
The Well of Randomness - Creativus Edition

Exploring random topics

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  • 1. AI Intelligence in Business: Transforming Digital Marketing

    In this inaugural episode of "The Well of Randomness," Jeffrey Fazal, Director of Creativus Design, reboots the podcast to share his journey and insights in business, technology, and digital marketing.Episode Highlights:Introduction and Background:Jeffrey introduces himself and shares his background in business and technology.He discusses his journey from working in the family business to running his own marketing agency and website company.Technology Passion:Jeffrey talks about his love for gadgets, computers, and video games.He reflects on his early experiences with website development, starting with Microsoft FrontPage.Business Insights:Jeffrey emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and curiosity in business.He shares his educational background from the University of Sydney and how it shaped his approach to business.Artificial Intelligence (AI):The main topic of the episode is artificial intelligence and its impact on various industries.Jeffrey explains the basics of AI, focusing on large language models like ChatGPT and their capabilities.AI Tools and Automation:Jeffrey introduces, a low-code automation platform, and its applications.He describes how he uses for automating content creation, including blog posts.He provides an overview of the automation process, from input to output, using AI models.Useful Links:AI in Business Script Image: View ScriptMake AI Innovations Website: Visit Make AI InnovationsRegister on with Creativus: Register HereTune in to learn more about Jeffrey's experiences and insights on leveraging technology and AI in business. Stay tuned for the next episode of "The Well of Randomness"!

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