
cover art for 3.1 - 60 The Plantagenets 1217 - 1399

The History of England

3.1 - 60 The Plantagenets 1217 - 1399

Season 3, Ep. 1

After introducing Series 3, the Plantagents from 1217 to 1399, Henry III to Richard II, we turn to a kingdom im crisis.

A man was needed to guide England through a civil war and minority. So who do you think they picked? The answer was of course William the Marshal who was now a very old man by the standards of the time. The Earl of Chester was politely asked, given the size of his holdings, but there was no holding William. In the two and a half years left to him, William was able to throw Louis out of the England and establish Henry as the rightful king. But he left an awful lot more for his successors to do. 

Series 3, The Plantagents (1217-1399) Starts in Crisi - the Minority of Henry III with a foreign army in England - and ends in Crisi with the usurpation of Henry Bolingbroke.

60 - 66 Deals with the Monority of Henry III, the Regency of William Marshall and the early faltering reign of the new king

67 - 70 Is a pause to look at society in the High Middle Ages for 4 epiosdes and how people lived before launching into...

70 - 75 Is the fascinating story of Simon de Montford, the reformers and the beginnings of parliament

76 - 86 Sees the end of Henry's reign, and the reign of Edward Longshanks, with the Welsh campaign; and then the Great Cause in Sctoland from episode 81. There's time also for some social stuff about tournaments and Crime in 84 & 85

87 - 94 Concerns the scandalous reign of Edward II - and the first signs of toruble in the Great Famine of 1315

95 - 116 Is all about the glittering reign of Edward III, the start of the Hundred Years' War, a glorious life and a bad death

117 - 130 Is the reign of Richard II, including the Peasants Revolt in 119 & 120; and Wucliffe & lollardy 122-123

131-133 Are three episodes on Europe before moving on to Series 3 and the House of Lancaster

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  • All About the History of England

    This is my chronological retelling of the story of the English in regular chunks. It’s been going since Christmas Day 2010, so there’s enough to keep you off the streets for a while and hanging around the local shopping precinct. But look, you can dip in and you can dip out too. There's all the great trends, events, and drama you’d expect, all set in the context and attitudes of their time; and on that same vein, as often as possible, the series takes some time to set England’s history in the context of her neighbours and the shared culture of Europe. The great and the good are there, because that’s important, but we also walk the highways and byways of ordinary lives and hear their voices - religion, culture, making a living, society and how people lived, globalisation, law - all that stuffYou can listen from start to finish; but do did in and out if you wish. Here's a guide: We start with 31 episodes on one of our foundation stories, the Anglo Saxons.Then there’s 37 episodes on the Normans and Angevins, 1066 to 1215, Hastings to Magna Carta basically. The Plantagenets are next up, to the usurpation of the throne by those dastardly or saintly Lancastrians – tick as appropriateFrom episode 134 we have a real hooley – the Wars of the Roses. We did have fun with the squabbling chaos, death and destruction, very much like a normal family gathering at Christmas really, without the drowning in a VAT of malmesy wine thing hopefully, and we devoted 62 episodes to it all - 1399 to the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 basically.From episode 196, we are then on to the Tudors, and that’s a monster, 137 episodes on the Tudors so if you are a Tudor lover fill up your boots. We then reach my personal favourite, the Stuart age at Episode 325, starting the British Revolutions at episode 369
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  • 3. 1.2 Adventus Saxonum

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  • 6. 1.5 The Life and Times of Penda I

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  • 7. 1.6 The Life and Times of Penda II

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  • 8. 1.7 Conversion

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