
The Paragraph Challenge Podcast .Specialist on all things Dyslexic

Anne Marie is the author of ”A Bridge Between Two Me’s” which is now a global seller and tells her story of her journey over the last 17 years helping her clients with dyslexia.

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  • 6. Anne Marie and Lucy Cronly Talk about 6th year student holidays

    As the leaving cert and college exams finish young people are heading off on exciting holidays. for many this is their first time abroad without parents. This is a hugely exciting time for them and a great opportunity to grow both emotionally and physically, as well as expanding their horizons and their experience of the world.Myself and Lucy chat about how to equip your children with tools that they need to embrace this opportunity safely. We discuss some simple steps to discuss with your teens and young adults about how they can safely make the best of their holidays. This includes these young adults having conversations together and coming up with a set of agreements that will work for them as a group, so they can have a wonderful holiday

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  • 5. Anne Marie talks to Lucy Cronly about The Right Shoes

    "The Right Shoes" what are the right shoes! did you know that shoes can provoke connections and conversations. have a listen and find out how you can connect with others with a pair of shoes.
  • 4. Anne Marie and Lucy talk about Listening

    "There is as much wisdom in listening as there is in speaking" Today myself Anne-Marie Beggs and Lucy discuss this why this statement is true. How is that particularly relevant to students starting exams tomorrow and why they are their own best friends.
  • 3. Anne Marie talks to Lucy Cronly about exam stress

    For mental health awareness week I wanted to share some insights into the world of teenagers. todays podcast with Lucy Cronly we discuss Exam Stress this is one of the biggest causes among teens. Myself and Lucy share tips on how you can support our teenagers to allow them to grow and flourish during exams and beyond. #mentalhealthawarnessweek
  • 2. Anne Marie talks to Lucy Cronly Discuss "the Essence of Adolescence

    In this podcast Anne-Marie and Lucy discuss how we can support adolescent as they start to make their way into the world. Why their way of thinking and viewing the world is very different than ours, and why at times this can cause conflict. But that if we can find a bridge between their thinking, and our own, we can step into their wisdom and they can learn to appreciate ours.
  • 1. Anne Marie talks to Lucy Cronly WIN Professional Life Coach

    Lucy and Anne Marie discus why teenagers are struggling in todays world and talk about how they can help.Lucy is Accredited Life Coach. Her mission is to listen with heart, head and gut so that your wisdom can be accessed, gaps can be bridged and you can be your best self. She work with individuals and groups to enable them to understand themselves better and move forward in their lives with clarity and purpose. Lucy has worked in Social Care for over 30 years and as a Social Care Manager (from 1996) in residential care and in a community setting. Creating a culture of respect, understanding, compassion and empathy to support young people and their families was her goal. In seeking to understand the development of culture and empathy she wrote her dissertation on mapping the emotional system of residential care. She subsequently wrote a paper which was published based on the findings of my dissertation.This is Lucy's website find her on linked in just go to
  • 44. Anne Marie talks to Sophie from Spikes Sight Words

    Anne Marie talks to Sophie from Spikes Sight Words. Sophie is a mum of two, with a background is in film and television and in Qatar I worked for a global news channel.Sophie talks to Anne Marie about why she developed a board game for her son who had no interest in reading and how Spikes Sight Words was board.If you want more information on Sophie just go to