
cover art for RESEARCHER SPECIAL: Professor Metin Avkiran

The Ticker Tapes

RESEARCHER SPECIAL: Professor Metin Avkiran

Season 1, Ep. 42

Metin Avkiran, Associate Medical Director for Research at the British Heart Foundation, has dedicated his career to understanding heart and circulatory conditions. He talks to Christie about his transition from research to senior leader at the BHF, his personal connection to heart disease, and what he feels the public should know about our cause.

If you’ve got any questions about your heart or circulatory health, please call the BHF’s heart helpline to speak with a nurse, between 9-5 on Monday to Fridays, on 0300 330 3311 or email

To contact The Ticker Tapes team, you'll find us at

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  • 87. SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST: Donna's story

    29:34||Season 1, Ep. 87
    At the age of 38, Donna collapsed at home in the bathroom one morning with a cardiac arrest. The remarkably quick thinking actions of her children though, alerted a close neighbour who was thankfully able to perform CPR while they waited for paramedics to arrive. Now, having finally returned to work, Donna recounts her compelling story with Rob Underwood, recognising just how incredibly fortunate she was on that day. She also talks about living life now with an ICD fitted, maintaining a positive attitude while leading an inspirational heart health fundraising campaign in the local community.For over 60 years, British Heart Foundation has pioneered decades of advances in the treatment of heart and circulatory diseases. Now, with your support, we are funding research that could improve the diagnosis of dangerous heart rhythm problems and potentially prevent life-threatening complications giving hope to people like Donna, but we have so much more to do.As a charity, BHF depends on the generosity of donors so that we can keep funding lifesaving research into all heart and circulatory diseases. Thank you to all those who already give. If you too would like to donate, you can do so by going to, if you have any questions or concerns about your own heart or circulatory health and would like to talk to a cardiac nurse on the BHF’s free Heart Helpline, go to our website at where you'll find all the contact options. Also, if you’d like to share your own heart story, or have thoughts on this episode, do email us at,
  • 86. ALUMNI REFLECTIONS: Professor Joanna Wardlaw CBE

    56:37||Season 1, Ep. 86
    In our first episode of Alumni Reflections, we head to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh where, in March 2024, BHF Director of Research, Professor James Leiper, was joined by Joanna Wardlaw CBE, Professor of Applied Neuroimaging at the University of Edinburgh.  Joanna, who is among the top 10 most highly cited female researchers in the UK, is internationally recognised for her work in vascular disease and brain imaging. She is also a Group Leader at the UK Dementia Research Institute, and this Alumni Voices event celebrated the British Heart Foundation’s new partnership with the UK DRI. Together, we’ll invest £9 million into launching the UK’s first research centre dedicated to finding new treatments to prevent, halt and ultimately cure vascular dementia. We’re proud that Joanna will be Clinical Director of this groundbreaking Centre.  You can find out more about Joanna’s research at, and about the new Centre for Vascular Dementia Research, at  If you’re a researcher whose work has received BHF funding, or if you’ve worked in a BHF-funded lab, we warmly welcome you to join your BHF research alumni community. For more information, and to sign-up to the BHF Alumni mailing list, visit The BHF spends at least 70p of every £1 donated on lifesaving research. If you’d like to help us fund the next research breakthrough by supporting the work of people like Joanna, visit
  • 85. CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE: Alejandra and Alba's story

    49:23||Season 1, Ep. 85
    Alba Butler is only seven years old but she’s been through more in her short life than many of us may face in a lifetime. Diagnosed in the womb with a congenital heart condition, Transposition of the great arteries (TGA), Alba underwent her first heart operation at just an hour old. This was followed by open heart surgery lasting more than nine hours when she was just eight days old. Alba will need another operation in the coming years, but thankfully now this brave, bright, confident and kind little girl is thriving at school, embracing her love of dance and along with her family is happy to share her story in the hope that it can help others feel less alone. On this emotional episode with Sarah Marsh, Alba’s mum Alejandra speaks about what it’s like to be told that there’s a 50% chance your first-born may not survive, how she and her partner Dan coped when Alba was in surgery, how far they’ve all come and how incredibly proud they were to see Alba receive a BHF Young Heart Hero Award. Each day in the UK around 13 babies are diagnosed with a congenital heart condition. Before the BHF was founded in 1961 the majority of babies born with congenital heart disease died before their first birthday, but now thanks to research more than 80% survive.The charity is powering cutting-edge science that will lead to vital breakthroughs in this field. With your support BHF-funded research can improve diagnosis and treatment for babies, children and adults with a congenital heart condition. As a charity, the British Heart Foundation depends on the generosity of donors to continue carrying out our lifesaving research. If you too would like to donate, you can do so at If you've got any questions or concerns about your heart or circulatory health and want to talk with a cardiac nurse on the BHF’s Heart Helpline, go to our website at and you'll find all the contact options there. And if you’ve got your own heart story, or have any thoughts on this episode, we'd love to hear from you on email at     
  • 84. SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH: Tom's story

    34:37||Season 1, Ep. 84
    Tom Henson was just 23 years old when his life was cruelly and suddenly cut short in late July 2018. The sport-mad Sheffield United fan had been playing a game of football with friends after work on a summer evening when he collapsed and died having suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Later it was discovered that Tom had a congenital heart condition called supravalvular aortic stenosis, but there had been no signs. Tom was seemingly fit, healthy and full of life – until the day he never came home. Following his loss the lives of Tom’s loved ones were shattered. But his mum Nikki, brother Joe and step-dad Shaun have devoted themselves in the years since to setting up a charitable foundation in his name, raising money for community defibrillators and Joe – who was only 15 when Tom died - was also inspired to work for the ambulance service. They are also tireless supporters of the work of the British Heart Foundation. On this episode with Sarah Marsh, Shaun talks bravely about his memories of Tom and his legacy, how the family has coped with crippling grief and yet been inspired to use their experiences to raise vital funds and awareness. This episode was originally published on the sixth anniversary of Tom’s death. Currently every week in the UK, 12 people under the age of 35 tragically lose their lives to sudden cardiac death. The BHF’s Urgency Campaign is centred around 12 stories of incredible young people whose future hopes and dreams were suddenly lost in an instant because of this condition. Tom and his family’s is one of them. But your donations could help up stop this awful reality. Discover more about the other stories at the heart of our campaign and how you can help here: As a charity, the British Heart Foundation depends on the generosity of donors to continue carrying out our lifesaving research. If you too would like to donate, you can do so at If you've got any questions or concerns about your heart or circulatory health and want to talk with a cardiac nurse on the BHF’s Heart Helpline, go to our website at and you'll find all the contact options there. And if you’ve got your own heart story, or have any thoughts on this episode, we'd love to hear from you on email at
  • 83. HEART ATTACK: Faith's story

    37:38||Season 1, Ep. 83
    At just 22, Faith, an online fitness coach and keen athlete, suffered a devastating heart attack while driving home after playing in a hockey match. In this episode, Faith bravely tells Rob Underwood her story and talks about the impactful heart related challenges she’s since faced along the way. She's also passionate about inspiring others on a similar journey, whilst raising awareness surrounding heart health, particularly among younger people.For over 60 years, British Heart Foundation has pioneered decades of advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart attack, providing hope to people like Faith. But we have so much more to do. As a charity, BHF depends on the generosity of donors so that we can keep funding lifesaving research into all heart and circulatory diseases. Thank you to all those who already give. If you too would like to donate, you can do so by going to Meanwhile, if you have any questions or concerns about your own heart or circulatory health and would like to talk to a cardiac nurse on the BHF’s free Heart Helpline, go to our website at where you'll find all the contact options. Also, if you’d like to share your own heart story, or have thoughts on this episode, do email us at,

    27:14||Season 1, Ep. 82
    In 2016 then aged just 7, Harry suffered a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) while playing in an after school football session. Remarkably, his life was saved by the school bursar who quickly responded and tirelessly performed CPR for around 15 minutes until paramedics arrived. Harry was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and had an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) fitted. Now, at 15, he enjoys an active, healthy lifestyle and is currently working hard towards his GCSE exams. Harry’s amazing heart ‘journey’ has featured prominently in British Heart Foundation’s February 2023 ‘Heart Month’ campaign, focusing on the importance of learning to perform CPR. In this episode, Harry’s Dad, Alex, passionately shares his son’s story with Rob Underwood and talks about the strength and support the whole family have drawn on over the past eight years, together with their hopes for the future.For over 60 years, British Heart Foundation has pioneered decades of advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, providing hope to people like Harry. But we have so much more to do. As a charity, BHF depends on the generosity of donors so that we can keep funding lifesaving research into all heart and circulatory diseases. Thank you to all those who already give. If you too would like to donate, you can do so by going to you have any questions or concerns about your own heart or circulatory health and would like to talk to a cardiac nurse on the BHF’s free Heart Helpline, go to our website at where you'll find all the contact options. Also, if you’d like to share your own heart story, or have thoughts on this episode, do email us at,

    28:00||Season 1, Ep. 81
    Please note this episode covers some potentially upsetting topics.Harry Marshall is a remarkable young man. By the age of just 24 he’d lost two of the people closest to him – his brother Tom and his mother Alison, who had been living with heart failure for more than a decade. For many of us these experiences would have left us broken but having used his own grief as inspiration to go on an incredible fundraising journey for BHF, Harry is determined to help other young people to speak more openly about loss and the impact this can have on our mental health. On this episode with Sarah Marsh, Harry speaks bravely and frankly about all he and has family have been through, why it’s so important to him to live life to the full and how the BHF has a special place in his own heart. As a charity, the British Heart Foundation depends on the generosity of donors to continue carrying out our lifesaving research. If you too would like to donate, you can do so at If you've got any questions or concerns about your heart or circulatory health and want to talk with a cardiac nurse on the BHF’s Heart Helpline, go to our website at and you'll find all the contact options there. And if you’ve got your own heart story, or have any thoughts on this episode, we'd love to hear from you on email at
  • 80. HEART TRANSPLANT: Sanj's story

    44:08||Season 1, Ep. 80
    In November 2022, at the age of 29, Sanj Kochhar received a heart transplant and was discharged on Christmas Eve. In this episode with Yianna Theodorou from the British Heart Foundation, Sanj explains how she started experiencing symptoms of heart failure while studying to become a doctor. After 10 years of a slow decrease in heart function, despite compensating very well, one night in October 2022 Sanj's condition suddenly deteriorated. Sanj suffered multiple organ failure and her condition became so severe that she was placed on the super urgent transplant list.Sanj shares the difficulties of being a doctor-turned-patient, the surprising challenges of life post-transplant, and her hopes for the future that has now unfolded in front of her. This Christmas, give a gift that keeps on living. As a charity, the British Heart Foundation depends on the generosity of donors to continue carrying out our lifesaving research. If you too would like to donate, you can do so at you've got any questions or concerns about your heart or circulatory health and want to talk with a cardiac nurse on the BHF’s Heart Helpline, go to our website at and you'll find all the contact options there.And if you’ve got your own heart story, or have any thoughts on this episode, we'd love to hear from you on email at
  • 79. HEART ATTACK: Salman's story

    37:16||Season 1, Ep. 79
    Dr Salman Uddin is a GP who has devoted his working life to providing care and support for patients in the multi-ethnic community of Tower Hamlets, London, where he himself was raised. The father-of-two is passionate about encouraging people of all ages, religions and backgrounds to speak more openly about heart health. This became even more important to Salman after he himself suffered an unexpected heart attack at the age of just 34. It was July 2020, a few months into the first national Covid lockdown and Salman – who has previously taken part in several London Marathons – had just returned from a mid-morning run on his day off from the GP practice when he was taken ill. Now, some three years on Salman is even more committed to frank conversation about heart health issues, and passionate about sharing his own story in the hope that it may help others. On this episode with Sarah Marsh from the BHF, Salman speaks about what it’s like to go from caring for patients to becoming one yourself, the tough mental recovery he faced after his heart attack, work he is doing in his local community and why supporting the BHF means so much to him. Every five minutes in the UK someone has a heart attack, but the BHF is committed to funding research to help more people to survive one – or better yet not have one in the first place. You can find more information at As a charity, the British Heart Foundation depends on the generosity of donors to continue carrying out our lifesaving research. If you too would like to donate, you can do so at If you've got any questions or concerns about your heart or circulatory health and want to talk with a cardiac nurse on the BHF’s Heart Helpline, go to our website at and you'll find all the contact options there. And if you’ve got your own heart story, or have any thoughts on this episode, we'd love to hear from you on email at