
cover art for Harris Goes After Trump. It's About Damn Time

The Social Contract with Joe Walsh

Harris Goes After Trump. It's About Damn Time

Trump was supposed to have a town hall last night and take questions from the audience. Instead, he stood on stage and swayed to music for 40 minutes. Democrats need to listen to working class voters. And too many people still don't know who Kamala Harris is. All that and more, here. Have a listen.

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  • Kamala, You Kicked Fox News's Butt Yesterday. Now Go On Hannity's Show.

    Kamala Harris engaged in an adversarial media interview yesterday on Fox News, and she did great. Unlike someone else we know, Kamala didn't whine or complain about it, she didn't hurl personal insults at her interviewer, instead she engaged respectfully, she was tough, and she delivered substantive answers. She should do more of these adversarial interviews.
  • America, Be Ready For The Day after Election Day

    A Georgia judge issued a super important ruling yesterday fighting back against MAGA's efforts to fuck around with the certification of election results. Pay attention to what MAGA is up to. They are now in positions of power to screw with election results.
  • Here Is Why This Race Is So Damn Close

    Again over the weekend, someone, almost in disbelief, asked me how could this race possibly be close? How could it be she asked. Trump is horrible, she said. How could it be close. The fact that these had to ask that showed me how out of touch she was. So I explained to her why the race is so close.
  • The Guy On The Ground (Me) Thinks Trump Is Winning. The Polling Analyst (Him) Disagrees. So We Sat Down.

    I sat down again with my favorite no bullshit polling analyst @realcarlallen because I'm on the ground in all the battleground states and it feels to me like Trump had the edge. Carl the pollster disagrees. So I pushed him hard to ease my fears. Have a listen.
  • We're In A Really Scary Place Right Now.

    It should matter. Character should matter. Integrity should matter. Decency should matter. But to way too many Trump supporters today, none of these traits matter anymore. None of them. Trump is an utterly horrible human being, yet, to his supporters, that doesn't matter. This is a scary place to be. A scary place for our entire country.
  • A Plea To Kamala. A Plea To MAGA. And A Back Of My Hand To Mitt.

    FEMA actually had to put out Hurricane information on their website as if they were speaking to five year olds. Mitt Romney thinks he's too damn important to publicly endorse Kamala Harris. And Kamala Harris can't ride a vibe to the White House. She's running against a lawless, un-American psychopath. She needs to act like it.
  • Donald Trump Believes America Is a Shit-hole Country. He's Wrong.

    The only way Donald Trump can win is to poison the minds of enough Americans into believing that America is a shithole country, a failing nation, a dark dystopian place. His only hope is to find enough Americans to believe his lies, enough Americans to buy into the fear. It's a disinformation campaign the likes of which we've never seen.
  • No Lara Trump. Democrats Aren't Evil. Hamas Is. Shame On You

    It's a dangerous road we're on. You begin by disagreeing with someone on an issue, then you say they're wrong, then you question their motives, then you want nothing to do with them, then you hate them, then you call them evil, and then comes political violence. To survive as a free country, we must get off this road.