
The Art of Resistance
e.315 - Communities Not Corporations! Mobilizing for Mining Justice ft. Sakura Saunders
From the Mining Injustice Solidarity Network:
"Canada is a leader in the global mining industry. With an overwhelming majority of mining companies headquartered here in Toronto, more money is raised for mining on the Toronto Stock Exchange than any other stock exchange in the world. For over a decade, human rights advocates, Indigenous peoples, labour unions, and environmental groups have pressured the Canadian government to adopt measures to hold corporations accountable for human rights violations abroad - Murder and sexual abuse by security forces, unchecked environmental devastation, corruption and even targeted assassinations are regularly reported at Canadian mine sites around the world - but to date our federal government has failed to step in with meaningful oversight."
We revisit mining justice efforts with Sakura Saunders of the Mining Injustice Solidarity Network and Protest Barrick. Sakura joined us more than two years ago with Everlyn Gaupe and Jocelyn Mandi of Porgera Women’s Rights Watch (Follow them here) to discuss local resistance at one of Barrick Gold’s sites in Porgera, Papua New Guinea. Two years later she returns as the Mining Injustice Solidarity Network calls for emergency action at Christie Pitts Park on Sunday, May 4th. She joins us from our studios at the University of Toronto.
- May 4th "Emergency Mass Action for Mining Justice" at Christie Pits Park (Toronto, CA)
- Follow Sakura Saunders and the Open For Justice Campaign online.
- The Art of Resistance airs Tuesdays at 11am on CIUT89.5FM. We cover social movements and political struggle in Toronto. Find our archives on SoundCloud and keep up with our guests @ArtOfResisting.
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22. e. 422 - Foodsters United Score An Unprecedented Victory At The Ontario Labour Relations Board ft. Iván Ostos and Narada Kionda
42:23||Season 4, Ep. 22Foodsters UnitedWebsite | Facebook | TwitterOn this week’s show, we’re speaking with Ivan and Narada from the Justice for Foodora Couriers campaign. Couriers with Foodora aim to become the first app-based workforce in Canada to unionize and they’ve just cleared an important legal hurdle in their fight to create a collective bargaining agreement. On February 25th, the Ontario Labour Relations Board or OLRB ruled that Foodora couriers are dependent contractors that resemble employees of the company, not independent contractors. As dependent contractors, Foodora couriers now have the legal right to organize and certify a union. This decision sets an important precedent for other gig economy workers employed by companies like Uber, Doordash, and Grocery Gateway. Today, we’re Ivan and Narada to discuss what the decision made by the Ontario Labour Relations Board means for their efforts to join a union and for the future of gig workers across the country.21. e. 421 - #CutsHurtKids: Ontario Public School Teachers Strike ft. Julius
46:37||Season 4, Ep. 21Elementary Teachers Federation of OntarioFacebook | Twitter | WebsiteOntario public school teachers have been without a contract since the end of August and contract talks with the provincial government have essentially stalled, with the last talk being held on December 19th, 2019. Key issues being disputed include class-size increases, mandatory online courses for high-school students, funding for special-education supports, a hiring regulation that gives supply teachers with more seniority an edge in getting hired for long-term teaching positions, and protection of the full-day kindergarten program and staffing.On February 21st, The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association and the Association of Franco-Ontarian Teachers, held a joint one-day strike where teachers walked off the job together and joined mass rallies across the province and here at Queen’s Park. This is the first time since 1997 that teachers and education workers from Ontario's main education unions were out of their classrooms on the same day.Today, we’re speaking with Julius, chairperson of the labour committee at the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario or ETFO.20. e. 420 - People Before Profit: MISN Takes On Canadian Mining Giants
48:37||Season 4, Ep. 20Mining Injustice Solidarity Network Website | Facebook | TwitterFrom March 1st to 4th, Toronto will play host to the annual conference of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada- PDAC is a group representing Canada’s mining exploration and extraction industry. The convention is the largest of its kind in the world, attracting thousands of investors and 26,000 attendees from over 130 countries. It is considered the “superbowl” event of extractive industries, featuring award ceremonies, workshops, and keynote addresses by prominent mining moguls and political figures, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Toronto is considered the hub of the global mining industry.Though it promotes itself as an ethical industry upholding high environmental standards and labour practices, the Canadian mining industry is actually notorious for its ecological and human rights abuses around the world. In 2016, a report from Osgoode Hall’s Justice and Corporate Accountability Project found that between 2000-2015, 709 cases of criminal activity and 44 targeted deaths were related to Canadian mining projects in Latin America. Mining companies and the Canadian government, including under Prime Minister Trudeau, have so far failed to make any meaningful change to the violence of the extractive industry, and few Canadians are aware of these abuses. Today, we speak to Kate Klein, an organizer with the group Mining Injustice and Solidarity Network to learn more about the upcoming conference and the imperial violence of the Canadian mining industry.The Art of Resistance airs Tuesdays on CIUT89.5FM.Facebook | Twitter | Instagram19. e. 419 - Foodsters United Take On The Gig Economy at the Ontario Labour Board ft. Iván Ostos
44:53||Season 4, Ep. 19Foodsters UnitedWebsite | Facebook | TwitterCouriers with Foodora aim to become the first app-based workforce in Canada to unionize, setting an important precedent for other delivery workers employed by companies like Uber, Doordash, and Grocery Gateway. On Wednesday, January 29th, the group Justice for Foodora Couriers held a Rally for Workers Rights in the Gig Economy. This rally was held immediately after the adjournment of the first section of the court case between Foodora and the couriers. Closing arguments began on January 29th, and the Ontario Labour Relations Board is expected to make a decision in the coming months on whether or not Foodora couriers can unionize. Today, we’re with Ivan, a courier with Foodora and an organizer with Justice for Foodora Couriers to discuss what the decision made by the Ontario Labour Relations Board could mean for the future of gig workers across the country.18. e. 418 - 1919 Mag Hosts Book Drive For Prison Libraries in Canada ft. Caleb and Malaika
50:59||Season 4, Ep. 181919 Mag x The Art of ResistanceFrom January 13th to February 14th, 1919 is holding a Book Drive for prison libraries in the Toronto/GTA area and across Canada. In 1996, the government of Ontario laid off all librarians in correctional institutions. As a result, library services in detention centres have been sporadic and dependent on volunteers. Although reading and access to information is a basic Canadian right guaranteed under the charter of rights and freedoms, for inmates, reading and access to information is woefully inadequate. Today, we’re with Caleb and Malaika from 1919 MAG to discuss why those who are incarcerated have trouble accessing books in Canadian prisons and the importance of ensuring that books are available to incarcerated persons.17. e. 417 - Prison Health Is Public Health: Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Fighting For Needle Exchange Programs In CDN Jails
41:28||Season 4, Ep. 17The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, along with a former prisoner and three other HIV organizations, is suing the federal government over its failure to provide prisoners with easy, confidential, and effective access to needle and syringe programs. For more than 25 years, needle and syringe programs have been available in prison systems around the world. Studies of these programs show that they:reduce needle-sharing and the risk of HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) infection;do not lead to increased drug use or injecting;reduce the risk of drug overdoses and other harms to prisoners’ health;facilitate referrals of users to drug treatment programs; andhave not resulted in needles or syringes being used as weapons against staff or other prisoners.Because of the scarcity of sterile injection equipment in prison, people who inject drugs behind bars are more likely to share and re-use injection equipment than people in the community. A prison needle and syringe program protects the health and lives of all Canadians. Simply put, prison health is public health.16. e. 416 - Chinese Canadians Facing Racism Following Coronavirus Outbreak ft. Justin Kong
33:05||Season 4, Ep. 16As confirmed cases of coronavirus rise in China and around the world, Toronto has experienced a surge in anti-Chinese and anti-Asian racism. Many are pointing fingers at the Asian-Canadian community as the key carriers of the virus, a view that goes against both statements from public health officials and statistics on the outbreak. Local Chinese businesses have reported a decline in customers since the virus touched down in Toronto; others have noted increased anti-Asian epithets and other forms of racism and violence in public. This is similar to the public response to the SARS outbreak in 2003, during which hundreds of Canadians were hospitalized and 44 died. So far, only three cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Canada; experts say the Canadian health care system is well-equipped to handle any future outbreaks of the virus - which is not easily transmitted - and that the risk of infection for most Canadians is very low. Today, we’re speaking with Justin Kong, executive director of the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter, to hear more about the relationship between public health epidemics and anti-Chinese or anti-Asian racism.14. e. 415 - Julie Berman's Life & Legacy: End Violence Against Trans Women ft. Aanya Wood & Monica Forrester
01:04:33||Season 4, Ep. 14The Art of ResistanceFacebook | Twitter | InstagramIn December 2019, Julie Berman was murdered in Toronto. A proud trans woman and human rights advocate, she dedicated her life to the fight for trans rights in the city, resisting violence against trans women, and her murder sparked wide-spread outrage in Toronto around escalating violence against trans women. We’re joined by Aanya Wood and Monica Forrester to discuss the community memorial they organized in Julie’s memory and the struggle to end violence against trans women in the city. Aanya Wood works with the Board of Directors at Maggie’s Toronto Sex Workers Action Project, Justice for Moka Dawkins and is currently organizing to free Dawna Brown. Monica Forrester is the Indigenous Coordinator at Maggie’s Toronto and the founder of Trans Pride Toronto- transitioning together.e. 414 - Jane And Finch Residents Demand Justice After Deadly Fire at 235 Gosford Blvd
58:03|In mid-November residents of 235 Gosford Blvd were forced from their homes when a fire ripped through the 15-storey apartment building. The fire displaced nearly 700 people, killing one. Now tenants are being ignored by the building's property management company and organizing to demand emergency accommodations and supports.We're joined by Butterfly Gopaul and Sam Tecle to discuss how a coalition of tenants and community organizations are coming together to demand justice for residents!Donate to Tenant Solidarity Fund.Jane and Finch Action Against PovertyWebsite | Facebook | Twitter