
cover art for 1.15.1 | Genesis 18:1-15 | Abraham's Special Guests

The Word in Black and Red

1.15.1 | Genesis 18:1-15 | Abraham's Special Guests

Season 1, Ep. 15

Join Ell, Spencer, Rabbi Noyo, and Micah as they discuss Genesis 18:1-15 from a leftist perspective. What are the limitations of hospitality within common sense? Did Abraham keep kosher? How does that affect our ethical consumption? What does it mean to laugh at God? Join us as we dive into these topics on this episode of the Word in Black and Red.

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  • 0.15 | Pulp Parables

    Join Josiah as he tells us some stories from his fantastic podcast Pulp! that communicate some important truths about what we need to be doing in these trying times.Subscribe to Pulp! the TWIBAR stuff:
  • 14. 0.14 | Christian Nationalism

    02:11:47||Season 0, Ep. 14
    Join Micah, Josiah, and Kraig Kahl from Voices from the Left as they discuss Christian Nationalism. Not for any particular reason.
  • A Message for Inauguration Week

    We'll be back soon with season 2 of the podcast. In the meantime, with all that's going on in the world, Micah wanted to share a little message of hope.
  • 12. 0.12 | War & the Gentle Resistance

    21:41||Season 0, Ep. 12
    A special episode to listen to a sermon that better distills the values of Christian anarchism than most Christian anarchists. Season 2 will return soon! We are working out the kinks of existing as a new team, but we should be ready in the near future. Thank you for your patience and love.Check out the Discord for shirt opportunities! to hear more of Father Josh's sermons at
  • Christmas Special 2024

    Join Ell, Micah, Aaron J. Smith, Mat, Josiah, W Scott McCandless, Daniela, and more of our amazing co-hosts for the return of the leftist Bible study podcast: The Word in Black and Red in celebration of Christmas. We will be back to our weekly schedule from now on!Get more from The Word in Black and Red.Check out Aaron's podcast All Things Made New.Read up on Mat's insight at Church of the Affirmation.Enjoy Josiah's fiction at Pulp and memes at @church_of_christ_the_anarchist.Listen to Scott's amazing podcast Retelling the Bible.Help Daniela get their book published by joining the Discord in the first link!
  • 10.2. 0.10.2 | Disability Liberation Theology in the Bible

    45:07||Season 0, Ep. 10.2
    Join Micah, Avery Arden from the Blessed are the Binary Breakers podcast, and Lauren Sommer from the Autistic Liberation Theology Podcast for part two of their discussion on Disability Liberation Theology. How does disability theology help us read the Bible? What does it mean to be embodied beings as Christians? And how can we live into our disabilities to better understand how God loves us? Learn some answers to these questions and more in the latest episode of The Word in Black and Red!
  • 10.1. 0.10.1 | Disability Liberation Theology as Philosophy and Theology

    57:24||Season 0, Ep. 10.1
    Join Micah, Avery Arden from the Blessed are the Binary Breakers podcast, and Lauren Sommer from the Autistic Liberation Theology Podcast for part one of their discussion on Disability Liberation Theology. What is disability? How does disability affect all of us? And how does theology benefit from hearing from a disability perspective? Learn some answers to these questions and more in the latest episode of The Word in Black and Red!
  • 9. 0.9 | Queer Theology & Embodiment w/ Avery Arden

    01:14:48||Season 0, Ep. 9
    Join Micah and Avery Arden from Blessed are the Binary Breakers as they discuss Queer Liberation Theology. What does “queer theology” mean? Is all Christian theology a form of queer theology? And why do we insist on seeing everything through a lens that queers a text so often used to abuse queer people? Find out answers to these questions and more on the latest episode of The Word in Black and Red!
  • 8. 0.8 | Womanist Liberation Theology w/Mia McClain

    48:21||Season 0, Ep. 8
    Join Micah and Reverend Mia McClain of Riverside Baptist Church in Washington DC as they discuss Womanist Liberation Theology in one of Micah's favorite episodes so far. What does a Black and feminist perspective have to teach the wider community? How can we better hear the voices of Black women? And how close can Micah get to converting back to being a Baptist? Find out answers to these questions and more on the latest episode of The Word in Black and Red!