
cover art for Historical Political Conspiracies--Complete

The Paranoid Strain

Historical Political Conspiracies--Complete

Hi, everybody. This is our first show with our new hosting service, so hopefully you're receiving this the same way you did previously, and nothing wonky has happened with your feeds. If it has, all apologies. This, as promised, is the complete, full-length politics episode, with all six previous short episode stitched together into a giant Frankenstein's monster of an audio behemoth--three and a half hours of previously released glory. There are a few new things to enjoy here. For example, we did a little wrap-up and the full credits at the end. Then, after the theme song, we included full-length versions of all of the new music the Paranoid Strain orchestra created for this series. And finally, at the very, very end, we may have a little easter egg from Ms. Unicorn.

We suppose we've got some new folks listening to us, thanks to our brand new podcast network. If another show in the That's Not Canon roster sent you our way, we're glad to have you. We'll be returning the favor by promoting some of our new favorites on future episodes.

Finally, we may have been able to insert a couple of advertisements into the show, if we figured it out correctly. Hope they don't bother you, but we're happy to hear what you think about all of these changes going on with your favorite anti-conspiracy podcast. Drop us a line, won't you, at

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  • 12. New! Unidentified--The 66 trillion year-old Shabazz UFO, and the still-unidentified Oumuamua

    As promised, we're finally talking about UFOs in the UFO series. This time, we cover the long-overdue return of the Mother Plane prophesied by the Nation of Islam, as well as the decidedly odd interstellar object discovered back in 2017, that seemed briefly as if it might be a sign of extraterrestrial intelligence, Oumuamua.
  • New! Unidentified--Wait, is Cthulhu just an Ancient Alien?

    On our way out of the ancient aliens door, we explore a few miscellaneous but still really interesting sub-topics, including out-of-place artifacts, the Ancient Aliens TV show and its discontents, and finally a book that suggests, convincingly, that HP Lovecraft's cosmic horrors were a major inspiration for Erich von Daniken's bullshit, and everything that came later. Next time, swear to god, we'll cover a topic that actually isn't ancient aliens. Weird, right?
  • 10. New! Unidentified--Graham Hancock, Ancient Aliens, and the Chad Rogaine Experience

    We discuss the woe-is-me posturing of non-scientist Graham Hancock, and his ludicrous theories about an advanced civilization wiped out by the last ice age, which spread its knowledge far and wide, and thus is responsible for all of the ancient structures we normally credit to people like the Egyptians, the Mayans, etcetera. I should mention we had a strange interference pattern occur during the recording process, but I'm sure nothing untoward, or very Stupid, happened. See you in a couple of weeks.
  • 9. New! Unidentified, Episode 9: Nibiru needs gold--and sperm, for some reason

    This is the end of the Zecharia Sitchin part of this very weird series. But there's still more Ancient Astronauts to come. This time, we learn more about the Annunaki, and how apparently they need human gametes. These Nibiru aliens are straight-up freaks, yo.
  • 8. New! Unidentified, Episode 7: Fear of a 12th planet--Nibiru and the Ancient Astronauts

    We're continuing our tour through the life's work of Zecharia Sitchin, this time exploring in-depth his very strange rendition of the ancient Babylonian Creation myth. According to Zechy, an unknown 12th (Why 12th? It's weird) planet did a bunch of shit to our inner solar system, including creating the Earth and Moon, before retreating back on its 3600 year orbit. And the ancient Mesopotamians learned all about it from their alien, Annunaki overlords. It's a hoot!
  • 7. New! Unidentified, Episode 7: Zecharia Sitchin's made-up Ancient Aliens history

    We finally introduce arguably the second-most-important ancient aliens conspiracy theorist, shipping executive, amateur researcher, and adorable little old man Zecharia Sitchin. He's just as wrong and bull-headed as von Daniken, but we find him both more imaginative and more pleasant than his Swiss rival. Plus, we have an expert, Dr. David Miano, who's ready to shed some much-needed knowledge over Sitchin's nonsense cavalcade. Enjoy!
  • 6. New! Unidentified, Episode 6: It was the Ancient Alien, with the Crystal Skull, in the Metal Library

    Somehow, we're still talking about Ancient Aliens, This time, we're continuing with our examination of Philip Coppens' work in this area. We consider his best arguments for the idea, find them wanting, and then tear apart the crystal skull and metal library nonsense. Come on along. It's a good time. See you in two weeks.
  • 5. New! Unidentified, Episode 5: Do the Ancient Aliens enthusiasts have a point?

    Don't let our title fool you. We haven't gone soft on the horsefeathers that is Ancient Aliens theory. But in this episode, we do find the best, most rigorous book on the topic written by an enthusiast, try to give him the benefit of the doubt, and then realize that his worldview is still fatally flawed. Plus, we talk strawmen versus steelmen arguments. Fun is had by all!
  • 4. New! Unidentified, Episode 4: O-negative blood type? You're probably an Ancient Alien

    Episode 4 is all up in that Basque. Ok, so that joke deson't work. But the episode does! Learn why von Daniken acolyte Nick Redfern is pretty sure the Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France are totes aliens, you guys. Oh, and if you have a "negative" instead of a "positive" blood type--guess what? You're an ET, too. Come explore this very dumb idea with us.