Two Guys, What's Up?

  • 78. #78 - Auto-gnome-biles & Unsatisfied Customers

    Gnomes. Pesky little things. But as if they’re not bad enough as they are, imagine if they received their provisional driving licence; passed in record time and then used their newfound mode of transport to torment our children! Well, imagine no more, as Iain provides us the story of six children that encountered such a thing and the tales they had to tell! Then Jordan talks us through some the wackiest Yelp! reviews that have been left for businesses, that just haven’t performed as well as these reviewers would have liked! Let’s hope there’s better reviews coming today for the Two Guys!Support us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merchAll the link tree links for all your TGWU needsMusic:
  • 77. #77 - Planes Aren’t Real & Sick Day Excuses

    Listen to this episode while you can! Download it, save it! Share it with everyone you know before “they” take it down! The truth is out there, people! Planes are not real! Today Iain will guide you through the deceit and tell you all the evidence and reasons for the greatest coverup ever! And then Jordan cools things down, takes us back to reality, and makes us all forget we live in a giant world of lies, by telling us the funniest excuses the internet has used to call in sick at work. How many of these would you try? What’s your weirdest excuses you’ve used for the simple pleasure of a non-sick-sick-day? Let us know at twoguyswhatsup@gmail.comSupport us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merchlinktree for all the links for all your TGWU needsMusic:
  • 76. #76 - Contact with the Dead - CONFIRMED & Fast Food Hygiene Horror

    This week on your weekly check in with the Guys! Iain tells us about a séance group that made undeniable, 100% confirmed by science, contact with the other side, with tons of supporting evidence like photos, FBI-approved software, and recordings! Then Jordan gives us all a reason to #stayhomesavelives and cook for ourselves; resisting the temptation of that delivery app has never been made easier for fast food. But it the easiest hard pass when you hear these horror stories of the disgusting things that go in kitchens all around the world, reported by the very people that have worked in them and witnessed it firsthand!Support us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merchlinktree for the links for all your TGWU needsScole experiment documentary Music:
  • 75. #75 - The Skinwalker and AI Disappointment

    Today on an action-packed TGWU, Iain tells the story of Lee Brickley, the man who wanted to get the bottom of the skinwalker and through his travels and discoveries, ends up with a concussion, two miles underground. Then Jordan sets all our minds at ease with some of the funniest fails Google’s AI has to offer, from confidently handing out advice on clearly wrong cooking temperatures, to adamantly proclaiming that yes, dogs do indeed give birth baby cows. A few things to stay tuned for: Iain’s wife gives her expert opinion, and your chance to claim a copy of Lee Brickley’s book 'SKINWALKERS: Real encounters with shapeshifters, UFOs and interdimensional beings'  signed by your favourite Two Guys.Support us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merch Chat to us here - All the links for all your TGWU needs Music: https://www.purple-planet.comLurking Evil by Darren Curtis | promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0
  • 74. #74 - Skinwalkers and Scammers - Two Kinds of Buggers

    Hello and welcome to a brand new Monday, and with it a brand new check-in with your favourite Two Guys! So what’ve they got in store for us all today? Well! Iain takes us on a guided tour of the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, pointing out the myriad of spooky things that one family experienced when they lived on the ranch for just two short years. And then Jordan counters the horrors by talking us through some of the best ways that receivers of scammers’ dirty attempts at deceiving, have in turn, wasted those dirty scammers time and had utter fools made of them by this who have been contacted via phone whether it be by text, email or the old fashioned call! So join us today, get scared, and have a giggle!Support us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merchChat to us HEREMusic: https://www.purple-planet.com skinwalker video for extra infoDay of Chaos by Kevin MacLeod I Music promoted by Commons CC BY 3.0
  • 73. #73 - Chemtrails and Critters: Real or Fake?

    Good morning, you glorious gits! Today we ask you to crane your neck skyward as Iain unravels the mystery behind chemtrails; those possible trails left behind airplanes. Are they merely frozen water vapour left behind by a warm engine, or are they something more nefarious, purposely dumped over our heads for clandestine reasons? And then Jordan tests all our knowledge with some unbelievable (real?) names given to some animals. Which are genuine? And which were made up, concocted by the mind of our very own Jordan? Play along at home and let us know how many you got right! Did you “win” Iain?!Support us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merchChat to us hereMusic:
  • 72. #72 - The Weirdest Mystery Ever Accepted and Legal Oddities

    Today Jordan takes us on a journey of the “weird but legal”! He tells us a little story of Iain but, not the Iain we’ve all come to tolerate, an even weirder one; a parallel one. One so strange that you might want him arrested! But unfortunately, all the strange things that this Iain is doing is perfectly legal. Weird! But legal. So join Jordan for story time as we take a front row seat to see a day in the life of parallel Iain. Then our Iain, the real one (weird but in a different way) and the one we’ve all gotten use to, tells us about one of the strangest yet most commonly accepted paranormal occurrences; JOTTS. When an item randomly disappears and re-appears, sometimes years later. Or something you previously lost, turns up in the strangest of places. Regular things that baffle you but are for some reason quickly brushed off as ‘Just One of Those Things’.Support us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merchChat to us hereJOTTSJOTTSAnd More JOTTSJOTTS Book by Mary Rose BarringtonMusic:
  • 71. #71 - When Palm Meets Face & Fairies Meet Aliens

    Gather round! For today, as usual, the Guys have two fantastic segments for you! Like two halves of one perfectly ripe orange. Jordan starts us off with some stories from the internet of people who have either done the wrong thing, said the wrong words, or embarrassed them selves so much, that it’s caused their hand to fly palmward, almost involuntarily, straight toward their own face. But not before allowing us a glimpse into his private life with an embarrassing story from his very own wife. Then Iain follows things up with some supposedly true fairy encounters taken straight from a cencus that was released, filled out by people who had their own story to tell. But, during all the delightful tales of the fae, we ponder, are they all they’re cracked up to be? Or is it just another disguise? Another mask donned by “the phenomenon”, whatever it may be, in order to carry out what nefarious plans they have for us poor unsuspecting, delicious humans.Support us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merchAll the links for all your TGWU needsFairy censusMusic:
  • 70. #70 - Three Guys, Whats Up!? - Interview With James Koppert

    Hello and welcome to a very special episode where your regular Two Guys, for a brief interesting moment, become Three Guys as we welcome to the show, James Koppert. James shares with us his own ghostly encounters, some interesting information on investigations he’s undertaken, and his own views on just what that pesky paranormal could be. We share some laughs, have a grand old chat, hear some spooky stuff and maybe even made a friend along the way. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the spooky ride!Confessions of a Ghostboy YouTube channelConfessions of a Ghostboy TikTokFortean News Podcast on Apple Podcasts Fortean News Podcast on Spotify  Or search for Fortean News where ever you get your podcasts.. Support us Two Guys on Patreon for all your bonus content and merchAll the links for all your TGWU needsMusic: