
cover art for #252 | TAKE THE MIC | WITH FABIOLA BALANOS

Happy Mama Movement with Amy Taylor-Kabbaz


Season 1, Ep. 257

Welcome to "TAKE THE MIC" - a brand new style podcast episode!

Every month I will be handing my microphone over to one of our phenomenal Mama Rising coaches somewhere in the world to host my podcast and share their story. 

This isn't me interviewing them - this is them HOSTING the show! 

They introduce themselves, share their story of Matrescence and motherhood, and the experiences of mothers in their region. 

They are the host, the expert, and the leader. 

And I couldn't be more excited to share this with you! 

Our first Take the Mic is Fabiola Balanos, Co-founder of the first consultancy company dedicated to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Wellbeing in Costa Rica.

Fabiola shares with us not only her own experience of becoming a mother and trying to balance her new identity with her passion for human resources, but also how she wants to support and change the way mothers balance work and motherhood in South America. 

Watch the Full Audio-Visual presentation HERE:




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    Welcome to this week’s episode of the Happy Mama Movement podcast. This week’s guest is Sarah Rusbatch, a multi-award-winning Health and Wellbeing Coach, an accredited Grey Area Drinking Coach, and a menopause coach.We talk about:- How Sarah's journey to sobriety began and the impact it had on her life.- The importance of understanding and addressing grey area drinking.- Key strategies for women to create and live their best alcohol-free lives.- The role of community and support in achieving personal wellness goals.- How to navigate menopause and mental health challenges.I hope you find this conversation useful, and if you do, please share it widely so mothers everywhere can access the support and information they need to thrive.ABOUT SARAH:Sarah is the author of the best-selling book “Beyond Booze: How to Create a Life You Love Alcohol Free,” a multi-award-winning Health and Wellbeing Coach, an accredited Grey Area Drinking Coach, a menopause coach, and a keynote speaker sharing her journey to sobriety and the impact of alcohol on mental health with global audiences. Sarah works tirelessly to support women all over the world to create and live their best lives as they age.After developing what she describes as 'a dysfunctional relationship with alcohol,' Sarah made the decision to remove alcohol from her life in early 2019 and has never looked back. She now works with women across the globe, guiding them from feeling lost, stuck, and out of control (something she fully understands herself), to a healthier and happier way of living.She’s the host of a thriving, global online community (The Women's Wellbeing Collective), which offers a safe space where women feel seen and understood. Sarah meets her clients where they’re at, and her programs are designed for real life. She equips women with the tools they need to break the cycle of unhealthy habits and coping mechanisms. Her experience, knowledge, and passion have transformed lives.Each client is uniquely supported on their journey - one day, one event, and one step at a time.RESOURCES:SARAH'S WEBSITE: SARAH'S BRILLIANT BOOK HERE: @sarahrusbatchFACEBOOK:'S 30 DAY ALCOHOL-FREE CHALLENGE:

    Welcome to this week’s episode of "Take The Mic".This week is Eliane Polek, who created her first blog, ‘The Insane Mama,’ during the first COVID lockdown, driven by her own experiences and struggles with motherhood.She share's with us:How Eliane's journey through motherhood and feelings of maternal anger and rage inspired her blog and her work with mothers.The impact of learning about matrescence on Eliane's life.The importance of finding balance amidst the chaos of motherhood.How embodiment and mental healing tools can support mothers.Eliane's project, ‘Insane Mama Moments,’ and its mission to share anonymous stories of shame, secrets, and guilt from mothers.I hope you find this useful, and if you do, please share it widely so mothers everywhere can access the support and information they need to thrive.ABOUT ELIANE:Eliane created her first blog, then called ‘The Insane Mama,’ in 2020 during the first COVID lockdown. The name came to her easily, because she felt quite ‘insane’ then, and still does quite regularly. Or at least, tipped very out of balance most days.Since first becoming a mother almost 11 years ago, questions like, ‘Am I going crazy?’, ‘Is this how motherhood is meant to be?’, ‘Is it just me, am I broken somehow?’ were a constant. Combined with feelings of maternal anger and rage, overwhelm, shame, guilt, loss, and quite a lot of grief, these questions and emotions made up an enormous amount of her self-talk and were a big part of her motherhood experience.Learning about matrescence and becoming a Mama Rising Facilitator has been an eye-opening experience for her and one that set her on the path of finding out more, of constant learning about the various conflicting emotions most mothers encounter in motherhood.There is a dance in there, a way to live with both sides, and dance in between them. She tries, most days, to do this with as much grace as she can muster. Knowing and trusting that the darker side is there for a reason, but you do not need to get stuck in it; you can always come back to the light.Originally from Germany, she lives in Dublin, Ireland, with her two sons, her husband, and a sneaky black cat. She loves tea, foxes, the mountains and their smell, water, ancient Irish wells, and the sea.She has set up ‘The Sane Mama’ in Dublin, where she offers in-person workshops for mamas who feel stuck in survival mode, depleted, or burnt out, especially years after having had their first child.Eliane has also started a project very close to her heart called ‘Insane Mama Moments,’ where she is collecting anonymous stories of shame, secrets, and guilt from mamas of all walks of life, to culminate in an exhibition in the future.If you are interested in participating in Eliane’s ‘Insane Mama Moments’ project, please email her at The Sane MamaInstagram: @the_sanemamaFacebook: The Sane MamaLinkedIn: The Sane Mama

    Welcome back, Mamas, to this week’s episode of the Happy Mama Movement Podcast.My guest this week is Paula Maidens.Paula helps entrepreneurs build high-performing teams so they can scale with ease, get their time back, and create the balanced life they deserve!This week we dig deep into Paula's strengths as a Business Coach and discuss:- Ways to rethink your work/ Life structure and put in place your dream balance.- How to step up to the challenge and be where you want to be as well as being a mother and Partner.- Paula’s personal business and life lessons.- Getting your priorities right, and not just sacrificing yourself (resentfully) for the benefit everything and everyone else.- Balancing entrepreneurship with motherhood and personal passions.I hope you find this conversation useful and if you do, please share it widely so mothers everywhere can access the support and information they need to thrive.ABOUT PAULA:Hiring Strategist, Leadership Coach, Speaker & EntrepreneurPaula helps entrepreneurs build high-performing teams so they can scale with ease, get their time back, and create the balanced life they deserve! She's been a business consultant for 14+ years and uses her signature 6 Pillar Framework to shift the perception that hiring, leadership, and stepping up as an empowered CEO needs to feel hard. As an entrepreneur herself, Paula shares her own business and life lessons as well as the hands-on experience she has from interviewing and hiring thousands of people for her clients. She’s also a proud mum to 2 beautiful boys, a very happy wife, a passionate yogi, and an avid traveler.RESOURCES:Website: www.paulamaidens.comInstagram: @paulamaidensconsultingFacebook: paulamaidensbuildingawesometeamsLinkedIn:

    Welcome Mama's and perhaps some Fathers, to this week’s episode of the Happy Mama Movement podcast.This week’s guest is Jeremy Macvean who co-founded, 'The Father Hood' which aims to build tribes of healthier, happier men through his work with Movember.This week we discuss: The unacceptable pay gap between men and women, and exponentially as the ages increase and women hit motherhood.Non-birthing partners learning to pay REAL attention to their birthing partners to really know what is going on with the running of the household and to be more than just an assistant.The deeper meaning of "Being a Provider" beyond simply being the breadwinner, and how it can change the dynamics of relationships and family life.Redefining our role and function in the family and finally getting past gender bias in this modern age.How Jeremy was made to see the reality of his situation through divorce and how getting 50% custody of his kids made him understand and appreciate the weight of motherhood and parenthood and how men especially need to establish greater communication in their relationships to properly steer the family vessel.I hope you find this conversation useful and if you do, please share it widely so motherseverywhere can access the support and information they need to thrive.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JEREMY MACVEAN'S BIO: Jeremy Macvean breathed a sigh of relief when the teacher of his male-only antenatal class advised “To be a good dad, turn up and try”. So that’s what Jeremy has been doing ever since. Turning up to invest time and emotional energy into his three children in every way he can. Turning up to support and inspire modern dads through the organisation he co-founded, The Father Hood. Turning up to build tribes of healthier, happier men through his work with Movember. And through his advisory business, Radiate, turning up to share his strategy and communications experience with the likes of Peter Mac Cancer Centre, The Women’s Hospital and Telstra Health. Of every role Jeremy has ever played, fatherhood brings him by far the most joy, and is also by far the most challenging.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RELATED RESOURCES:

    Where did we get this idea that six weeks after birth, a woman is completely healed and ready to re-enter the world?Why do we rush this process, simply checking in how her body is feeling, and even suggesting she is now ready for sex again?Imagine what would happen if we looked at a mother's becoming as something way beyond the first six weeks, and nourished her with a true acknowledgement of what she has been through and the process of healing and matrescence?This is what Rachel wanted to share with us all when she took the mic this week.Rachel Bettinzoli is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Wellness coach and Mama Rising Facilitator, specialising in women's health and matrescence, and mama to four beautiful children (ages 9, 7, 3 and 1).She supports women through the cycles of motherhood with gentle and intuitive movement and simple strategies that support our whole-self, body, mind and soul. Helping women reconnect and regain confidence and strength in their bodies and redefine what health and motherhood means for them and their family.She also has a background in dance and clinical Pilates, has studied the psychology of nutrition and behaviour change. She has a professional wellness coach certification and is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) MamaRising Facilitator.And with FOUR experiences of becoming a mother, plus all the hours of supporting mothers in her work, she sees the possibility of doing it a very different way.You can follow Rachel's work and reach out to her at anytime at instagram here. And watch the full video of this podcast on Youtube here.

    What would our world be like if we had matrescence-informed public policy? What would those policies even look like? And what impact would they have on our experience of becoming a mother - and the wider experience of parenthood?In this week's episode, mama of 2 Sarah Cleggett share's her own personal experience of becoming a mother, and how that has led her to not only establishing a Social Enterprise-based Mother's Community Group 'Middle Ground Motherhood', but recently completing her Masters on Matrescence-based public policy.Sarah's research highlights how patriarchal and neoliberal motherhood concepts in Australia underestimate the profound changes of motherhood, meaning "mothers are left without the structural support they require to thrive." Sarah was also a part of a national study on parents working conditions, pregnancy leave and return to work, which you can read here.Ultimately, this episode highlights how one mother's experience can spark a commitment to making a difference in the world, and impact an understanding of Matrescence and mother-led support policies would flow on to the rest of society - and the world.You can see Sarah's Social Enterprise work at Middle Ground Motherhood here, and read and subscribe to her Substack here.SARAH IS ONE OF OUR GUEST EXPERTS AT OUR NEXT 'WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW' SERIES.You can join our panel discussion and online workshop on 8th May here. All proceeds from this event will go towards our Global Matrescence Foundation. FULL VIDEO VERSION of this episode can be found here.

    No matter what you believe BEFORE you go into motherhood, there is always a moment when you realise: this isn't what I thought it would be. Maybe it comes immediately - birth was nothing like you thought, the first days were completely different. Or maybe it comes years later, when you think your life - and that of your children or your relationship - is on a certain path, and you realise: that's not my reality anymore. In that moment, there is an invitation mama: Will I open to a new way of thinking, and grieve the old way? And will I be the one who creates this change? Abby Kamen is an artist, activator, and the author of Generation WE: Healing Together to Create Better, a truly thought provoking book that looks at generational trauma and the cyclical effects of survivalism. This podcast brought up how we deal with our own trauma, How our kids push us to do better and upgrade our thinking, And ultimately, how WE are the ones to do this work. One of my fav conversations this year. Listen, and let Abby and I both know what you got out of it. x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ABBY HERE: Kamen is an artist, activator, and the author of Generation WE: Healing Together to Create Better. With candor and wit, she provides a thought provoking look at generational trauma and the cyclical effects of survivalism. In addition to her own projects, she collaborates with other folks and organizations vested in protecting our human rights and providing resources for our mental health and well-being. She lives in Louisville, KY.You can check out Abby's website here. She is a passionate and articulate speaker who brings a deeply human perspective to the conversation about generational trauma, and we will officially be launching the book with a panel titled "Ths Ends With Us" at SXSW 2024.

    In this episode Amy takes a moment to reflect on ten years of coaching mothers, and both her personal journey to get to this point, and how she sees the focus on mothers changing.Just a few short months after becoming a mother 16 years ago, Amy started writing and researching the question: what happens to us? Why does it feel this way? How can we do it better?And since then, she's listened to thousands of hours of coaching and interviews, with both experts and mamas around the world.But, as she shares in this episode, she's also had to find her own confidence and voice.How can you talk about motherhood when no-one really respects it as a professional focus?How can you stand up and speak out when you don't think you have the answers?How do you keep going when you're dealing with your own inner turmoil?And, most important of all, are we making any difference?The answer? yes. In small and big ways. And we can't stop now!May this episode be both an inspiration and a reminder that we are all in this together -imperfect but activated and committed to changing the support and understanding of mothers. 

    Throughout a woman's life, she experiences so many metaphorsis and change - and until very recently, most of these have been hidden and unspoken. Like matrescence - and menopause. Why is that? Why is it that we, as a society, have kept so many of these huge transformations hidden? And what does that do to a woman as she experiences it? And imagine if you were experiencing not one, but TWO of them at the same time? That's what today's podcast episode is all about. CiCi shares her story of finding her passion for women’s wellness following the birth of her first child; when the intensity of becoming a mother left her struggling to find herself within it all. By the time she had her second child in her early 40s, she was navigating postpartum alongside perimenopause.  It was then that her passion for finding balance, led her to qualify as a yoga teacher, earning specialisations in Restorative and Menopause Yoga. As she pursued her own healing, she qualified as a Health Coach from The College of Naturopathic Medicine and became an ICF accredited Mama Rising Facilitator, specialising in matrescence. As The M Coach, she now helps women transform their journey through motherhood and peri/menopause by guiding them into becoming the expert over their own journey and hormones. She is passionate about helping women find the evolution that exists within the menopause transition but also ensuring women feel knowledgeable about what happens to their body hormonally throughout their life. Through her honest & compassionate approach she provides a safe space to explore these difficult transitions throughout a woman’s life. ⁠In the journey of motherhood, we often find ourselves carrying heavy burdens—the weight of our own struggles, the hopes and fears of our children, and the responsibilities we bear. Let alone the societal expectations and the overwhelming stress of being in the world at large. Imagine setting down the burden of these backpacks full to brimming with all these concerns and responsibilities we've been carrying for so long, taking a moment to breathe, and sorting through each item with intention. What's essential? What's worth carrying forward? What's better left behind?It's a powerful metaphor for embracing motherhood with a lighter heart and a brighter outlook. We don't have to carry every burden alone. It's okay to let go of what no longer serves us, to travel light, and to embrace the beauty of the road ahead.SPECIAL OFFER: Cici is offering a 20% discount off her 90-minute MOT when they use the code HAPPYMAMA. These sessions begin identifying what may be causing issues in your hormonal journey and how they can begin to feel better.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS WEEKS PODCAST GUEST CICI GOKTAS HERE:Website:⁠⁠Instagram: