
cover art for Periods - know your flow with Claire Baker

The Road to Know Her

Periods - know your flow with Claire Baker

Growing up we’re often taught to fear our period or hide it away and not talk about it, which eventually leads us to disconnect from our natural cycle. Menstruation is associated with pain, mood swings and wrapped in hygiene language. It's also so commonly seen as a weakness. Claire Baker is trying to reframe everything we know about menstruation and our cycles. If we lean into our cycle and listen closely, we can find so much more about ourselves and discover that we are actually rather predictable (and amazing!)

Claire Baker is a sought-after coach, speaker and author of ‘50 Things You Need To Know About Periods’. For nearly a decade Claire has taught thousands of women how to live in harmony with their menstrual cycle, rather than working against it.

Claire believes menstrual cycle awareness is the missing key in women’s wellbeing, empowerment and creativity, and her immersive online courses and workshops inspire women to know their flow and become the authority in their own lives. Claire’s online program Adore Your Cycle has students in over 35 countries.

We learnt SO much during this episode and found a new found respect for our natural cycles. Bring on Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter!

IG: @_clairebaker_

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    Join Alex & Emi as they take you through what to expect from the brand new Health & Wellness pod, The Road to Know Her.
  • 1. Why is gut health SO important? With Dr Megan Rossi

    34:08||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Welcome to The Road to Know Her's first episode!Women's Health is so often deprioritised in society, with a huge lack of education and knowledge about our own bodies throughout all stages of life. Join Alex & Emi as they chat with experts, unraveling the intricacies of the female body, empowering listeners to make informed choices about their health and wellness.Episode 1 is all about Gut Health. Dr Megan Rossi is considered one of the most influential gut health specialists internationally. She is a leading Research Fellow at King's College London, has written 3 fantastic books, is a dietitian, nutritionist AND founded The Gut Health Clinic in London. Her PhD in gut health received the Dean's Award top 5% for Outstanding Research Higher Degree. It's safe to say we're in safe hands with Megan!Dr Megan Rossi explains what Gut Health is and why it's so important. She gives us some brilliant tips to take away and implement, which can positively affect everything from our skin and immune system to our mental health.IG: @theguthealthdoctor by Tiffany Lai
  • Reframing Female Fitness with Dr Emma Ross

    The NHS stipulates that a person between the age of 19-64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity a week. So why do almost 50% of women not exercise at all?Girls are dropping out of sport at TWICE the rate of boys, and they often never return. Alex is one of those people, so you are not alone if this is you! We speak to Dr Emma Ross about this issue, and why moving our bodies is so crucial for our physical and mental health. We need to reframe female fitness - it should be about taking up space, not getting smaller.Dr Emma Ross is a science communicator at heart, and has worked with Olympic and Paralympic teams to bring a fresh understanding of what it means to be a female athlete. Emma believes that an understanding of how our biology and anatomy works, and how that influences body, behaviour and emotion has the potential to help women everywhere, in all walks of life, to capitalise on their untapped potential, reduce anguish and anxiety, and experience their life in a new way. She now co-runs The Well HQ which supports women in exercise with science backed findings, from high performance athletes to schoolgirls getting their first period. She has also co-authored the incredible book The Female Body Bible.
  • What does our skin really need? With Dr Natalia Spierings

    We are two self-confessed skincare junkies. Retinol, AHA’s, Vit C’s… you name it, we have it. But the world of skincare can often be overwhelming, and we can very easily slip into thinking we need more all the time. So today we want to find out what we REALLY need.Who better to do that with than Dr Natalia Spierings, who has a reputation for having a non-nonsense approach?! Dr Natalia is a UK trained practicing consultant dermatologist with a masters in Aesthetic Medicine. She is a frequent part of the specialist clinic on Channel 5’s Skin A&E and has just written a book Skintelligent which helps people navigate the confusing world of skincare. We ask Dr Natalia what is fact, what is fiction, and what we need in our cupboards. Be warned - if you're a skincare junkie you might not be pleased (but your bank balance and face will be!)
  • Fertility beliefs & treatments

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  • Muffs, bits, beavers (AKA, your Vulva)

    This episode is all about your foo-foo, AKA your 'bits', down-there, fanny, vajayjay, beaver, muff... the list goes on. We're so afraid to call it by it's anatomical name - our VULVA. So say it loud and say it proud! It's not naughty, it's not explicit, it's purely an anatomical word. This week we are joined by Dr Aziza Sesay, an NHS GP and GP Educator who has a strong passion for advocacy and empowerment, especially when it comes to women's health. She helps us break down the taboo of our vulvas, equipping us with knowledge on the proper names and what is 'normal' to experience down there. We speak about discharge, the effect of feminine hygiene products & tight clothing, pain during sex & periods, and how important it is to break down the stigma of talking about our vulvas and vaginas. Our bodies are made for pleasure not pain, and we need to be less embarrassed about checking ourselves in intimate areas so we can actually start cherishing our bodies and looking after them.Resources "This is the Vulva" by Jo Corrall
  • Supporting the Girls: A Guide to Breasts

    This episode is all about breasts! Half of the population has them, yet they're still this mystical, sexual, misunderstood part of the female anatomy. They’re too often one of two things: sexualised or used for feeding. We’re never actually taught how to care for them, check them & support them, let alone ENJOY them. So this week we speak to Dr Philippa Kaye, a GP, author, presenter and educator who wrote Breasts: An Owner’s Guide. An Owner's Guide
  • Navigating contraception & empowering sexual health

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