
cover art for A Midsummer Night's Dream: Act III

The Play's the Thing

A Midsummer Night's Dream: Act III

Which Midsummer Night's character would you be and why? How the Christianizing of England might have shaped Oberon and Titania into something different from the Greek gods. 

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  • Macbeth: Act I (rerun)

    Welcome back to The Play's the Thing, where we discuss Shakespeare's canon, one act at a time.In this episode, David, Tim, and Heidi dive into one of the great tragedies, Macbeth. Topics of conversation include the play's reputation, the suspicions surrounding performance of the play, the weird sisters and their role, Macbeth's response to them, Lady Macbeth's desire to be evil, and much more.Remember: subscribe, rate, review!
  • As You Like It: Bonus Episode (rerun)

    In this bonus episode, Tim chats with four first-time student-actors about their experience performing scenes from As You Like It and other Shakespeare plays.If you like this episode be sure to rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts.
  • As You Like It: Act V (rerun)

    Welcome back to this series on Shakespeare's classic comedy, As You Like It! In this series Tim and Heidi discuss love and disorder in Shakespearean comedy, the natural world versus the civilized world, Rosalind's delightfulness, and how Shakespeare can help us deal with the self-quarantine blues.Remember to rate and review if you like this episode!
  • As You Like It: Act IV (rerun)

    Welcome back to this series on Shakespeare's classic comedy, As You Like It! In this series Tim and Heidi discuss love and disorder in Shakespearean comedy, the natural world versus the civilized world, Rosalind's delightfulness, and how Shakespeare can help us deal with the self-quarantine blues.Remember to rate and review if you like this episode!
  • As You Like It: Act III (rerun)

    Welcome back to this series on Shakespeare's classic comedy, As You Like It! In this series Tim and Heidi discuss love and disorder in Shakespearean comedy, the natural world versus the civilized world, Rosalind's delightfulness, and how Shakespeare can help us deal with the self-quarantine blues.Remember to rate and review if you like this episode!
  • As You Like It: Act II (rerun)

    Welcome back to this series on Shakespeare's classic comedy, As You Like It! In this series Tim and Heidi discuss love and disorder in Shakespearean comedy, the natural world versus the civilized world, Rosalind's delightfulness, and how Shakespeare can help us deal with the self-quarantine blues.Remember to rate and review if you like this episode!
  • As You Like It: Act I (rerun)

    Welcome to our new series on Shakespeare's classic comedy, As You Like It! In this series Tim and Heidi discuss love and disorder in Shakespearean comedy, the natural world versus the civilized world, Rosalind's delightfulness, and how Shakespeare can help us deal with the self-quarantine blues.Remember to rate and review if you like this episode!
  • Julius Caesar: Act V (rerun)

    This episode is brought to you The Classic Learning Test - a fantastic alternative to the ACT and SAT. Learn more at back to The Play's the Thing, where we're working through Shakespeare one act at a time. Today Heidi, Brian, and Matt discuss Act V of Julius Caesar, focusing on the nature of tragedy, Shakespearean chiastic structures, and whether Brutus died a hero.Remember: Subscribe, rate, review!
  • Julius Caesar: Act IV (rerun)

    Welcome back to The Play's the Thing, where Heidi, Matt, and Brian discussing Julius Caesar. This episode is all about act IV and topics of conversation include the shifting dynamics in the aftermath of Caesar's death + suicide, failed rhetoric, and the tension between conspirators.Remember: subscribe, rate, review!