
The Unconventional Soldier
S5 #071 Veterans
The guest today is Ben Skipper a freelance feature writer and author with books and articles published on art, military and field sports subjects. He is an Associate Member of Royal Aeronautical Society and the Pen and Sword Club for military journalists and writers. His interest in British armour was cemented by a visit to the King’s Royal Hussars in the early 1990s as an undergraduate in the Territorial Army. He joined the RAF in 1997, and served in conflict zones including Kosovo and Sierra Leone. He also played rugby for the RAF.
A Former Force Protection NCO Ben, suffered increasingly with a range of balance, muscular and co-ordination issues to the extent doctors thought he might have onset dementia. It was during tests, that an MRI scan picked up bright spots of damage in Ben's brain and it was found that Ben had experienced a traumatic brain injury during his days in the RAF.
Symptoms of his brain injury started to impact on his life and became progressively worse after leaving the Service in 2002.
Ben is also a freelance consultant academic specialising in Veteran social culture. He has written various papers regarding the symptomatic presentation and effects of combat-related PTSD, not only upon the individual but also on the family and community. This input has been sought and included in Lord Ashcroft's "The Veterans' Transition Review" (2014) and "The Value of Participation in University Armed Services Unit's" by Newcastle University. Other projects include a visual campaign promoting positive Veteran representation and an exhibition of contemporary Veteran Art.
He also finds time to be a County Member East Midlands Reserve Forces and Cadets Association who work to support the growth of the Reserves and Cadet Forces in Nottinghamshire.
On this podcast we discuss his forces background and work with Fallout which is a new collaborative historical studies enterprise featuring the work of Dr Philip W. Blood, Dustin Du Cane all working on the fringe of contemporary thought. Links to Fallout can be found in the show notes.
The main focus is on veterans however. We cover a variety of issues including public perception, politicisation, charities, armed forces covenant, do we need a vetterans minister and much more.
Ben's book choice on Desert Islands Dits is "The Darling Buds Of May" by H E Bates. My choice is "Schimitar into Stanley - One Soldier's Falklands War " by Roger Field.
Ben's webpage " a Veteran" can be found at
Most of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales.
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S5 #081 SAS: Sea King Down
01:25:55|CONTENTThe guest today is Mark "Splash" Aston. Splash joined the Gloucester Regiment in 1964 as a teenager. He later passed selection for 22 SAS as a Colour Sergeant in the late 1970s joining Mountain Troop of D Squadron. On this episode discuss his early army life, training for selection and the Falklands war in 1982 when his squadron was instrumental in key operations against Argentine forces. Splash took part in various missions during Op CORPORATE, including the landing on Fortuna Glacier, the successful capture of South Georgia, and the assault on Pebble Island airstrip. He was one of the survivors of the Sea King helicopter crash which claimed the lives of 22 fellow soldiers. Despite his injuries Splash refused medical evacuation and returned to the squadron to take part in further operations on Mount Kent and West Falkland. We also discuss his post war visits to the Falklands, what it was like to be an instructor at the International Long Range Recce Patrol School in Germany and why he wrote his book SAS: Sea King Down. Splash's book choice on Desert Islands Dits is "The Warlord Chronicles" series by Bernard Cromwell. My choices are Splash's book "SAS: Sea King Down, The Extraordinary True Story Of The SAS At War In The Falklands" and "Across an Angry Sea: The SAS in the Falklands War" by Lt General Cedric Delves.WHERE TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.S5 #080 The Jungle Is Neutral
01:12:58|CONTENTOn this episode I will be discussing jungle warfare with Kev and we cover; how Britain transformed its army into an effective jungle fighting force in WW2 after an inauspicious start, why jungle warfare training is relevant in the 21st century, Exercise IRON LANCE a typical jungle training course in the early 90s run by 22 SAS. Finally we take a look at two books, the classic The Jungle Is neutral by Freddie Spencer Chapman and Jungle Soldier: the true story of Freddy Spencer Chapman, an autobiography by Brian Moynahan WHERE TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.S5 #079 Cold War Life & The East German Army
34:34|CONTENTThe guest today is Kim Read who appeared on episode #49 when we talked about training at the LRRP school in the 1980s. On this pod we discuss life in Germany during and after the Cold war. What it was like to go on exercise and some of the remarkable conversations we had with German WW2 veterans we met. Kim lives in Germany and tells me about former work mates who served in the East German army including a T55 tank driver, an SS21 commander and another who worked for the infamous Stasi. We also discuss how the War in Ukraine is viewed by the Germans.No Desert Island Dits this week as Kim has been on the pod before.WHERE TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.S5 #078 The Recovery Of Stirling Bomber BK716
01:27:13|CONTENTMy guest today is Lilian van Mourik. On this episode we dicuss the recovery of Stirling bomber BK716 and its seven crew members as part of the remarkable Dutch national programme for WW2 aircraft recoveries which was set up in 2019 and aims to unearth 30 aircraft over the next decade. We also discussed Dutch wartime remembrance culture, the morality of area bombing, the deprivations of the hunger winter and how the sacrifices made in WW2 are relevant today. Keep an ear out for our competition question and the chance to win a book about BK 716 and also a few beers that were brewed to commemorate the crew. All competition entries should be sent to:'s book choice on Desert Islands Dits is "Luchtmeisjes (Sky Girls)" by Ingrid van der Chijs. My choice is "Bomber" by Len Deighton.For more information on BK716 use the following links:E-magazine : website aircraft recovery programme - Aircraft Recovery Group, who initially found the aircraft and a huge part for the families of the dead airmen more information Lilian can be contacted at: info@their-story.orgWHERE TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.S5 #077 On The Ground With BRIXMIS
01:22:41|CONTENTOn pod # 070 we interviewed the author Andrew Long about his book “The Story Of BRIXMIS And The Secret Cold War - Intelligence Gathering Operations Behind East Germany”. This episode continues our examination of Cold War espionage focusing on BRIXMIS members operating deep inside Soviet occupied East Germany. Our guest is Nick a former member of the Intelligence Corps. We talk about his remarkable career in the Corps when he joined as a private soldier and completed his Colour service as a Lieutenant Colonel. Nick details his experiences and operations as part of BRIXMIS and the discussion includes insights into training, the significant intelligence gathering of the unit, as well as their interactions with Soviet and East German forces. It highlights the challenges faced, including the risk of detainment, and the inherent dangers of operating unarmed in hostile environments. Additionally, Nick provides anecdotal accounts of acting as an interpretor for the infamous Nazi Rudolf Hess and reflects on how the Cold War's lessons remain relevant today in Ukraine.Nick's book choice on Desert Islands Dits is "The Spy Who Came In from the Cold" by John Le Carre. The team's choices are "Dead Men Risen" by Toby Harnden and "We Win They Lose: Republican Foreign Policy And The New Cold War" by Matthew Kroenig and Dan Negrea.Corrections: A couple of post production corrections. The Spandau role came to the Mission in 1982, when the British Military Government interpreter, Mr Sanders, finally asked to be allowed to retire - he had previously agreed to serve on beyond his retirement date 'until the prisoner has died', but Hess appeared to be immortal. Mr Sanders retired and BRIXMIS stepped into his role and continued until Hess died in 1987. Also three former Intelligence Corps junior soldiers retired as Lt Lieutenant Colonels not four.WHERE TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.S5 #076 Return To Operation BANNER (Northern Ireland)
01:34:48|CONTENTAt the end of November I went on a road trip with Kev to Northern Ireland. In many respects it was more of a battlefield tour than a road trip covering areas where we had been on operations. On this pod we discuss the transformation of Northern Ireland since we were there in the late 80s and early 90s with a focus on Belfast, Londonderry and South Armagh. We reflect on our past tours on Op BANNER during the Troubles and provide comparisons between the past and present while exploring key landmarks like the Europa Hotel. We also travel the roads in South Armagh, visit former military bases and discuss the region's struggles and journey towards peace. During our trip we saw how far Northern Ireland has come and reflect on the compromises and changes that have contributed to its current state.WHERE TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.S5 #075 The Moral Application Of Violence In War
58:54|CONTENTThe guest today is Patrick Bury a former Royal Irish Regiment officer who joined the army in 2005 and spent five years in uniform, including a tour in Sangin, Helmand in 2008. We discuss the complexities of COIN warfare and the leadership and ethical challenges during this type of operation. We examine the phenomenon of 'warrior culture,' accountability in military leadership, the corrosive effect of combat on soldiers and the need, or otherwise, for moral soldiering by liberal democracies fighting an enemy who are not hindered by such ideals. Paddy, is now an academic and a Senior Associate Professor in Security at University of Bath and a UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellow specialising in CT and warfare. His areas of expertise include: counter-terrorism transformation and capacity building; military operations; British Army Reserve; military logistics; the Second World War; NATO; Irish military service. He regularly provides expertise on security matters to both global and national media.His book choice on Desert Island Dits is "A Rumor Of War" by Philip Caputo. My choice is "Ground Truth: The Moral Component In Contemporary British Warfare". We also discuss "Black Heart" by Jim Frederick and "On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society" by Dave Grossman.WHERE TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.S5 #074 Survival Course - The Rhodesian Bush War Continues
58:34|CONTENTThe guest today is Chris Cocks who was on pod 72 when we discussed his service in the Rhodesian Light Infantry and his book "Fire Force - One Man's War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry". On this episode we discuss life after he finished his service and his sequel to Fire Force "Survival Course - Rhodesian Denouement And The War Of Self". The conversation focuses on Chris's transition from military to civilian life and his role as a farm manager while also serving as a reservist in the police anti-terrorist unit (PATU). He elaborates on the guerrilla warfare conducted by the enemy, his patrol duties, the challenges faced with limited and outdated equipmen and the moral complexities encountered in combat scenarios. The episode delves into Chris's post-war struggles with PTSD and substance abuse, his journey through rehabilitation, and his reflective thoughts on the war's lasting impact. Personal anecdotes, including ambushes, interactions with former guerrillas, and the societal divide in Rhodesia all providing a vivid account of Chris's experiences. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of mental health support for veterans.No Desert Island Dits this episode as Chris has been on before but my recommendation is Chris's book "Survival Course - Rhodesian Denouement And The War Of Self". WHERE TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.S5 #073 Navigating the Transition - Army to Civvy Street
01:17:53|CONTENTThe guest today is Loz Moore a former officer in the British Army. Loz was on podcast 62 when we discussed his operational tours with the infantry in Afghanistan, Iraq and NI. On this episode we discuss transitioning from military life to civilian careers and delve into the challenges of resettlement faced by veterans. We talk of our different experiences from my transition after 22 years of service and Loz’s abrupt transition due to medical retirement. The discussion emphasizes the importance of planning, self-awareness, and seeking help when needed. We also highlight the role of organizations in providing purpose and community post-service. The episode aims to offer valuable insights and practical advice for veterans navigating their own transition back to civilian life.No Desert Island dits this episode as Loz has been on before but we do discuss "Storm of Steel" by Ernst Junger, "Devil's Guard" by George Robert Elford and "Memoirs of an Infantry Officer" by Siegfried Sassoon.You can contact Loz by email: Cockleshell 22 website is at: and Facebook at: TO GET OUR DESERT ISLAND DITS BOOK CHOICESMost of our book recommendations can be bought via the Unconventional Soldier Bookshop. 10% of each purchase supports the pod and helps independent book stores on line sales. "BUY ME A COFFEE"If you want to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee here.SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram @the_unconventional_soldier_pod.Facebook @lateo82. Twitter @TheUCS473.Download these and other platforms via Link Tree.Email us: This episode brought to you in association with ISARR a veteran owned company.