
cover art for Chat number 57: Helen: A brave Art Dealer and Gallery Owner, disrupting the Art industry

This Woman's Work

Chat number 57: Helen: A brave Art Dealer and Gallery Owner, disrupting the Art industry

Ep. 57

Even though Helen did an Art History degree when she was younger, it wasn't what she went on to pursue as a career. Why? Lots of reasons, but the main one being that she simply didn't think she could, either due to societal perceptions, and/or financial restrictions... It wasn't a job she thought someone like her could do back then.

But now that she's in her 40s and has bossed a successful marketing career for nearly 20-years, it's a different ball-game. That youthful fear has been replaced by an innate belief in her own ability.

Helen's goal and her plan is simple: To make art accessible to all, not just the elite. Everyone and anyone that would love to find affordable (to them), meaningful pieces to hang and have at their homes or places of work. 'The Art Buyer's' ethos is about helping anyone find and buy artwork - and to help more artists sell artwork, irrelevant of their background.

Please meet Helen.

** Music played under licence from PRS For Music: Licence number: LE-0032701 **

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    Bryony is now in her late thirties, has 3 kids still in primary school, and is FINALLY stepping into her true self. She's combining her deep love and passion for music with her work and career, and she is literally glowing from it.And it's all come at exactly the right time for her, because even though she's got a long way to go before she's 'in demand' writing for NME and Rolling Stone, she's now mature and wise enough to know what she needs to do/what she needs to work on to get better, and she is VERY determined to be better. She'll be writing for those big music titles in no time!Bryony is proof that even later on (not that she's old at all), you can start again, and you can land that dream. Please meet Bryony.** Music played under licence from PRS For Music: Licence number: LE-0032701 **
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  • 53. Chat number 53: Lisa: A brilliant dressmaker, designer and multi-skilled teacher and lecturer

    35:28||Ep. 53
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