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The SEI Podcast Series

Bringing together thought leaders from across the University and beyond to tackle the greatest challenges of our time.

The Sydney Environment Institute, based at the University of Sydney, brings together thought leaders from across the University and beyond to tackle the greatest challenges of our time.

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  • Climate finance and debt, loss and damage (Climate justice and loss and damage in the Pacific conference)

    As climate change accelerates, Pacific Island nations face the twin challenges of increasing climate vulnerability and financial constraints that limit their ability to invest in resilience and recovery. This podcast will explore what a just and effective climate finance system could look like in the next decade and the structural barriers that must be overcome to achieve transformative change. This podcast was recorded as part of the Climate justice and loss and damage in the Pacific conference.Timestamps:00:51 - Introduction05:54 - Loss and damage debates need to engage with a dual debt crisis: the ecological debt owed by the Global North to the Global South and how this is entangled with broader questions of justice18:52 - The Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF) as the first Pacific-led, owned and managed regional resilience financing facility for community climate and disaster resilience31:29 - The dual challenge faced by many developing countries: unsustainable debt and increasing climate vulnerability42:50 - Q+ASpeakers:Associate Professor Kate Owens (Chair), Sydney Law School, University of SydneyFinau Soqo, Manager, Pacific Resilience FacilityMagalie Masamba, law and policy advisorDr Julia Dehm, La Trobe University

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  • Civil society organisations and self-organising communities (Climate justice and loss and damage in the Pacific conference)

    As climate change intensifies, Pacific Island communities are facing profound losses of land, livelihoods, cultural heritage, and ways of life. How can Pacific-led solutions shape just responses to loss and damage? This podcast was recorded as part of the Climate justice and loss and damage in the Pacific conference.Timestamps:00:50 - Introduction05:14 - Discussion of Pasifika Network Loss and Damage 12:53 - Building resilience and achieving climate justice in the Pacific26:20 - Exploring the gendered dimensions of rural Australian community disaster responses and resilience building, highlighting women’s experiences39:33 - Q+ASpeakers:Professor David Schlosberg (Chair), Sydney Environment Institute, University of SydneyVenaisi Uluilakeba, coordinator for the Pasifika Network Loss and DamageLavetanalagi (Lagi) Seru, climate justice activist Dr Rebecca McNaught, University Centre for Rural Health
  • Multispecies justice, loss and damage (Climate justice and loss and damage in the Pacific conference)

    As climate change intensifies, Pacific Island communities are facing profound losses of land, livelihoods, cultural heritage, and ways of life. How can Pacific-led solutions shape just responses to loss and damage? This podcast was recorded as part of the Climate justice and loss and damage in the Pacific conference.Timestamps:00:50 - Introduction05:15 - Foundational principles of multi-species justice (Dany Celermajer)16:50 - Recognising environmental legal rights in the South Pacific (Ed Couzens)30:30 - How the Paris Agreement fails to acknowledge the more-than-human (Rosemary Lyster)43:40 - Q+ASpeakers:Dr Scott Webster (Chair), Sydney Environment Institute, University of SydneyProfessor Danielle Celermajer, Sydney Environment Institute, University of SydneyAssociate Professor Ed Couzens, Sydney Law School, University of SydneyProfessor Rosemary Lyster, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney
  • UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development's insights on loss and damage

    In this instalment of the SEI Podcast Series, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development Professor Surya Deva unveils his Climate Justice: Loss and Damage report, just days after its presentation to the UN General Assembly. Professor Deva presents a climate justice framework with four pillars: mitigation, adaptation, remediation, and transformation, underpinned by 12 human rights principles. Professor Deva proposes a range of actions for states, international financial institutions, and businesses to address loss and damage.  Timestamps: 00:49 - Welcome and introduction by Professor Rosemary Lyster06:39 - Professor Deva's introductory remarks07:00 - Discussion on climate justice frameworks30:59 - Professor David Schlosberg's response38:00 - How do we implement the framework?39:18 - Professor Deva responds42:30 - Closing commentsSpeakers: Professor Surya Deva, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development  Professor Rosemary Lyster, climate justice and disaster law researcher  Professor David Schlosberg, Director of the Sydney Environment Institute  
  • Meeting the moment: lessons from the 'once in a lifetime' investment of the Biden Administration in Environmental Justice

    In this instalment of The SEI Podcast Series, renowned scholar Kyle Whyte will share his experiences serving the Biden administration, environmental justice organisations, and Tribal nations. In one of its earliest moves, the Biden Administration made a historic commitment to advancing environmental justice, significantly increasing federal programs, funding, and public awareness on the issue. This bold approach has been heralded as a "once in a lifetime" investment, creating new pathways for justice, equity, and environmental sustainability. But four years later, what has been the outcome? How have these expansive policies impacted the communities they were designed to serve? What are the successes, challenges, and ongoing barriers in this unprecedented investment?Timestamps00:50 - Introduction and welcome03:57 - Kyle's opening address30:52 - David and Kyle begin their discussion SpeakersProfessor Kyle Whyte, University of MichiganProfessor David Schlosberg, Sydney Environment Institute
  • Will putting a price on nature protect it?

    In this instalment of The SEI Podcast Series, hear from experts from as they explore if valuing nature economically can lead to responsible environmental stewardship or if it undermines its innate value. Can we balance the financial valuation of nature with ethical stewardship, or do market mechanisms risk commodifying what is inherently invaluable?Timestamps:00:50 - Welcome and introduction6:22 - Are there are mechanisms to protect what’s left of our natural world?10:22 - What role do financial markets in driving positive environmental outcomes?18:06 - How can governments better regulate nature markets to ensure transparency and effectiveness?24:26 - How can the concept of nature markets align with Indigenous and community approaches?30:40 - Heading towards 2040, how do we see a price on nature contributing to the protection of the environment? 38:50 - Q+ASpeakers:Professor Carolyn Hogg, ChairAriadne Gorring, Pollination FoundationProfessor Dieter Hochuli, University of SydneyJoshua Bishop, environmental economistRadha Kuppalli, investment advisor
  • Natural solutions: seawalls are not the only climate buffer

    In this instalment of The SEI Podcast Series, hear from experts as they explore the potential of nature-based solutions, like wetlands and mangroves, in acting as climate buffer infrastructure. They will share new findings from SEI’s project Examining climate buffer projects in the Philippines and feature other case studies from Australia and the Pacific, that address how justice and biodiversity issues can be addressed alongside climate adaptation solutions. Timestamps:00:51 - Welcome and introductions05:22 - How do mangroves function as a climate buffer?09:06 - The effectiveness of nature-based solutions compared with traditional engineering solutions13:00 - The importance of Indigenous and local knowledges on informing the design and implementation of nature-based solutions 17:45 - Overview of the Blue Heart Sunshine Coast Project and how project ownership and responsibility is shared with the local communities24:48 - How do we envision nature-based solutions transforming cities and rural landscapes to enhance climate resilience and biodiversity in the years ahead?33:54 - Q+A section46:03 - ConclusionSpeakers:Dr Justin See, Sydney Environment InstituteJazmin (Minet) Aguisanda-Jerusalem, Filipino disaster risk reduction expertDr Anneke van den Brink, marine ecologist and expert of nature-based solutions for coastal defenceDr Sonia Marshall, managing an adaptive floodplain management projectSuliasi Vunibola, researcher on Indigenous community resilience in the Pacific