
cover art for To Mow or not to Mow

Two Good Gardeners

To Mow or not to Mow

Season 3, Ep. 2

In this episode, Dan and Julia discuss whether no-mow May is good for our gardens and discover the many magical properties of copper tools. Julia advises on how to look after tomato plants while waiting for the weather to warm up, and Dan highlights Calycanthus, aka Carolina allspice, an increasingly popular shrub that produces exotic-looking flowers and a culinary spice.

The pros and cons of not mowing in May


  • Reduces time spent mowing
  • Requires no fertilisers, pesticides or watering 
  • Allows some wildflowers to bloom freely
  • Encourages insects, birds and mammals that like to shelter or feed in longer grass
  • It can look attractive and even romantic
  • It Increases the cooling of the surrounding air and locks up more carbon dioxide than short grass


  • It may take a while to restore the neat appearance of a lawn, depending on the weather in June
  • Reduces space to play and walk in a small space.
  • It doesn’t increase biodiversity long-term. It's a gesture rather than a long-term commitment.
  • It may increase the number of weeds, especially dandelions, that appear in adjacent beds and borders.
  • Some birds, insects and flowers prefer a habitat with shorter grass.

Our conclusion - a mix of grass lengths maintained all year round is probably better than not mowing for a month. However, No Mow May is a good reminder to take steps to balance what we need from our gardens against what wildlife needs.

Jobs to do in your garden this fortnight

  1. Tie in sweet peas
  2. Deadhead tulips
  3. Sow runner and French beans
  4. Continue to sow salads, radish, and beetroot for succession crops
  5. Continue to earth up potatoes to protect from frost
  6. Place citrus trees outside in a sheltered spot
  7. Net gooseberries & strawberries as fruit forms to keep birds off
  8. Watch out for lily beetles and remove them fast!
  9. Ventilate greenhouses
  10. Pinch out growing tips on broad beans when 3-4 ft tall

Dan's upcoming events:

Saturday, 4th May - Plant Fair and Open Garden at Saltwood Castle near Hythe, Kent

Sunday, 5th May - Chiswick Flower Market, London

Monday, 6th May - Spring Plant Fair at Belmont House, Throwley, near Faversham, Kent

Sunday, 12th May - Rare Plant Fair at Salthrop House, near Swindon, Wiltshire

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  • 2. Less Is More

    56:17||Season 4, Ep. 2
    In this episode, Dan & Julia consider the gardening chores we could do less to free up time for new projects or relaxation. Dan explains why anvil secateurs are better for some pruning jobs and Julia shares how to sustain your crop of annual herbs into the late autumn and early winter. Your hosts round off with a list of jobs to do in your garden this fortnight and reveal what will keep them out of mischief until the next episode.A few of Dan & Julia's time-saving measures:Not washing or sterilising pots.Not using crocks at the bottom of pots and containers.Not sowing seeds too early in the season.Using a mulch of bark, compost or grit to reduce watering time.Choosing shrubs that grow slowly and neatly and require little pruning.Selecting tried and tested plants that aren’t too fussy - an RHS Award of Garden Merit is a good sign that a plant won’t be too diva-ish!Jobs to do in your garden this fortnightClear out greenhouses and clean the glass to let more light in.Sow wildflower seeds.Lift and divide dahlias after the first frost unless left in the ground, in which case cover them with mulch.Compost or mulch empty beds - or still time to sow green manure.Cut back asparagus fern when turning yellow.Make a final cut to topiary and hedges before winter sets in - but it’s too late for most conifers now.Clean and sterilise bird feeders before refilling with high-energy seeds.Sow sweet peas and broad beans.Stake sunflowers if they’re still blooming.Reduce the height of any roses or perennials that might rock about in the wind.Dan's Products of the Episode:Original LÖWE anvil secateursWebsite links:Dan Cooper GardenParker's PatchGold Leaf GlovesProduced by Scott Kennett at Red Lighthouse Local
  • 1. Autumn Sowing

    57:19||Season 4, Ep. 1
    The Two Good Gardeners return for a new series with an episode devoted to autumn seed sowing. Dan and Julia reveal which varieties you can plant right now for fabulous flowers and delicious edibles next year before sharing a list of jobs you can do in your garden during the second half of September. Your hosts announce a new sponsor—Gold Leaf Gloves—and celebrate with a giveaway: visit their Instagram account @twogoodgardeners for details. Closing date: Friday, 27th September 2024.Julia's recommended crops for autumn sowing:Carrots 'Nantes', 'Autumn King' and 'Parabel'Broadbeans, 'Aquadulce' and 'The Sutton'Lettuce 'Oak Leaf', 'All Year Round', Winter Density'ParsleyPea 'Meteor'Radish 'Wintella', 'Sparkler'Spring Onion 'White Lisbon'Spinach 'Perpetual'Pak Choi 'Red Choi', 'Glacier', 'Cholo F1'Onion 'Red Baron', 'Electric', 'Snowball', 'Radar', 'Autumn Champion'Shallot 'Jermor'Dan's recommended flowers for autumn sowing:Ammi majusCornflowerCorncockleCalendulaChrysanthemum carinatumLinariaNigellaPoppy (corn and opium)PhaceliaAntirrhinumAnaethiumEschscholziaCerinthe major 'Purpurascens'ClarkiaGodetiaRequiring a cold spell - Rudbeckia, Monarda (bergamot), Orlaya, Echinacea, Eryngium (sea holly), Persicaria, Larkspur, Centaurea (Batchelors’ buttons)Jobs to do in your garden this fortnight1. Protect Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli from birds, bugs & butterflies2. Add compost to any beds you are clearing to improve soil structure and boost nutrients3. Order tulips, but don’t be tempted to plant them until November4. Plant narcissi, daffodils and alliums5. Order indoor bulbs for forcing6. Bring exotic/tender plants back into the greenhouse, conservatory or house when nighttime temperatures drop below 10ºC7. Switch summer feed to winter feed for all citrus trees8. Collect seeds from perennials9. Lift, divide and replant large clumps of herbaceous perennialsDan's Products of the Episode:Gold Leaf GlovesWebsite links:Dan Cooper GardenParker's PatchGold Leaf GlovesProduced by Scott Kennett at Red Lighthouse Local
  • 8. Two Go Totally Tropical

    01:00:10||Season 3, Ep. 8
    In this episode, the last in series three, Dan & Julia explain how to transform your garden into a tropical paradise using bold foliage, bright flowers and exciting edibles. They share tips on creating the perfect environment for exotics and some of their favourite plants to grow. You'll discover that anything is possible! As always, your hosts round off with a list of jobs you can do in your garden over the next fortnight and share what they’re up to over the coming weeks.Two Good Gardeners will return for a fourth series in early autumn 2024.Tender Plants for Exotic Effect:Banana (Musa and Ensete)CannaOrnamental ginger (Hedychium)Castor oil plant (Ricinus)LantanaAngelAngels'pets (Brugmansia)Tree ferns (Dicksonia and Cyathea)Taro (Colocasia and Alocasia)Gloriosa lilyPapyrus (Cyperus)BegoniaColeus (Solenostemon)Persian shield (Strobilanthes)CaladiumChinese rice paper plant (Tetrapanax)Hardier Plants with Exotic Looks:AlstroemeriaAgapanthusBistort (Persicaria)FatsiaHostaIndian bean tree (Catalpa)Foxglove tree (Paulownia)Large-flowered clematisReeds and grasses (Arundo and Miscanthus)Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)RodgersiaOrnamental rhubarb (Rheum)WaterlilyTuberous and bulbous plants such as Amaryllis, Amarine, Dahlia, oriental and trumpet lilies, Gladiolus and NerineDan's Product of the Episode:Romney Marsh Wools Garden Kneeler CushionWebsite links:Dan Cooper GardenParker's PatchJungle SeedsProduced by Scott Kennet at Red Lighthouse Local
  • 7. Summer Holiday Hacks

    58:25||Season 3, Ep. 7
    In this episode, Dan and Julia share tips for keeping your garden in top condition while you take a well-deserved summer break. Your hosts advise on preparing lawns, vegetable plots, containers, greenhouses, and houseplants before your holiday. Dan chooses his favourite tools for trimming hedges and cutting back early-flowering perennials, and, inspired by Wimbledon, Julia shares a money-saving trick for propagating new strawberry plants.Dan & Julia's Pre-Holiday Checklist:Check your home weather forecast before departure and plan accordingly.Water everything thoroughly, especially container plants, camellias, rhododendrons, hydrangeas and houseplants.Install a drip irrigation system or seeper hose - use a timer to save water and hassle.Cut and edge lawns - but not too short if hot weather is predicted.Weed everywhere.Guard against pest damage by laying traps, using nets and maintaining good ventilation.Support tall and heavily laden plants with canes or stakes.Pick open flowers, ripening fruit and vegetables - give them away or preserve them for later.Move outdoor pots into the shade and houseplants out of the full sunTop-up ponds and birdbaths and provide water for pollinating insectsSecure valuables in sheds or move them into a locked garageAnd remember, if your garden looks a little shaggy when you return, it will be superficial and can quickly be fixed.Dan's Product Picks:Niwaki ShearsNiwaki Mini ShearsJakoti Hand ShearsGrow Bag Trays for keeping houseplants moist while away.Website links:Dan Cooper GardenParker's PatchProduced by Scott Kennet at Red Lighthouse Local
  • 6. A Rose for Every Garden

    01:02:02||Season 3, Ep. 6
    In this episode, Dan & Julia celebrate the rose, Britain's most popular flowering plant. With so many species and varieties available to buy, there's a rose for every garden, but the choice can be bewildering - your hosts share their favourites for containers, walls, banks, wild areas and coastal gardens. Dan highlights his favourite tools and gloves for maintaining roses, and Julia explains how and why you should condition cut roses and other flowers before displaying them indoors. As always, your hosts supply a list of jobs you can do in your garden over the next fortnight.Dan & Julia's Rose PicksClimbers and Ramblers - 'Albertine', 'Masquerade', 'Bobby James', 'New Dawn', 'Buff Beauty', 'American Pillar Rose', 'Paul's Himalayan Musk', banksia 'Lutea', laevigata 'Cooperii'Hybrid Teas - 'Peace', 'Fragrant Cloud', 'Just Joey'.For Wild Areas - 'Canary Bird', x odorata 'Mutabilis', x odorata 'Bengal Crimson'.For Coastal Gardens - rugosa 'Hansa', pimpinellifolia 'Dunwich Rose'.For Ground Cover - 'The Fairy', 'Grouse 2000', 'Partridge', 'Magic Carpet'.For Pots - 'Boscobel', 'Blue for You', 'Pearl Drift', 'Gabriel Oak'.For Borders - 'Queen of Sweden'.Dan's Product Picks:Mainichi Snips - perfect for picking and pruning rosesOpinel No.12 Pruning Saw - ideal for tackling rampant ramblersGold Leaf Tough Touch Gloves - to protect your hands and wrists from thorns and pricklesGardening Jobs for the Fortnight Ahead:Mist houseplants with rainwater to keep the humidity up and ward off red spider mites.If you're going on holiday, arrange for a friend or neighbour to take care of the watering.Water and feed tomatoes, cucumbers and aubergines regularly. Irregular watering can cause the fruits to split.Watch out for vine weevils in potted plants. The telltale signs are little notches in the leaf edges.Keep deadheading all flowering plants and feed with a high potash fertiliser to keep the blooms coming.Divide bearded irises and replant so the rhizome is exposed on the soil surface.Trim vigorous climbers such as vines, jasmine, honeysuckle and wisteria if they get unruly. Prune rambling roses after flowering, removing about a third of the flowered stems.Harvest courgettes and beans regularly - daily if possible so they aren't watery or tough.Harvest garlic as soon as the leaves turn yellow and start to wither.Keep birdbaths and ponds topped up with water - rainwater if you can, but small amounts of tap water are better than no water.Thin out parsnips and carrots. You can't replant the thinnings, so eat them lightly steamed. They are delicious.Website links:Dan Cooper GardenParker's PatchProduced by Scott Kennet at Red Lighthouse Local
  • 5. Good Companions

    47:06||Season 3, Ep. 5
    Dan and Julia delve into the subtle, little-understood subject of companion planting, revealing which plants get along well and which really don’t! Dan describes three fantastic new tools that have just joined his Signature range, and Julia explains the Three Sisters method of growing beans, squash, and sweetcorn together.Dan & Julia's Favourite Plant Companions:Plant basil near or at the base of tomatoes to ward off white flyGrow nasturtiums as sacrificial plants to attract black flyPosition French marigolds attract aphids from cucumbers and runner beansTansy deters ants due to its spreading nature underground and planted under fruit trees; it helps deter flies. (It is, however, toxic to pets.)Plant strong-smelling herbs such as sage and parsley to keep aphids awayBlack mint or Hucatay, Tagetes minuta is part of the marigold family. It is an excellent companion plant for greenhouse veggies such as cucumbers, chillies, tomatoes, peppers and aubergines. The pungent smell helps repel and confuse insect pests through the flowers and leaves and releases anti-nematode compounds into the soil. Grow strawberries beneath grape vines as they succumb to vine weevils first, giving you a fighting chance to save your grapes. Strawberries also indicate if scale insects are a problem on vines by getting covered in sooty mould first.Grow chamomile amongst other plants to keep fungus, mildew, mould and blight away.Plant onions or garlic between carrot rows to deter carrot root flies.Grow lavender alongside carrots and/or leeks. The scent attracts many pollinators and keeps pests at bay.Plant borage and strawberries together - borage attracts pollinators and has a mild cucumber scent; this will help keep predators off the strawberries and improve their flavour.Plant calendula with courgettes as the calendula protects the courgettes from slugs and snails, in theory!Dan's Product Picks:Signature T-handle Spade - perfect for border work, planting roses and perennialsSignature T-handle Fork - great for working on your hands and knees in beds.Signature Japanese Weeding Hoe - great for weeding raised beds.Gardening Jobs for the Fortnight Ahead:Make a final sowing of summer annuals like cosmos and zinnias.Sow biennials, including sweet williams, foxgloves, hesperis, honesty, stocks and wallflowers.Sow broccoli, kale, spinach, and a final batch of runner and French beans.Don’t let containers dry out - bright and breezy weather dehydrates plants very quickly.Deadhead roses to keep them neat and tidy and encourage further flushes of flowers.Pinch out dahlias, fuchsias and coleus to encourage bushy growth.Give wisteria its summer prune, cutting all the long side shoots back to 20cm.Prune late-spring or early-summer shrubs after flowering, thinning out the flowered stems.Install a water butt if you don’t already have one.Harvest salads regularly.Website links:Dan Cooper GardenParker's PatchProduced by Red Lighthouse Local
  • 4. Chelsea - Take it or Leave it?

    58:00||Season 3, Ep. 4
    In this episode, Dan & Julia reflect on this year’s Chelsea Flower Show, sharing features that impressed them and those that left them wanting more. Dan highlights two ways to keep bugs at bay, which are chemical and plastic-free, while Julia shares family-friendly tips for growing vegetables in recycled containers. As always, your hosts offer their suggestions of jobs to do in your garden over the next fortnight and reveal where they’re popping up next!Dan's products of the week:Bugnet - Bug Killer Spray ConcentrateInsectonet - Plastic-Free Insect NetBuy Julia's book, 'The Little Grower's Cookbook' at Lettuce Publishing.Garden Jobs for the WeekSupport herbaceous plants in borders. Harvest early potatoes, usually when they are in flower.Start making your own plant food using nettles, comfrey or seaweed soaked in a bucket.Pinch outside shoots on cordon tomatoes and tie into canes.Plant out sweet corn and continue to successionally sow salad crops.Net strawberries and other soft fruit crops to keep birds off.Sow runner beans.Be on guard for slugs and snails and treat accordingly.Spray box moth caterpillars every few weeks on a dry day; they are highly prevalent at present.Evict exotic plants from house and greenhouse.Website links:Dan Cooper GardenParker's PatchThis podcast was produced by the brilliant Scott Kennett of Red Lighthouse Local episode was sponsored by Dan Cooper Garden, where garden lovers go to find outstanding garden products, sage advice, and abundant inspiration. You can shop online at or plant fairs and garden events across the south and east of England.
  • 3. Inspired by Sissinghurst

    47:24||Season 3, Ep. 3
    Occasionally, your hosts like to explore a garden in depth ..... and have a good old natter. In this episode, Dan and Julia revisit Sissinghurst Castle, starting in an area of the garden known as Delos. Recently resurrected after a long spell in the doldrums, they consider the challenges of recreating a slice of ancient Greece in Kent. Back in the studio, they each share five ways that Sissinghurst inspired them. Dan reveals his current 'must have' garden tool and shares exciting news about new product launches. Julia talks about an alternative method of training and pruning her fig tree. As usual, Dan and Julia finish off with a list of essential jobs to do in your garden over the next two weeks and tell you where they'll be popping up next.Jobs for the fortnightFinish hardening off annuals and tender perennialsIf all danger of frost has passed, start planting containers and hanging basketsPrune forsythia, flowering currant and Japanese quinceTake cuttings of woody herbs such as hyssop, rosemary and thyme. Tie in wisteria, honeysuckle, passionflower and clematis to keep them from wandering in their own direction. Pheromone traps can be hung in apple and plum trees and box hedges to control pests like codling and box moths.Indoors, take stem cuttings from tradescantias, coleus, plectranthus, impatiens and pothos and root them in water.Damp down greenhouse paths on hot days to increase humidityTake the opportunity to clean garden furniture, jet wash patios and scrub barbecues.Settle down and watch the BBC coverage of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show - you'll have the best seat in the house.Dan's product of the week:Niwaki Japanese Weeding Hoe:'s upcoming events:Sunday, 19th May - Rare Plant Fair at The American Museum in BathSunday, 26th May - Rare Plant Fair at Kingston Bagpuize House, OxfordshireWebsite links:Dan Cooper GardenParker's PatchThis podcast was produced by the brilliant Scott Kennett of Red Lighthouse Local episode was sponsored by Dan Cooper Garden, where garden lovers go to find outstanding garden products, sage advice, and abundant inspiration. You can shop online at or plant fairs and garden events across the south and east of England.