
cover art for Annemarie's Integration: To Rise, First You Must Burn


Annemarie's Integration: To Rise, First You Must Burn

Ep. 39

The last time we spoke to Annemarie, tragedy had left her world burning to the ground before her eyes. Has she faced the fear of starting anew and emerged from disaster stronger, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes? Find out on this follow-up episode of Mindfuck.

Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today:

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  • 38. Rosanna, You're Trying Too Hard

    When you feel like you've tried everything to generate new clients for your business, yet your career and physical health suffer, could you be trying too hard? Rosanna has spent years curating how others will perceive her, leaving her a stranger to her own authenticity. Can she recognize the internal belief systems that foster stagnancy and misalignment and let go of attachment to outcome, even when doing so feels counterproductive? Listen and learn on this edition of Mindfuck!Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today:
  • 37. Mary, What to Do With Fear

    What do you do with a fear of failure when you've already quit your cushy job and now have to make your dream come true? Do you ignore it? Do you power through it? Or can you leverage it? Mary jumped into a huge life change with both feet and no life preserver (something Chris understands well as he did the same thing). It's sink or swim. And swimming gets a lot easier when you can use your fear to your advantage. It's a Mindfuck!Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today:
  • 36. Maggie's Integration: There's No Risk Here

    When Maggie first joined us on Mindfuck, she was feeling insecure, having a hard time drawing in the right type of clients, and wasn't living the messages she professed to believe in. What has changed since we last spoke to her? What tools did she use, what kinds of clients is she now serving, and what is the overall state of her business? See what has transformed for her on this integration edition of Mindfuck.Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today:
  • 35. Annemarie, The Dignity of Your Own Experience

    What do you do when you build an empire only to have to deal with death, divorce, and then a fire that burns it all down? Annemarie knows. And there is a fear associated with rebuilding her empire. Listen as Chris gets her to access the fear she hasn't faced in service to rebuilding her dream. It's a Mindfuck.Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today:
  • 34. Jamie's Integration: I am Looking at a Different Human

    What do you do when you haven't fully recognized that you've totally renegotiated your existence and are living in an alternate reality? You take an honest look at your massive accomplishments and celebrate yourself.Only one year ago, Jamie was in quite a mess. And all she wanted to do was improve her business performance. Chris saw a bigger potential. Today, Jamie has transformed her personal life, gotten off of her medications, and more than doubled her business. When you realize that you've accomplished all that you wanted and so much more, it really is a Mindfuck!Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today:
  • 33. Gary's Integration: Live Like a Lion

    Gary was growing and scaling his business and when we first spoke with him, he made some commitments to making some changes. We're checking in to see how things are going with him and how else we can support his success!Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today:
  • 32. Loren S., Your Inner Critic Has to Become Your Inner Cheerleader

    "Loren, don't make me work today". Chris doesn't like to work. So, although it took some time, Loren tapped into the deeper thing that had been jamming up his business, his marriage, and his life. Listen in as Chris shows him how to make huge shifts in very little time. It's a Mindfuck!Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today:
  • 31. Maggie, Your Authenticity is Your Natural Filter

    Maggie has it all... A wonderful fiancé, a growing business, and a bright future. She also has some alignment issues, a bit of depression, anxiety, trust challenges, an over-developed need for control, a harsh inner critic, a fixed mindset, dependent on successful outcomes to validate her being, and struggles with living the message that she broadcasts. This could take years in therapy. Or perhaps it will only take one episode of Mindfuck...Interested in doing a coaching session on the podcast with Chris? Apply today: