Watch the Bullseye Christmas Special Part 1Watch the Bullseye Christmas Special Part 2Support Dominik Diamonds Little Old Purple Column Theme song by Other ChrisFollow Under Consoletation on BlueSkyFollow Under Consoletation on TwitterFollow Under Consoletation on InstagramSend your thoughts to