
The Progressive Rugby League Podcast

Grappling with Rugby League's place in an ever-changing world.

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  • PRL BOOK CLUB: Andrew Webster on The Wolf You Feed - Wayne Bennett: The Man, The Myth, The Mayhem

    How on earth does someone stay vital in Rugby League over six decades? What drives a man to continue coaching at the top level at an age when everyone else has either been pensioned off or has had enough?Andrew Webster has written a splendid biography on Wayne Bennett that goes deep on one of Rugby League's most significant all-time figures. The Wolf You Feed - Wayne Bennett, The Man, The Myth, The Mayhem dissects an extraordinary life and explains how family life and family strife shaped the man and the coach that has helped shape Rugby League.

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  • PRL BOOK CLUB - Paradise Estate by Max Easton

    Max Easton joins the pod to chat about his new novel Paradise Estate.A sequel to the Miles Franklin-nominated The Magpie Wing, Paradise Estate introduces us to a Hurlstone Park share house, including Rocco, who's making a late tilt at the Italian Rugby League World Cup squad.Like its predecessor, Paradise Estate is a brilliant Sydney snapshot, chronicling the real-life struggles of a generation as it faces up to the brutal reality of an economy and housing market totally stacked against them.And while far from a Rugby League novel, you can betcha bottom dollar we find a way to go deep on some alluring, but fundamental questions about the game in 2023.
  • Reboot episode - Professor Megan Davis on deep Rugby League connections and the Uluru Statement From the Heart

    We revisit our November 2021 chat with Professor Megan Davis that hopefully provides a little space and clarity amongst all the Referendum campaign din. All of course wrapped in a loving Rugby League blanket.This is an edited version of the original, which can still be found in the feed.
  • 126. PRL BOOK CLUB - Hope & Glory: Rugby League in Thatcher's Britain by Anthony Broxton

    Anthony Broxton joins the pod to chat about his thoroughly excellent new book Hope & Glory: Rugby League in Thatcher's Britain.A turbulent period for the country meets an ambitious time for British Rugby League. How did it all come to be? And how can we make sense of it 30-40 years on?
  • 125. PRL 9 May 2023 - The Rules of Rugby League Engagement with Matt Cecchin

    Former NRL referee Matt Cecchin joins us for a special Adjudication Edition of the PRL Podcast.Matt comes out of retirement to ref our specially convened match to help us better understand some of the grey areas of our great game. And in between rulings, Matt thoughtfully reflects on a storied career in the middle.The PRL Podcast takes full responsibility for all whistle sounds within this episode.
  • 124. PRL 29 March 2023 - William McInnes on Redcliffe and the Dolphins and what it all means

    What does the Dolphins' entry into the NRL actually mean for the character and make-up of South-East Queensland Rugby League?Celebrated Australian author and actor, and Redcliffe Dolphins fan from way back, William McInnes gives us 110% and then some, as he reflects on his personal history with the Redcliffe region, the Dolphins and the old Brisbane Rugby League.William also lays the richest foundation yet seen (by us anyway) for the burgeoning Dolphins-Broncos rivalry.
  • PRL BOOK CLUB - The Change Room by Matt Elliott

    We're back for another year! And what better way to kick things off than with a chat with one of the most interesting Rugby League minds, Matt Elliott.We discuss some of the themes of his new book, The Change Room: Play The Game of Your Life and dip into some of his experiences from a lifetime in Rugby League, including some candid reflections from his coaching career.