
The Back Row
Finding your people!
What do you call a boat full of mates? A friend-ship! I think we can all agree that finding a circle of supportive friends that you can be your authentic self around, who support you and bring out the best in you, is one of the best things in life, right? BUT how do you know when you've found these people? When and how do you meet them? How do you let go of the people who aren't quite right for you? This week, Skye and Amanda do a deep dive into one of the most important relationships we have, friendship. Join them as they unpack how to recognise the signs in yourself and others to help identify your people in life, the ones who will be in your corner and support your dreams. As always, big love to our producer (and one of the best friends two gals could ask for), Liam. Let us know what you think, and send a DM on Insta or TikTok @thebackrowaus
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Your presence is a present!
28:19|Woweee! So many things are trying to grab our attention all the time, right? Technology, the latest TV show, that conversation happening on the other side of the room when you're already in a conversation where you're standing...and sometimes, it's hard to realise how this can be damaging. This week on the poddy, we're talking about the importance of presence, what takes us away from the present moment (see previous suggestions...) and what we can do to put ourselves back in the driver's seat and claim back our energy and focus (and reap the benefits). You're joined as always by teachers and facilitators Amanda and Skye, and a big shout out as always to the second love of our lives (after our doggos of course), our producer Liam. Wherever you're listening, this is The Back Row. OH! And before I forget, the app we mentioned in today's episode is called 'one sec' - described in the app store as a 'Screen Time Impulse Blocker'... sounds pretty useful to us!How to have a difficult conversation!
21:04|Another banger this week as we delve into the world of difficult conversations. We've all been there! It's never easy; it's much easier to ignore the elephant in the room and keep the peace... right? Wrong! When we choose to suppress instead of express how we're feeling, it can lead to things like resentment and feeling disconnected from the people we care about most. So jump on in and learn how to tackle that conversation you know you should have - it will strengthen your friendships and relationships and keep them that way. The acronym we refer to in this podcast comes from a book titled 'Nonviolent Communication' by Marshall B. Rosenberg and it is OFNR (Observations, Feelings, Needs, Request). Thanks as always to our legend of a producer, Liam - for keeping us humble! If you enjoyed this episode, we would love for you to help us get the word out there, share it on your socials and let us know your thoughts! You can find us at @thebackrowausWhy trying new things is good for you!
25:49|It's been a few weeks, friends! We're stoked to be back in your ears, and this week we're talking all about WHY it's SO good to TRY NEW THINGS. Yes, we're yelling because it's super important! There are so many benefits to giving things a red-hot crack... and you just never know unless you give something a go, right? Don't forget to head on over to our socials @thebackrowaus to let us know your thoughts! Mwah! Thanks as always to our producer babe Liam.Conversations in the back row!
25:01|You had questions, and I guess we had some answers! This week, to wrap up Term 2, Amanda and Skye sit down for a chat to answer the questions that you sent us on Insta. We're talking all things fears, failures, successes, friendship and cake-making (yep, we also didn't expect that). Thanks for all of your incredible support; enjoy your school holidays, and we'll be back in your ears in just a few weeks! Thanks to the gorgeous Liam for bringing it all together this season!How to survive exams and study effectively!
27:42|The words we often associate with the word exams are things like "stress," "anxiety", or, if you're anything like us, "internal screaming." But it doesn't have to be this way! This week Amanda and Skye take a look into the tried and tested strategies that are backed up by science. These strategies will help you get through exams with some hot tips to learn how to effectively study and manage your physical and mental environment to best support learning. We know that exam blocks can be stressful, and hopefully, you can find one or two strategies in this episode to apply right away and help you focus and keep cool, calm and collected. You've got this! As always, thanks to our sweet angel Liam for whipping this episode up - best producer ever! Links to Baroque music: Spotify YouTubeIt's all about confidence baby!
28:22|So as it turns out, fake it 'til you make it is actually really good advice... and there is science to prove it! This week Amanda and Skye step into the world of confidence and unpack the questions we've all been wondering - are we born with it? How do we build confidence? Are some people just naturally more confident than others? As always, thank you to dream boat Liam for producing The Back Row. Head on over to Instagram @thebackrowaus for more.Best Advice!
20:21|It's that time of the week again! This week Amanda and Skye share the best pieces of advice they have been given at different points of their lives and share some of yours! Some advice is fabulous; some is a little silly, and some might change your life and influence how you see the world! As always, thanks to Liam for your work behind the scenes. Make sure you are following online on Instagram and TikTok @thebackrowausOvercome Your Inner Bully!
27:09|It's important to know that you are not alone if you have a little voice in your head that isn't always kind. We all have an inner bully and an inner bestie. In this week's episode, Skye and Amanda discuss how we can overcome our inner bully by focusing on our inner bestie. They run through some practical strategies to help encourage our inner bestie to be loud and proud and become the thing we focus on most. As always, thanks to our bestie Liam for his elite efforts in producing this episode. If you are currently struggling and need support, Kids Helpline is available 24/7 on 1800 55 1800.