
cover art for The Shot Podcast - Trailer 1

The Shot Podcast

The Shot Podcast - Trailer 1

A weekly podcast about Australia politics, power and corruption. Each week Jo Dyer, Grace Tame, Dave Milner and Charles Firth probe the myths and half-truths pushed by those in power. 

Sometimes profound, occasionally profane, The Shot podcast is always entertaining.

This year, leading independent researcher Ronni Salt will be making regular appearances on the podcast to talk about her own investigations.

If you're wanting a didactic account of power and politics in Australia, download something else. But if you're wanting a robust, honest and witty engagement with the big issues, The Shot podcast might be right up your alley.

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  • No Care, No Responsibility

    On the day we learned that no-one would be punished or be otherwise held accountable for the Robodebt catastrophe, Jo is joined by Anthony Klan, Founder and Editor of The Klaxon, to discuss the Klaxon’s ongoing series into the National Anti-Corruption Commission: its mishandling of the Royal Commission’s referrals, its counter-intuitive lack of transparency and the “recusal” that wasn’t.
  • Breaking Worse

    Jo and Ronni stage a Shot takeover to discuss the collapse of brainworm-infested RFK Jr’s US presidential campaign and the apparently-not-brainworm-infested Linda Reynolds' inexplicable campaign of cruelty against rape survivor Brittany Higgins.
  • Paltering, Poison and Profit

    As Dave’s European sojourn continues, Jo chats to Royce Kurmelovs about his excellent new book, Slick: Australia’s Toxic Relationship with Big Oil, an entertaining and enraging look at how the extractive industries plotted to keep mining and polluting even as they knew of their disastrous consequences. A fascinating and forensic account of Big Oil’s successful strategy to run down the clock that continues to this day.
  • Heed History’s Warning

    With Dave swanning around Europe, Jo interviews Dennis Glover on his cri de coeur Repeat: A Warning from History in which he argues the 20s and 30s have returned and draws scarifying analogies between Hitler and Stalin and Trump and Putin.
  • The Engine of Privilege

    Jo and Dave are joined by Myra and Clive Hamilton to discuss their book FOR THE FEW, a damning exposé of elite privilege and the central role of private schools in perpetuating it. And all hail Kamala!
  • Things are getting weird!

    Dave and Ronni rant about "virtue signalling" versus effective political protest, Penny Wong's "deep concern" about Gaza, the Republican National Convention starring Hulk Hogan and other assorted weirdos, and the suspiciously unhelpful anti-corruption commission
  • ANDREW FOWLER -- Nuked: The submarine fiasco that sank Australia’s sovereignty

    Jo and Dave are joined by Andrew Fowler to discuss the disaster that is AUKUS.
  • Julian Assange is free

    Dave and Ronni discuss the end of Julian Assange's 14 years in captivity, the uselessness of the National Anti Corruption Commission, and all matters truth and transparency. 
  • It's not Aniti-Semitic to want this to stop
