Disciple Community Weekly Teachings

  • Beyond Limits - Part 4

    39:19||Season 1
    The Beyond Limits class is a scriptural journey into supernatural possibilities with Jason Villanueva. We’ll explore scripture for 4 weeks for 1 hour each week. The goal is to have the Spirit lead us into discovery and shatter the limits we’ve placed on Yahweh. Check the class schedule here.Week 4 - Christ Our Advocate / Engaging Divine PowerMore info: https://www.thesourcewichita.com/beyond-limitsGive online: https://www.thesourcewichita.com/giveWatch on Youtube
  • Beyond Limits - Part 3

    49:16||Season 1
    The Beyond Limits class is a scriptural journey into supernatural possibilities with Jason Villanueva. We’ll explore scripture for 4 weeks for 1 hour each week. The goal is to have the Spirit lead us into discovery and shatter the limits we’ve placed on Yahweh. Check the class schedule here.Week 3 - Heavenly ResourcesMore info: https://www.thesourcewichita.com/beyond-limitsGive online: https://www.thesourcewichita.com/give
  • Beyond Limits - Part 2

    35:18||Season 1
    The Beyond Limits class is a scriptural journey into supernatural possibilities with Jason Villanueva. We’ll explore scripture for 4 weeks for 1 hour each week. The goal is to have the Spirit lead us into discovery and shatter the limits we’ve placed on Yahweh. Check the class schedule here.Week 2 - Bringing forth the will of the Father into earth as it is in heaven.More info: https://www.thesourcewichita.com/beyond-limitsGive online: https://www.thesourcewichita.com/give
  • Beyond Limits - Part 1

    42:00||Season 1
    The Beyond Limits class is a scriptural journey into supernatural possibilities with Jason Villanueva. We’ll explore scripture for 4 weeks for 1 hour each week. The goal is to have the Spirit lead us into discovery and shatter the limits we’ve placed on Yahweh. Check the class schedule here. Week 1 - EMBRACING POSSIBILITY - taking the shackles off of our mind and breaking loose from religion and traditional dogma.Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVuzmyHPoyk&feature=youtu.beMore info: https://www.thesourcewichita.com/beyond-limitsGive online: https://www.thesourcewichita.com/give
  • 12. Partaking in Divine Nature

    32:13||Season 2, Ep. 12
    Jason Villanueva shares a word. We partake in divine nature, no longer stumbling in Christ Jesus!The Source Wichita is a discipleship and equipping ministry in Wichita, Kansas.Support The Source Wichita: http://thesourcewichita.com/giveSupport the Source Network: https://amzn.to/2MI780m
  • 11. Look To The Hills

    27:48||Season 2, Ep. 11
    Jason shares a word about the Creator, God, signing creation with his glory and attributes. He has invited us into relationship with him by everything he has made!The Source Wichita is a discipleship and equipping ministry in Wichita, Kansas.Support The Source Wichita: http://thesourcewichita.com/giveSupport the Source Network: https://amzn.to/2MI780m
  • 10. Heaven's Culture of Honor

    30:13||Season 2, Ep. 10
    Christine Smith encourages us to honor one another in all we say and do! Facebook has been a place where Christians bash each other, will this lead to people knowing us by our love for one another?? The Source Wichita is a discipleship and equipping ministry in Wichita, Kansas.Support The Source Wichita: http://thesourcewichita.com/giveSupport the Source Network: https://amzn.to/2MI780m
  • 9. Light In The Darkness

    21:12||Season 2, Ep. 9
    Jason shares from Genesis 1 and John 1, looking at the correlation between the light coming into the darkness. Spoiler! Jesus is that light.The Source Wichita is a discipleship and equipping ministry in Wichita, Kansas.Support The Source Wichita: http://thesourcewichita.com/giveSupport the Source Network: https://amzn.to/2MI780m
  • 8. Will God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

    21:57||Season 2, Ep. 8
    It’s important to ask the question “will God give us more than we can handle”. Chrissy discussed what scripture tells us God’s true promise is when we are in the midst of our suffering. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDh9g5qds1UThe Source Wichita is a discipleship and equipping ministry in Wichita, Kansas. Support The Source Wichita: http://thesourcewichita.com/giveSupport the Source Network: https://amzn.to/2MI780m