
The Big Whisk Podcast: Young Satirical Comedy Debate
We talk you through what you should expect from The Big Whisk Podcast over the coming weeks. We want to make you think about the nonsense in the world and how it makes you feel. There's no one quite like The Big Whisk and his views...
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01:02:44|Harry and The Big Whisk are joined by Arron to talk about online fame, animals on the underground and decide whether or not they'd be the shortest or tallest man on the planet. As ever, there's plenty to get through and opinions are put out there that aren't for the faint hearted.SEX ON THE SETTEE
01:01:43|The Big Whisk is joined by Harry and Ben for some chat about the weird news of the week, a new spin on the ale of the week and of course "would you rather" and Uncle Whisk. Everything from sex to potato waffles are talked about and the world's put to rights. Please leave a review on the iTunes store and give us any feedback you can via our Facebook page!*SORRY FOR ANY TECHNICAL ISSUES OR SOUND PROBLEMS*A DISGRACE
01:03:12|The full crew talk through their ale of the week before moving on to the hard hitting news of the week. Rat Cafes, men with hands sewn into their stomachs and fingers as long as your legs. It's nonsense after nonsense in the first ever full episode of The Big Whisk Podcast.