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Stop Running Your Business Like a Man

(29) Summer Sanctuary: Building the Structure of Your Sanctuary with Kathryn Morrison

Ep. 29

A Summer Sanctuary it's something that you need to create and build intentionally.

After last week's episode when we have designed your Summer Sanctuary, it's time to build the structure.

I have invited my mentor Kathryn Morrison to share with us how she has built the structures of support in the different chapters of her life: as an employee, as a solopreneur and as business owner with a team.

We talk about everything from preparing our business before we go on a vacation, to spending intentional time with our children, to crafting sanctuaries of intimacy in our mariages.

Kathryn has 3 little children and runs a successful coaching business and she explodes her corner of the internet with equal parts cosmic rainbows and super strategic business building guidance. Think like if a yogi, Lady Gaga, and Warren Buffett had a baby. You can find her at or on Instagram @kathrynmorrisoncoaching, or find her on her podcast "Ascension Through Entrepreneurship" on your favorite podcast platform.

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