
cover art for BIG POLL WARNINGS - for Tories, SNP & Biden

The Ponsonby and Massie Podcast

BIG POLL WARNINGS - for Tories, SNP & Biden

Ep. 12

With some recent polls predicting the SNP and Conservatives will be reduced to a rump of MPs at the General Election on Thurs 4th July, Bernard and Alex have a health warning for pollsters and politicians alike. Can these polls be trusted and do they have the nuance to pick up on constituency level sentiments?

Plus, it was the issue the Democrats didn't want to face up to but after a challenging and unedifying televised debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the US. The Democrats can no longer avoid their choice of candidate for the Presidential race.

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    YOU CAN GET OUR FREE WALLCHART HERE - Episode is in 2 parts PART 1 - 0 mins - 17 mins - ELECTION NIGHT INSIGHTS - Alex asks Bernard to share his insights on how presenters cope with overnight election programmes. PART 2 - 17 mins - 39mins - WHAT TO WATCH FOR - Bernard and Alex give you a brief on what to watch out for on the night (from a Scottish perspective) using our free wallchart. The 2024 General Election - Get ready.
  • 11. Your Questions Answered....

    Bernard and Alex do their best to answer your questions sent in to ponsonbymassie@gmail.comQuestions this episode from;Darren McGarvey @lokiscottishrap (X)Rob Shorthouse @bobtwopointoh (X)John Duffy @johnduffy512 (Youtube)Colin Thompson @colinthompson3111 (Youtube)Argyll Loon @argyllloon (X)Luca Brasi @hickslike22 (X)Ewen Kennedy @ewangkennedy (X)Skegness Grammar School - @PoliticsSgs (X)George Watsons - S2 Modern Studies classRawlins Academy @RawlinsPolitics (X)Martin Shaw @martinshawx (X)Prof Thomas House @TAH_Sci (X)Paul (The Producer) - @paulhughes01 (X)Andy LeightonKathleen Thorburn
  • 10. JK Rowling, Nigel Farage & Stampgate

    Bernard and Alex on .....The effect of Farage and ReformWill JK Rowling's gender recognition reform criticism of Labour come back to haunt the party?Stampgate - Will allegations of the SNP using MSPs expenses to pay for election campaign stamps re-ignite memories of previous scandals for voters?... and Scotland exiting the Euros. Bernard and Alex said they weren't going to speak about football but it was the first thing they mentioned.
  • 9. Major Yougov/SKY Poll + SNP & Labour Manifestos

    Yougov sampled 39,979 in a super poll that shows the Conservatives reduced to 108 seats.The SNP & Labour Manifestos are out. Bernard and Alex give insight and analysis into the latest developments in the UK General Election 2024.
  • 8. The SNP Malaise - "I think you need Dyno-rod in to that [SNP] front bench"

    Bernard and Alex discuss the SNP's electoral chances and what the election result means to the SNP's cause of independence. They are joined by former SNP MSP, investigative journalist and life-long independence campaigner, Dorothy-Grace Elder who doesn't hold back in her criticism of John Swinney. DGE describes John Swinney as a "Sturgeonista" who "slides and slithers" and "is very much an acolyte of whoever sat on him last". She continues "I think you need Dynorod in to that [SNP] front bench".What do you think abut the SNP's prospects at the General Election? Let us know.
  • 7. Who is Keir Starmer? We have the answers from his biographer, Tom Baldwin.

    "MUST LISTEN" EPISODE - An incredible insight into the man who will most likely be Prime Minister from the man who knows him better than most - his biographer, Tom Baldwin.Tom discusses what makes Keir Starmer tick, his background, his politics and what we can expect from him in Government.
  • 6. Scottish Leaders' Debate - Euro Fever - Conservative Manifesto

    SCOTTISH LEADERS DEBATE - TORY MANIFESTO - EURO FEVER * SCOTTISH LEADERS DEBATE - Bernard thinks there may have been a few plants in the audience* CONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO - Massie - Family visa policy is a "Love Tax"* EURO FEVER - Do marginal factors effect marginal constituencies as Scotland and England prepare for the Euros ahead of election?Massie - "Scotland will be home before the postal votes".** PRODUCER'S SPOLIER ALERT - Ponsonby and Massie are wrong about everything to do with the Euros.General Election Euro 2024
  • 5. ASK BERNARD & ALEX - Your Questions Answered

    Alex and Bernard attempt to answer your questions. *Spoiler Alert" They had 30 or 40 questions to get through and managed about 5 or 6 because they chatted so much. Apologies if you sent in a questions and didn't get it answered!* Alex reminds Bernard of the time he stood as a candidate .... and lost his deposit.* Turnout?* General Election implications for Holyrood election in 2026