
cover art for THE SEPTUAGINT – The Bible that Jesus Read

The NightLight Podcast with Christopher Glyn

THE SEPTUAGINT – The Bible that Jesus Read

Season 1, Ep. 43

Bible researcher and eschatologist Robert Mandelbaum does not shy away from controversy as he peels back the layers of history and reveals the power of the Septuagint* — the Bible of Jesus' day. Why is the Septuagint more accurate, what additional information it contains and which subjects does it broach that most English Bibles back off from or avoid altogether? Find out who hijacked the original Hebrew language ("the tongue of Creation") and expunged "Christ" from the Old Testament! These and other enlightening Biblical intrigues are laid bare in this investigative interview!

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  • 9. The Mysteries of the Seven Kingdoms Part 2 – A Nightmare in Babylon! –

    20:49||Season 3, Ep. 9
    Take a deep dive with Daniel Clarke to discover how King Nebuchadnezzar's nightmarish dream of a terrifyingly mysterious image representing 5 main kingdoms formulates world history, and the significance of its gold, silver, brass, iron, iron-and-clay elements. The soon-coming supernatural stone that will smash Man's cruel rule is on its way! The return and reign of Jesus Christ! Clarke's caution to be wary of more recent alternative interpretations of Bible prophecy parallels Jesus' warning that false teachers in the Last Days would arise. History has proven that prophecy is correct concerning the past, and, therefore, is and will be correct concerning today and tomorrow. This analysis of Daniel Chapter 2 analysis is paramount for all levels of Scriptural scholars, as it's the first cab off the rank in a series of prophetic dreams and visions that hold vital information about the past, present, and future! 
  • 9. The Mysteries of the Seven Kingdoms – An Overview –

    16:22||Season 3, Ep. 9
    In this exceptional introductory interview, expert eschatologist Daniel Clarke presents a bird' s-eye view of the past and present 7 primary world kingdoms pertaining to God's people and Endtime prophecy. Clarke demystifies prophetic Biblical texts with a keen understanding of preparing the Endtime Bride of Christ with strength of wisdom and faith straight from God's Word and correctly balanced Scripture. Follow forthcoming Last Days expositions over the coming months as he unveils expository commentary and key prophecies from the Books of Daniel and Revelation — including where and when the Antichrist shall arise, The Endtime Timeline, and what to expect in the near future — all in preparation for the approaching Day of Christ's return, the Rapture, and Beyond through to Eternity!
  • 8. The “Machine Gun Preacher”

    44:20||Season 3, Ep. 8
    Consigned to the depths of depravity in drugs, addiction, guns, and gangs, Sam Childers, a biker, cried out, "I'm done living this life!" After surrendering his life to Jesus, he felt called to go to East Africa to help repair homes destroyed by civil war. Transformed by the horrors he saw Sam built an orphanage in the heart of territory controlled by Joseph Kony’s brutal LRA militia. However, establishing a shelter was not enough. Determined to save as many lives as possible, Sam and his team took up arms and went deep into enemy territory to rescue kidnapped and children. To his critics, Sam asks, “If a madman came in and abducted your child, and I said to you, I can bring your child home – does it matter how I bring him home?” A fervent, self-proclaimed Christian freedom fighter. Sam’s explosive book "Another Man's War", was made into a movie starring Gerard Butler, “Machine Gun Preacher” In this wide-ranging interview for Nightlight, Sam tells his personal testimony, as well as the true story of the real-life machine gun preacher! 
  • 7. Send Me Where No One Wants to Go! Going Where Angels Fear to Tread! –

    42:04||Season 3, Ep. 7
    Carole Ward, a 3rd-generation missionary, is the founder and director of Favour International. Her book, "Send Me Where No One Wants to Go", recounts her mission to northern Uganda and South Sudan. In 2001, Carole cried out to God, praying, “Send me where no one wants to go and to do what no one wants to do.” In response, the Lord filled her with a dynamic and fearless love for Africa and to reach untouched territory and tribes for Jesus. Carole recounts astonishing signs, wonders, and miracles! “The harvest is so plentiful and the labourers are so few. Jesus said this Gospel must be preached to every tribe and tongue, and then the End will come! Who's going to go?", Carole implores. "Western Christianity has the mentality of 'Hold your territory. Just wait until Jesus comes!' NO! If darkness is fearlessly advancing, where's the church? The Devil knows his time is short and is pulling out all his stops. So shouldn't the church pull out all Christ's stops, full-throttle forward?! When penitent, pleading, prevailing, persevering, persistent prayer takes priority and preeminence over pride, people-pleasing, programs, preconceived ideas, problems, pulpits and performances, then, and only then, will God's presence and power permeate this planet once again!” 
  • 4. Miracles of Healing! When the Impossible Becomes Possible! –

    34:45||Season 3, Ep. 4
    British preacher and evangelist Paul Baker, after 26 years of service in Germany, answered God's call to Uganda and the Congo, resulting in incalculable miraculous healings from diabetes, HIV, lameness, deliverances from demons, regenerative skin replacement, and much more! Yet Paul confesses, "There's nothing spectacular about me. You don't have to be a big-time somebody to have the faith to pray for healing. God's healing power is for everyone who activates their faith and believes! The only qualification I have is the name of Jesus and to believe that whatever is broken, devastated and destroyed by the Devil can be physically, spiritually, mentally and perfectly restored by the living God of His creation! Our challenge in faith is to believe not what our mind tells us, but to believe the impossible and to bring it into existence through claiming the power of Jesus Christ!"
  • 6. Seeking the Kingdom of God. How to Live on Earth as It Is in Heaven –

    34:14||Season 3, Ep. 6
    The life of Chastity Dawn, author of "From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: My Journal of Surrender and Course Correction", had completely unraveled, leaving her an emotional wreck with tearful questions. This monumental meltdown led to her going all in for God, accepting a Kingdom mindset, and discovering the promised Kingdom of God "on Earth as it is in Heaven". Jesus Christ doesn't want to give us a religion, but rather a relationship; not rule-laden ceremonies, but free citizenship here and now in the Kingdom of Heaven! "My entire thought process has changed and I now have this continual peace and joy", Chastity says. "My life isn't perfect, but it's radiant and I'm happier now than I have been before, enjoying the supernatural simplicity and boundless beauty of a deep relationship with Him!"
  • 5. No More Copay! Jesus Paid in Full! –

    33:42||Season 3, Ep. 5
    Author and Biblical scholar Melvin Vallomparambil explains that although it's a common gesture to offer to chip in to help pay, pick up the tab, foot the bill, or split the costs, this mindset — when transferred into performance-based, wheeling-and-dealing Christianity — is a tragic trajectory down a dead-end street! It repeatedly doubts and questions, "Have I done enough? Am I good enough? How can I deserve God's blessings?" The Devil continuously tries to trick us into thinking that WE have to do something. But God's Word says that all things are possible to those who believe! Only believe! The deal is done! Christ has won! He paid in full, foot the bill, and covered all costs!
  • Israeli-Palestinian Flashpoint — All Lives Matter to God! –

    "Bible Made Easy" podcaster Brother George presents a Biblical perspective on the events of October 7, 2023, when Palestinian Hamas fighters conducted a major attack on Israel, resulting in Israel's retaliatory obliteration of Gaza. This horrendous, heartbreaking situation has erupted in a cataclysmic divide, as all strata of society argue as to who's at fault and try to solve this seemingly unsolvable, irreconcilable conflict. Brother George outlines critical components buried deep within the historical and spiritual background of this flashpoint, and explains in detail the expository differences between Old Testament justice and New Testament love. Amidst the incendiary cycles of hatred, violence and revenge, we must clearly see that there is the Israeli viewpoint, the Palestinian viewpoint, and the overarching solution of the teachings of Jesus Christ, who came to put an end to death and destruction, and fill our souls with love's healing power and everlasting life! 

    48:10||Season 3, Ep. 3
    Birthing expert Natasha Bennett delivers powerful parallels between childbirth and the unfolding revelation of the End time. Do two main events from September 2023 possibly herald the signing of the covenant and the beginning of the last 7 years? Time will tell. But certainly, deception is increasingly rampant as the birth pains grow stronger and fulfilled prophecy barrels forward to a point of no return. Reliance on any processes other than God's will hinder our labour, preventing His Spirit from working in us. Before Last Days labour enters the Transition Stage, which Natasha compares to the foretold Great Tribulation, the warning is clear: Go forward! Embrace faith! Forsake fear! Cease from leaning on worldly comforts and conveniences. Seek and shelter in your respective wilderness "in the secret place of the most High [where you] shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (Psalm 91:1)Matthew 24:8 — "All these are the beginning of sorrows."Original Greek for "sorrow": ὠδίνLiteral English translation: ódinPhonetic Spelling: o-deen'Definition: a birth pangPart of Speech: Noun, FeminineUsage: pain/throes of childbirth, acute pain, travail pain, severe agony, a snare(From: