
I'm So Not Over It
Little Dome: November 1996 (Baywatch, Bill Clinton and The Woolpackers)
November 1996 was all about America - be it their TV programmes, politicians or their influence on our own home-grown soaps. Gareth Gwynn and Esyllt Sears discover why Baywatch was dropped from the TV schedules, how Bob Dole tried to capture the youth vote and try to understand the line dancing craze of the mid-1990s.
Bob Dole's campaign website can be found here.
Bill Clinton's campaign website has been archived here.
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March 2017 (£1)
21:43|We've checked and, yes, this is our most modern episode to-date, so you're forgiven for thinking the new £1 coin only appeared recently, or for not realizing that you've already seen your final Crimewatch. Esyllt Sears has the lowdown on both of these things, as well as making her pitch to join the police force.Get in touch on or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.February 2004 (Yes, February 2004. Again)
26:09|What happened immediately after the Super Bowl half-time show?How much money do you get for whipping your clothes off at a major sporting event?And how DO you pronounce "Houston"? It turns out there were a lot of unanswered questions after last week's show. A whole episode's worth, in fact. As such, Esyllt Sears is tackling February 2004 all over again. Yes, it's another wardrobe malfunction at Super Bowl XXXVIII - but not the one you're thinking of. Get set for another 20+ minutes about February 2004 (and, once again, Gareth Gwynn has cut out all the bits about WMDs). Get in touch on or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.February 2004 (Schrodinger's Bra and Super Bowl XXXVIII)
27:18|How many times is too many times to see Mama Mia? Can you touch a lamb? And what on earth actually happened in the half-time show of Super Bowl XXXVIII? These are some of the questions posed in this week's podcast as Esyllt Sears reminisces about her earliest days in PR and Gareth Gwynn tries to find a mathematical formula to assess who came off worse following the infamous Wardrobe Malfunction.Farmers can get in touch on with a well informed opinion about lamb rearing, or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.February 1982 (3DTV, the Hyundai Pony and the corporal punishment ban)
27:22|Gareth Gwynn and Esyllt Sears cover a lot of ground in today's episode - the earliest days of Hyundai, the final days of corporal punishment in schools and the handful of days in which commercial TV thought 3DTV might be a thing. There's some really fun links to check-out on the 3DTV topic... I recommend them all.The Real World 3D TV (Episode 1 - February 1982)The Real World 3D TV (Episode 2 - December 1982) or, if you want to go straight to the moment with the bull, Click Here.Fort Ti trailer (December 1982)Otter Chat etc. always welcome by email on or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.February 1995 (Nick Leeson and KV5)
25:58|It's a stressful one this week as we recall the misadventures of Rogue Trader, Nick Leeson. We'll do a leftovers episode at one point, with the reminiscences of our own mistakes at work - but rest assured none of them total 1.4 Billion. We also discuss the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, the findings at KV5 and where to have a poo in a desert. Looking at my notes, it would appear at this point in last week's bumph I wrote "What's the most expensive prank you've been involved with?" and while Nick's tale isn't a prank, the question still seems oddly relevant. Anyway, let us know by email on or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.January 2008 (Potato)
25:44|Gareth Gwynn and Esyllt Sears talk taters, as 2008 marked the International Year Of The Potato. Want to know more? It's all here on The Website or in the PDF. We also discuss the career of Jeremy Beadle and 1980s TV budgets and there's a reminder to catch us in John-Luke Roberts' Sound Heap podcast, one of the episodes of which, is here.What's the most expensive prank you've been involved with? Let us know by email on or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.January 1978 (Otters and Space)
24:08|Esyllt and Gareth's end-of-year special for BBC Radio Wales, I Can't Get Over 2024, is available now on BBC Sounds (but there's only a week to go, so be quick!)Esyllt Sears looks back at 1978 and the ban on otter hunting - which is probably the reason, 47 years later, you're trying to listen to this over the deafening sound of countless otters. We also discuss Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, and Gareth uses the phrase "but Russia..." about six million times in under ten minutes.Have you ever seen an otter or used 100 tampons in six days? If so, get in touch by email on or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.January 1997 (Swampy and Landmine Diana)
25:07|Esyllt and Gareth's end-of-year special for BBC Radio Wales, I Can't Get Over 2024, is available now on BBC Sounds (but will only be there till the end of the month, so do be quick!)Gareth Gwynn has spent the Christmas break listening to an audiobook all about Diana (Tina Brown's The Diana Chronicles, if you're interested) and Esyllt Sears is initially concerned this is going to become his entire personality - before becoming equally engrossed in the book, herself. It's all relevant to this week's episode as January 1997 marked the beginning of Diana's landmine campaign with the Red Cross. It was also the month in which Swampy the eco-warrior (do we still use that term?) called it a day and returned to the surface.Have you ever noticed a celebrity's head getting bigger? If so, get in touch by email on or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.Christmas Leftovers III (Part 2 - Elis James and Gemma Arrowsmith)
30:47|A second helping of Christmas Leftovers - this time made up from some bits and bobs we were sad to snip out of our interview series for time.Enjoy BBC Radio 5 Live's Elis James (live in the London Welsh Centre) discussing his family's attitude to technology, his time in a band and having a decent stab at a round of Mario Kart on a screen which, we will admit, was too big.We've also got the brilliant comedy writer and actor Gemma Arrowsmith giving us the low-down on the Voyager mission (which came up in our July 1979 episode) plus, for reasons I'm now struggling to remember, a discussion about Welsh TV star Arfon Haines Davies and how nice he is.If you haven't caught them yet, do check-out the full episodes with Elis James and Gemma Arrowsmith.Don't forget, Esyllt and Gareth's end-of-year special for BBC Radio Wales, I Can't Get Over 2024, is available on BBC Sounds (but will only be there till the end of the month, so do be quick!)Send us a message by email on or through one of the following social media accounts...BlueSky: @imsonotoveritInstagram: @imsonotoveritTikTok: @imsonotoveritTheme music by Alex_Kizenkov from Pixabay and the Mario Kart replacement tune is by Geoffrey Burch from Pixabay.The Elis James interview was edited by Laura Grimshaw.I'm So Not Over It is A Mighty Bunny Production.