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The Ultimate Relationship

Secret lives

I have recently made the acquaintance of a little person who, unbeknown to me, secretly lives under the floorboards in the ancient barn. There are steps up to the wooden door (which has a cat-flap fitted for small feline friends) and the steps are large and uneven, so it's a bit of a challenge if you are a small furry creature carrying something heavy...

Audio extract from my book 'The Ultimate Relationship... the one with yourself'. More of my content can be found on my website and on Substack.

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  • Portugal is on fire, again! Insights, epiphanies & notes, Episode 7

    I am learning more about Portugal every day, especially the way of life and the habits of the people. That’s a good thing. But it’s also giving me the heads-up on what to avoid in finding the right location for my project. An anecdote in this episode explains. Also featured are some hairy cat ‘tails’, and the spontaneous mantras that have saved me in a couple of recent situations.Here is a brief extract: “At various times during the fires, I heard a continuous sound, like a monotone siren (which is an oxymoron, I know). I asked around and several people said it was most likely an alarm, the type that tells people to evacuate an area in the event of an emergency. Fortunately, it seemed far enough away, so I didn’t think it was relevant for me. And it might well have been that, because they are a ‘thing’. But as it turned out, it was something entirely different, and a sign that life continues as normal in Portugal, even in a crisis….” For more content, you can subscribe to posts on my website ( Or follow me on Substack ( And if you have a Substack account you can get alerts when I post Notes in between blogs. All my content is free but donations on both platforms are gratefully received, and go towards the Earth Collective project.
  • Portugal is burning: Insights, epiphanies & notes, Episode 6

    This episode is dominated by my experience of living through the worst fires in recent Portuguese history, just a couple of weeks ago. Frankly, I could have done without but it was educational, nonetheless. I posted daily throughout. Ironically, since then, it has been continuous torrential rain, gales, floods and power cuts. Fasten your seatbelt for this episode of ‘Epiphanies, Insights & Notes’.Here is a brief extract.“The theme of fires is omnipresent. Portugal is burning. I was prompted to go into the garden before I went to bed last night. It was late, around 1am. I often go out last thing to commune with the stars and our cosmic family, but I haven’t done so for the last 4 or 5 days because of the smoke. Last night, however, something nudged me towards the door. I ventured out and was shocked to see the night sky was red in the locations of the two nearby fires, which had been reduced to modest smoke earlier in the evening. I walked to the end of the garden to get a better view of the closest fire. Shocked again, as it had leapt into my valley and was now staring off with me, on the other side of the road. I pondered what to do….”For more content, you can subscribe to posts on my website ( Or follow me on Substack ( And if you have a Substack account you can get alerts when I post Notes in between blogs. All my content is free but donations on either platform are gratefully received and go towards the Earth Collective project.
  • The spirit of generosity: Insights, epiphanies & notes, Episode 5

    A varied menu of subjects and experiences in the 5th episode of Notes from my Substack, including a psychological insight into athletes at the Paris Olympics (based on personal experience of competing in international level sport). The spirit of generosity, which is alive and well in Portugal. A twist in the tail of the cat story. The recent heatwave and what might have precipitated it. And for something completely different, my take on time, space and consciousness. Sit tight!For more content, you can subscribe to posts on my website ( Or follow me on Substack ( All my content is free but donations on either of those sites are gratefully received and go to the Earth Collective project.
  • Forgotten times: Insights, epiphanies & notes, Episode 4

    In this fourth audio recording of Notes from my Substack, I share anecdotes, insights and observations from my new life in Portugal. They include several cat tales, a trip to the tax office and stories of forgotten times. Are you sitting comfortably...For more content, you can subscribe to posts on my website ( Or follow me on Substack ( All my content is free but donations on either of those sites are gratefully received and go to the Earth Collective project.
  • The woman next door: Insights, epiphanies & notes, Episode 3

    In this third audio recording of ‘Notes’ from my Substack, I share more anecdotes, insights and observations about my new life in Portugal. They include an impromptu shopping trip, my new best friend, the incredible tenacity of the Portuguese, a close encounter on the bike, and the woman next door....Are you sitting comfortably?For more content, you can subscribe to posts on my website: Or follow me on Substack: (All my content is free.)
  • One challenge at a time: Insights, epiphanies & notes, Episode 2

    In this second audio recording of my Substack ‘Notes’, I share more anecdotes and insights into my new life in Portugal. They include a small bureaucratic victory, more synchronicity, the joy of food, a development to my ‘one challenge at a time’ philosophy, the cat lady, country hazards, bike issues and that all too familiar feeling of disorientation when moving (yet again). Are you sitting comfortably?You can subscribe to posts on my website: Alternatively, follow my posts and notes on Substack: (All my content is free.)
  • A well kept secret: Insights, epiphanies & notes, Episode 1

    I publish regular blogs on my website and also on Substack, where you can read about my life and times, my travels and my recent relocation to Portugal to start a new life and create a cutting edge eco project, called the Earth Collective. In between posts, I publish 'Notes' on Substack, which appear to be a well-kept secret! I have been doing them for a year now, and would like to do more but only if people read them! So, I thought to record a selection of Note to allow my followers to catch up, and then look out for them in the future. There are many anecdotes about my time in Ireland last year, touring in the 'mothership' on wheels. And more recently the process of getting a visa to move to Portugal, which was a bit of a challenge. I hope you enjoy the medley. You can subscribe to posts on my website: Alternatively, follow my posts and notes on Substack: (All my content is free.)
  • Many lifetimes in one

    For a long time, I have felt that time is speeding up, certainly since the '80s. Initially, I thought it was due to a growing connectivity through technology. Email had only just been invented when I started working, the internet was basic, most businesses didn't have a website, mobile phones were new and the few business people who had one needed large muscles (or a trolley) to carry them around due to their size and weight. I was the proud owner of another new gadget, a fax machine.....In this audio extract from my book, 'The Ultimate Relationship... the one with yourself', I explain how accelerating time, could be connected to a notion of reincarnation within your current life.For other content, visit my website (where you can also find information on my book), or visit my Substack. If you like what I do, please tell others. I don't use social media and rely on personal recommendation to spread the word. Thank you. (NB. Apologies to anyone who listened to the audio soon after it was first published, as an unfinished file was uploaded in error.)
  • Mirror, mirror

    What do you see when you look in the mirror? This is a question I asked myself many times. For most of my life, I just saw a face. Yet, the old adage 'the eyes are the gateway to the soul' alludes to so much more. I am pleased to say, I can now see a very different image reflecting back at me. In this audio extract from my book, 'The Ultimate Relationship... the one with yourself', I explain a new-found meaning of looking in the mirror.For other content, visit my website (where you can also find information on my book), or visit my Substack. If you like what I do, please tell others. I don't use social media and rely on personal recommendation to spread the word. Thank you.